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Xinjiang and the Afghanistan scenario, US design to turn Xinjiang into Afghanistan 2.0


Nov 4, 2011
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Xinjiang and the Afghanistan scenario

By Dan Steinbock
July 12, 2021


Recently, the Trump and Biden administrations have been pressuring China about Xinjiang. What drives these efforts is the Cold Warriors' Afghanistan 2.0 scenario.

SINCE Sept. 11, 2001, America's foray into the Middle East and Central Asia has resulted in repeated violations of international law, massive bloodshed and unwarranted wars, according to critics.

In China, Uighur extremists committed more than 200 acts of terrorism with over 160 deaths between 1990 and 2001. In the past two decades, Uighur groups have escalated terrorism with the support of foreign jihadists, far-right groups and external backing.

In July 2020, the United Nations noted the presence of thousands of Uighur fighters in Afghanistan and Syria. Oddly, the Trump administration supported these "moderate jihadists." In terms of timing, the reversal in Washington's policies followed the trade-war stalemate with China.

For years, the United States had classified the Uighur East Turkestan Islamic Movement as a terrorist group, battled Uighur fighters in Afghanistan and held many as prisoners. Yet, in November 2020, former secretary of state Mike Pompeo delisted the movement as a terrorist organization.

The strategic objective of the reversal, observers believe, is to support destabilization in Xinjiang. The Biden administration seems to have opted for a similar approach. The lessons of the recent decades should necessitate caution with such policy changes.

Afghanistan's dire realities

Since the 1980s and particularly after Sept. 11, 2001, Afghanistan has been the prime recipient of billions of dollars of US economic and military aid. Between 1950 and 2020, the United States sold almost $16-billion worth of weapons to Afghanistan, two-thirds of which were exchanged since 2016, according to congressional research.

Despite massive aid, Afghan gross domestic product (GDP) per capita remains barely $1,900 - at par with Yemen and Sierra Leone. Inequality compounds the challenges. The wealthy 10 percent of the population own 45 percent of national income.

Since 2001, some 241,000 people have been killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Over 71,000 of those killed have been civilians. Meanwhile, the United States has suffered over 22,000 military casualties including 2,400 fatalities in Afghanistan.

As a recent congressional report concluded, "future prospects of gains remain mixed."

In the past two decades, the US Congress has appropriated a whopping $143 billion for "reconstruction" and "security forces" in Afghanistan. However, this lucrative bonanza seems to have benefited defense contractors and privatized security forces rather than the Afghan people as their low per capita incomes suggest.

Xinjiang's development realities

In northeastern China, Xinjiang is one of the 12 provincial-level administrative entities that has been included in China's Western territories' development strategy since 2000. Between 2014 and 2019, Xinjiang's economy increased annually by 7.2 percent as nearly 3 million residents were lifted out of poverty.

Urbanization rate climbed from 37 percent to 50 percent, which is at par with that of Thailand. Purchasing-power adjusted GDP per capita rose to the Indonesian level.

Xinjiang has 26 million people, almost half of whom are Uighur Muslims who were not subject to China's one-child policy that prevailed nationwide until 2015. China has favored economic policies that have more in common with "affirmative action"-style efforts in the United States.

Xinjiang has been the target of a huge influx of investments connected to the "19 Provinces and Cities support Xinjiang" central plan. Obviously, China has promoted economic development in Xinjiang to foster growth and prosperity, in part to preempt radicalization through cross-border infiltration via Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Externally, the key role belongs to the massive Belt and Road Initiative, in which Xinjiang serves as the Chinese gate to the West.

Thanks to development, Xinjiang's per capita incomes on average are today 50 and 75 percent higher than in Pakistan and Afghanistan, respectively.

Nonetheless, the architects of regional friction are disinterested in such outcomes. They see China as Soviet Union 2.0 and Xinjiang as Afghanistan 2.0.

Afghanistan 2.0 scenario

In 1979 to 1989, the Central Intelligence Agency, supported by the British MI6, armed and funded Afghan mujahideen to drive the Soviet troops from and achieve regime change in Afghanistan. Today, the same dream is cherished for Xinjiang.

The CIA played the key role in the 1980s multibillion-dollar Operation Cyclone, which armed the Islamic mujahideen against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Ironically, it also came to fund and train the future founders of Al-Qaeda, including Osama bin Laden, and other jihadist groups.

After two decades of hollow pledges of peace and stability, US credibility has collapsed in Afghanistan. Former president Hamid Karzai has criticized the United States and called its legacy a disaster as it leaves the country embroiled by more extremism than when it came in.

