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Xi Jinping's article on BD-China relations


Oct 12, 2014
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China-Bangladesh cooperation will bear golden fruits
H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China

At the kind invitation of President Abdul Hamid, I will pay a state visit to the beautiful country of Bangladesh in this golden harvest season of autumn. It has been six years since my last trip to this country and I look forward to meeting friends both old and new and discussing with them how China and Bangladesh can work together for common development.

Bangladesh is a fascinating and promising land. It is where the Padma, Jamuna and Meghna rivers flow into the sea. Its vast expanse of fertile fields which normally have the color of emerald green become a sea of golden yellow at the time of harvest. Endowed with rich natural resources, this land is home to a hard-working and talented nation and a time-honored and splendid culture. In fact, famous poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote many of his most notable works in Bengali.

Bangladesh is a land filled with hope. Since its independence, Bangladesh has come a long way. With strenuous efforts, it has started from scratch and successfully met the livelihood needs of its 160 million population, contributing significantly to global poverty reduction. In recent years, by seizing the opportunities of economic globalization and focusing on reform and development, Bangladesh has kept its economy growing at above 6% and made steady progress in industrialization and urbanization. Bangladesh is well on track to achieve Vision 2021 and become a middle-income country.

The people of China and Bangladesh have been good neighbors and friends since ancient times. Stories of our friendship and exchange witnessed by the Southern Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road throughout the millennia are still being told today. Eminent Chinese monks Faxian and Xuanzang travelled west for Buddhist scriptures. Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana, a Bengali religious master, spread Buddhism in China. They were the pioneers of our cultural exchange. Famous navigator Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty visited Bengal twice. According to his description, “This is a richly endowed and teeming land with lovely people and fertile fields.” Believed by the Chinese then to be a qilin (an auspicious mythical animal), the giraffe that the Bengali king gave to the Ming emperor brought much excitement to the court and general public in China.

More recently, having endured repeated wars and incessant poverty, our peoples fought tenaciously for national independence and liberation, strove for development and progress and forged unshakable trust and friendship in the process. In the 1950s and 1960s, Premier Zhou Enlai visited Dhaka twice and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited China twice. The seed of friendship was thus planted by the veteran leaders of our two countries long before diplomatic ties were established. It has now grown into a giant tree with deep roots and rich fruits.

As a Chinese proverb goes, “Only friendships built on sincerity can last long.” Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 41 years ago, China has always regarded Bangladesh as its true friend and partner for development. China highly values its relations with Bangladesh. We firmly support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests. Successive Chinese and Bangladeshi leaders have maintained sound interactions at bilateral and multilateral events and provided positive guidance to the growth of bilateral relations. In September 2015, I had a good meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in New York on the margins of the UN summits marking its 70th anniversary. We agreed to expand cooperation across the board, jointly advance the Belt and Road initiative and the BCIM Economic Corridor and take bilateral relations to a new height.

With the unremitting efforts of our two peoples, China-Bangladesh practical cooperation has produced fruitful results. China is now the largest trading partner of Bangladesh and Bangladesh China's third largest trading partner and third largest project contract market in South Asia. Bilateral trade soared from US$900 million in 2000 to US$14.7 billion in 2015, registering an annual increase of around 20%. Jute products from Bangladesh are increasingly popular in the Chinese market. Chinese companies have built the Shahjalal Fertilizer Factory, the most advanced modern fertilizer plant in Bangladesh, the Bangabandhu International Conference Center, the largest one in Bangladesh, and are now building the Padma Bridge, the dream bridge of the Bangladeshi people. As a matter of fact, one can find Chinese and Bangladeshi people together making tireless and pioneering efforts in many sectors of Bangladesh such as transportation, electricity, energy and telecommunications. One of the first batch of projects financed by loans from the China-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is the Power Grid Network Strengthening Project in Bangladesh, which will benefit tens of millions of rural residents. We have also made significant progress in our cooperation in defense, security, education, culture and other fields.

Both China and Bangladesh are developing countries with a huge population. Our national conditions have a lot in common and our development goals are well-aligned. The “Sonar Bangla” dream of national strength and prosperity is in perfect harmony with the Chinese dream of great national renewal. The Belt and Road initiative put forward by China heralds new opportunities for win-win cooperation between our two countries. Bangladesh, with its favorable geographic location and huge population, market potential and cooperation space, is an indispensable partner for China to advance the Belt and Road initiative and production capacity cooperation in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region.