As the Taliban is about to return to power, US intelligence experts expect the Afghan government to survive only six to 12 months. That's the legacy of two decades of fatal military interventions. The ensuing instability could spill over across the borders.

That's why in the recent trilateral dialogue meeting, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan pledged to strengthen economic, political and security ties. If peace is given a chance, stability could make economic development viable.

What is certain is that an Afghanistan 2.0 scenario in Xinjiang would amount to a nightmare with global repercussions.

Dr. Dan Steinbock is the founder of Difference Group and has served as research director at the India, China and America Institute (USA) and visiting fellow at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China) and the EU Center (Singapore). For more, see https://www.differencegroup.net/

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Those Pakistani members (majority of whom lives in western countries) that keep criticising China for Xinjiang's related issues and support US stance on the issue should also know that this is a scheme to not just destabilise China but also harm Pakistan. China was supposed to use CPEC route exports from proposed and under development industries from Xinjiang. Otherwise it makes no sense to transport a Shenzhen made product first to Pak China border, than to Karachi/Gwadar port and than to other destinations through sea. Transporting products from Manufacturing hubs of China to Pak China border alone is some 3000 km journey. Which makes it financially not feasible.

West is not just destabilising China but also putting hurdles to Pakistan's plans for growth. Short sighted Pakistanis should know this.
I don't think most Pakistanis want an Afghanistan 2.0 to become her new neighbor. Those radicals hate Pakistan equally as they do about China, their dream is to help India to destroy Pakistan.

Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader
By: Huma Siddiqui|
Published: August 29, 2020 2:27 PM
"If we can stop China backing Pakistan, then the question of Jammu and Kashmir can be peacefully solved," Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress said.


Islamabad, he added is using religion to fan terrorism in both Kashmir and Afghanistan. (Image: Facebook/Ilshat Kokbore)

China has to be stopped from backing Pakistan. And India can play a vital role when it joins other local superpowers in doing so. Only when China-Pakistan nexus is broken can the issue of Kashmir between India and Pakistan solved, according to a senior Uyghur leader, currently in self-imposed exile in the United States. He also went on to call Pakistan “a fake democracy, living in the Middle Ages”. Islamabad, he added is using religion to fan terrorism in both Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Releasing a 48-page Report on ‘Comparative Study of Human Development and Human Rights in Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan’ done by Delhi-headquartered think-tank Law and Society Alliance, Ilshat Hassan Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress, echoed similar emotions.

“If we can stop China backing Pakistan, then the question of Jammu and Kashmir can be peacefully solved,” Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress said.

“For finding a solution for Uighur and Jammu and Kashmir issues, we need to stop China. The route is in China and this is the number one threat to humanity,” Kokbore added, while sharing his thoughts at a webinar, speaking through video conferencing from Washington DC.

“I don’t think without China’s support, Pakistan can continue its terrorism. If we counter China, Pakistan will come to the table to find a solution to the Jammu and Kashmir question.”

Other speakers at the webinar included Kashmiri-origin senior journalist Aarti Tikoo, social activist and political analyst Yana Mirchandani, and Chairman of Sunrise in Kashmir Faaiz Dijoo.

For countering counter China, the Uighur leader said India must support the cause of democracy in China, particularly the movements in Hong Kong, Tibet, and East Turkestan. “We shall find a solution to the Uyghur issue if China becomes a democracy. And India could find a solution to the border issue.”

Criticizing Muslim-majority nations for their silence on the persecution of Uyghur’s, Kokbore said that the world has resorted to appeasement of China. “Countries like the US, Europe are speaking, India has started to speak, we have not heard anything from the Islamic and Turkic world. They are all silent and are going into bilateral agreements with China. We are left with no choice.”

In her comments, Aarti Tikoo quoted the Freedom House Index to highlight that people of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan were not enjoying freedom at all, while the people of Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed much more freedom. Tikoo blamed Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir for the security-related curbs to freedoms that one witnesses today in the region that has completed one year as a union territory earlier this month.

Sharing her views on the human rights condition, Tikoo said India had given access to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and other prominent international human rights groups to study the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Contrarily, Pakistan has never given access to international human rights defenders to Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

On the attempts of Pakistan to change the demography of Azad Kashmir and G-B, she highlighted, “Pakistan has ensured a rapid demographic change in Azad Kashmir and G-B through laws and by settling down populations from other parts of Pakistan. In the last 70 years, India ensured that there is no demographic change in the population in J&K and it continues to maintain a Muslim-majority character. The only community that was ethnically cleansed were Kashmiri Hindus. Hence, Pakistan was able to ensure a demographic change in Azad Kashmir & G-B, and the Indian side of J&K as well.”

Dijoo, in his remarks argued in favour of relaxing the communication curbs that include lack of 4G mobile phone connectivity, and for reopening of schools and colleges that have remained closed since the Article 370 of the Indian constitution was rendered ineffective by the Indian parliament in August last year. And has suggested the Indian government needs to create avenues to produce revenues. “The entire Kashmir is being trapped in drugs abuse now. We need to engage and address the youth. That is how we are going to make a change.”

Yana Mirchandani argued that in the earlier regimes in Jammu and Kashmir, funds allocated by the Indian government were gobbled up by corrupt politicians in the erstwhile state. “The politicians of the erstwhile state and Article 370 of the Indian constitution did not allow the people of Kashmir to bond with the Indian state. That was the reason the Indian parliament had to do away with Article 370 and the discriminatory Article 35A.”

She noted that the Indian Army that was deployed to protect the local population from terror attacks are being stone-pelted by vested interests in the state. “Personal vendettas between two locals that result in crimes are blamed on the Indian Army and the force that is there to protect us is being painted as the villain,” she said.

Those Pakistani members (majority of whom lives in western countries) that keep criticising China for Xinjiang's related issues and support US stance on the issue should also know that this is a scheme to not just destabilise China but also harm Pakistan. China was supposed to use CPEC route exports from proposed and under development industries from Xinjiang. Otherwise it makes no sense to transport a Shenzhen made product first to Pak China border, than to Karachi/Gwadar port and than to other destinations through sea. Transporting products from Manufacturing hubs of China to Pak China border alone is some 3000 km journey. Which makes it financially not feasible.

West is not just destabilising China but also putting hurdles to Pakistan's plans for growth. Short sighted Pakistanis should know this.

The is like a rotting corpse, it's attempts at maligning China is only because it did not foresee an alliance between Russia and China. Today, the West's plan of pitting China against Russia has backfired on them, big time. Anyone stupid enough to question my statement, I suggest their dumba$$es go read what had to say on the subject Zbigniew Brzezinski. And in case your dumb@$$es don't know who Brzezinski was, he President Carter's National Security Advisor and sat the board of the Tri-Lateral Commission.
The local Xinjiang population don't want to be Afghanistan 2.0 designed by US for them, this is for sure.
Pakistan should ask China for a kind of settlement, that would allow the Muslims of Xinjiang, who want to leave the country, to settle abroad in Turkey, Turkmenistan and other Central Asian States. Their rehabilitation should be funded by a group of countries that could include, Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia etc. I say this because China will not tolerate Muslims on their land and will indoctrinate them to a point where future generations of Uighurs would only produce pagans and infidels singing CCP rhymes.

I am against foreign intervention in Xinjiang to solely destabilize China, but the way in which China is dealing with the issue, will only create problems for China itself, and it deeply worries the muslim world. China could go ahead and execute every single muslim man in Xinjiang, to get rid of them once and for all, but opression is something, that always backfires.

There should be a middle ground where muslims can live in Xinjiang peacefully while at the same time, radical non-state actors funded by US can be eliminated and prevented from operating.
I don't think most Pakistanis want an Afghanistan 2.0 to become her new neighbor. Those radicals hate Pakistan equally as they do about China, their dream is to help India to destroy Pakistan.

Pakistan a fake democracy, India needs to break Pak’s nexus with China, says self-exiled Uyghur leader
By: Huma Siddiqui|
Published: August 29, 2020 2:27 PM
"If we can stop China backing Pakistan, then the question of Jammu and Kashmir can be peacefully solved," Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress said.


Islamabad, he added is using religion to fan terrorism in both Kashmir and Afghanistan. (Image: Facebook/Ilshat Kokbore)

China has to be stopped from backing Pakistan. And India can play a vital role when it joins other local superpowers in doing so. Only when China-Pakistan nexus is broken can the issue of Kashmir between India and Pakistan solved, according to a senior Uyghur leader, currently in self-imposed exile in the United States. He also went on to call Pakistan “a fake democracy, living in the Middle Ages”. Islamabad, he added is using religion to fan terrorism in both Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Releasing a 48-page Report on ‘Comparative Study of Human Development and Human Rights in Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan’ done by Delhi-headquartered think-tank Law and Society Alliance, Ilshat Hassan Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress, echoed similar emotions.

“If we can stop China backing Pakistan, then the question of Jammu and Kashmir can be peacefully solved,” Kokbore, Director of the Chinese Affairs Department of the World Uyghur Congress said.

“For finding a solution for Uighur and Jammu and Kashmir issues, we need to stop China. The route is in China and this is the number one threat to humanity,” Kokbore added, while sharing his thoughts at a webinar, speaking through video conferencing from Washington DC.

“I don’t think without China’s support, Pakistan can continue its terrorism. If we counter China, Pakistan will come to the table to find a solution to the Jammu and Kashmir question.”

Other speakers at the webinar included Kashmiri-origin senior journalist Aarti Tikoo, social activist and political analyst Yana Mirchandani, and Chairman of Sunrise in Kashmir Faaiz Dijoo.

For countering counter China, the Uighur leader said India must support the cause of democracy in China, particularly the movements in Hong Kong, Tibet, and East Turkestan. “We shall find a solution to the Uyghur issue if China becomes a democracy. And India could find a solution to the border issue.”

Criticizing Muslim-majority nations for their silence on the persecution of Uyghur’s, Kokbore said that the world has resorted to appeasement of China. “Countries like the US, Europe are speaking, India has started to speak, we have not heard anything from the Islamic and Turkic world. They are all silent and are going into bilateral agreements with China. We are left with no choice.”

In her comments, Aarti Tikoo quoted the Freedom House Index to highlight that people of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan were not enjoying freedom at all, while the people of Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed much more freedom. Tikoo blamed Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir for the security-related curbs to freedoms that one witnesses today in the region that has completed one year as a union territory earlier this month.

Sharing her views on the human rights condition, Tikoo said India had given access to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and other prominent international human rights groups to study the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Contrarily, Pakistan has never given access to international human rights defenders to Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

On the attempts of Pakistan to change the demography of Azad Kashmir and G-B, she highlighted, “Pakistan has ensured a rapid demographic change in Azad Kashmir and G-B through laws and by settling down populations from other parts of Pakistan. In the last 70 years, India ensured that there is no demographic change in the population in J&K and it continues to maintain a Muslim-majority character. The only community that was ethnically cleansed were Kashmiri Hindus. Hence, Pakistan was able to ensure a demographic change in Azad Kashmir & G-B, and the Indian side of J&K as well.”

Dijoo, in his remarks argued in favour of relaxing the communication curbs that include lack of 4G mobile phone connectivity, and for reopening of schools and colleges that have remained closed since the Article 370 of the Indian constitution was rendered ineffective by the Indian parliament in August last year. And has suggested the Indian government needs to create avenues to produce revenues. “The entire Kashmir is being trapped in drugs abuse now. We need to engage and address the youth. That is how we are going to make a change.”

Yana Mirchandani argued that in the earlier regimes in Jammu and Kashmir, funds allocated by the Indian government were gobbled up by corrupt politicians in the erstwhile state. “The politicians of the erstwhile state and Article 370 of the Indian constitution did not allow the people of Kashmir to bond with the Indian state. That was the reason the Indian parliament had to do away with Article 370 and the discriminatory Article 35A.”

She noted that the Indian Army that was deployed to protect the local population from terror attacks are being stone-pelted by vested interests in the state. “Personal vendettas between two locals that result in crimes are blamed on the Indian Army and the force that is there to protect us is being painted as the villain,” she said.

Stopped reading when reached asylum in USA lol
saying things which masters want to hear nothing else
Pakistan should ask China for a kind of settlement, that would allow the Muslims of Xinjiang, who want to leave the country, to settle abroad in Turkey, Turkmenistan and other Central Asian States. Their rehabilitation should be funded by a group of countries that could include, Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia etc. I say this because China will not tolerate Muslims on their land and will indoctrinate them to a point where future generations of Uighurs would only produce pagans and infidels singing CCP rhymes.

I am against foreign intervention in Xinjiang to solely destabilize China, but the way in which China is dealing with the issue, will only create problems for China itself, and it deeply worries the muslim world. China could go ahead and execute every single muslim man in Xinjiang, to get rid of them once and for all, but opression is something, that always backfires.

There should be a middle ground where muslims can live in Xinjiang peacefully while at the same time, radical non-state actors funded by US can be eliminated and prevented from operating.
China never prevented its citizens emigrating to other countries.
Pakistan should ask China for a kind of settlement, that would allow the Muslims of Xinjiang, who want to leave the country, to settle abroad in Turkey, Turkmenistan and other Central Asian States. Their rehabilitation should be funded by a group of countries that could include, Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia etc. I say this because China will not tolerate Muslims on their land and will indoctrinate them to a point where future generations of Uighurs would only produce pagans and infidels singing CCP rhymes.

I am against foreign intervention in Xinjiang to solely destabilize China, but the way in which China is dealing with the issue, will only create problems for China itself, and it deeply worries the muslim world. China could go ahead and execute every single muslim man in Xinjiang, to get rid of them once and for all, but opression is something, that always backfires.

There should be a middle ground where muslims can live in Xinjiang peacefully while at the same time, radical non-state actors funded by US can be eliminated and prevented from operating.
When you say "Chinese Muslims", the first thing pop into an average Chinese mind is Hui Muslims, not Uighurs. Hui Muslims are the biggest Muslim group in China and have lived with Han Chinese like one people for over a thousand years and many of them served top leaders in China even in CCP. Chinese people are not radicals and we are never radically hate any religions. Did you ever hear that China fought any wars during China's 5 thousand years of history for religious reasons? None!
Pakistan should ask China for a kind of settlement, that would allow the Muslims of Xinjiang, who want to leave the country, to settle abroad in Turkey, Turkmenistan and other Central Asian States.
How many of them do you think want to move? Even the top Uighur student in US wants to come back to Xinjiang.

People in Xinjiang enjoy 15 years free education from kingdergarten to high school, free school meals, diary and during the break snacks, school accommodation ,rural population enjoy government free earthquake proof roomy and spacious house, all people in Xinjiang enjoy free medicare, free annual phyiscal checkup, poor families can have cash government subsidy and monthly welfare, poor herders can get free government "poverty alleviation" sheeps, what central Asian countries can provide for them?
Pakistan should ask China for a kind of settlement, that would allow the Muslims of Xinjiang, who want to leave the country, to settle abroad in Turkey, Turkmenistan and other Central Asian States. Their rehabilitation should be funded by a group of countries that could include, Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia etc. I say this because China will not tolerate Muslims on their land and will indoctrinate them to a point where future generations of Uighurs would only produce pagans and infidels singing CCP rhymes.

I am against foreign intervention in Xinjiang to solely destabilize China, but the way in which China is dealing with the issue, will only create problems for China itself, and it deeply worries the muslim world. China could go ahead and execute every single muslim man in Xinjiang, to get rid of them once and for all, but opression is something, that always backfires.

There should be a middle ground where muslims can live in Xinjiang peacefully while at the same time, radical non-state actors funded by US can be eliminated and prevented from operating.

I have always hoped that Chinese Muslims would go out and take a look, and I would not object to them immigrating to the West or Muslim countries.

As a non-Muslim country, some Muslims in China will feel restricted, just as non-Muslims will feel restricted in a Muslim country.

However, I don't think that many Chinese Muslims will immigrate, and there will still be Chinese Muslims who will complain while enjoying the benefits of being a Chinese.
Those Pakistani members (majority of whom lives in western countries) that keep criticising China for Xinjiang's related issues and support US stance on the issue should also know that this is a scheme to not just destabilise China but also harm Pakistan. China was supposed to use CPEC route exports from proposed and under development industries from Xinjiang. Otherwise it makes no sense to transport a Shenzhen made product first to Pak China border, than to Karachi/Gwadar port and than to other destinations through sea. Transporting products from Manufacturing hubs of China to Pak China border alone is some 3000 km journey. Which makes it financially not feasible.

West is not just destabilising China but also putting hurdles to Pakistan's plans for growth. Short sighted Pakistanis should know this.

How innocent. Homework for you - Read few more books on geo-politics and strategy.

Now it makes perfect sense to find an alternate route to sea for middle east and Europe...as China is one of largest importer of oil/gas which comes from Gulf, and majority of it's exports are to Europe and Africa. In the event of Malacca straits being blocked by hostile countries, it's supply/trade can remain unabated (at least this is what is hoped).

On you second point...your adversary will do whatever to secure it;'s interest...China is a rival of the West so why complain...doesn't you, China , India etc do the same (hurting interest of their adversaries) to secure their interest. What Pakistanis need to learn and understand foremost is dependence on anyone is not the way to success....Till when Pakistan's plans for growth will depend on support of others....in 70 years, US, Saudi/Oic/Ummah and now China....when will we be self-sufficient?..

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