During this visit, I look forward to working with Bangladeshi leaders to further grow our bilateral relations, identify key areas of cooperation, advance exchanges and cooperation in various fields and bring China-Bangladesh relations to a new level.

— We need to step up political communication for greater mutual trust. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman put forward the vision of “friendship to all, malice to none”. China will always be Bangladesh's trustworthy friend and partner. Our two sides should, from a strategic perspective, strengthen high-level exchanges and top-level planning, cement traditional friendship and political ties, set more ambitious goals and build a better framework for our bilateral relations and lay a solid foundation for lasting friendship and all-round cooperation.

— We need to align our development strategies for win-win outcomes. There is huge potential and complementarity in our cooperation. China is ready to synergize its 13th Five-Year Plan with Bangladesh's Seventh Five-Year Plan with a view to leveraging our respective comparative advantages, increasing economic exchanges and trade, building key projects in areas such as infrastructure, production capacity, energy, electricity, transportation, information, telecommunications and agriculture, strengthening practical cooperation under the BCIM Economic Corridor and delivering to our people tangible benefits of our cooperation.

— We need to enhance South-South cooperation for common development. China stands ready to offer more assistance and support to Bangladesh to the best of its capability, enhance mutual assistance and cooperation with Bangladesh in areas such as disaster prevention and mitigation, vocational training, medical and health-care services, climate change and women and children, work together with Bangladesh to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and make China-Bangladesh cooperation a fine example of South-South cooperation.

— We need to build a bridge of friendship for greater affinity and mutual understanding. Friendship between our two countries dates back a long time. In fact, both the Chinese and Bangladeshi people drink water from the same river,known as Yarlung Zangbo River in China and Jamuna River in Bangladesh. China will work to increase exchanges and mutual learning between the Chinese and Bangladeshi culture so as to bring our people closer to each other. It is important that we facilitate exchanges and cooperation in areas such as education, media, think tanks, tourism and youth and at the sub-national level so that more of our people will be mobilized to support closer ties between China and Bangladesh.

I believe with the joint efforts of our two peoples, China-Bangladesh cooperation will bear even more golden fruits.
It should be us Thanking you.

Thank you China. May our good relation continue forever.

I met before one guy from you country, he is looking for job in China...
I am so pity, he only can speak in Chinese, but can not wright it.... the boss rejected him....
I met before one guy from you country, he is looking for job in China...
I am so pity, he only can speak in Chinese, but can not wright it.... the boss rejected him....
That's sad. Chinese is a tough language to master for outsiders.

I have an uncle living in Shanghai. Married to a Chinese woman there. Runs a small business. He visited Bangladesh several years ago and said many good things about your country.
That's sad. Chinese is a tough language to master for outsiders.

I have an uncle living in Shanghai. Married to a Chinese woman there. Runs a small business. He visited Bangladesh several years ago and said many good things about your country.
hahaha, yes, our language is hard to outsider, you have to stay long and long in China, then you can got it...
Shanghai is good to the people from outsider, even he can not speak in Chinese.
I am happy that your uncle has a Chinese wife, it is Shanghai Girl?? Chinese Girl is very strong, hahahaha
:cheesy: Another googly for Pakistan?

Thank you H.E. Xi Jinping for your kind words . May the national revival of China and Bangladesh Go hand in hand.

:taz: then what about India :p:

We can expect Mr. Fall in love with Ur PM soon? :whistle:
:cheesy: Another googly for Pakistan?

:taz: then what about India :p:

We can expect Mr. Fall in love with Ur PM soon? :whistle:

Yes If you behave like China why not? But Your country is biased towards a group of Bangladeshi while hostile to others. Look at China, They are Pro BNP, yet Behaves in the best way with Current Prime minister.
for all the folks jumping up and down, these are just MOU, does not have much value until REAL agreement is signed with specific financing amount and other protocols.

another thing is
"But, the Chinese side has urged Bangladesh not to incorporate the amount in the main text of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that would be signed between Dhaka and Beijing during the visit saying ‘it is not a normal practice for China to make commitments on government financial arrangements for a single country’."

Meaning all monkey dance by awami league cheer leading band about $40 billion and even $60 billion are just farce. There is no blanket amount committed and nothing will be certain until and when specific REAL agreement is signed. And everything is project by project basis consideration. Good work by China.
AL plays China card right
Hasina's foreign policy gets her party closer to Beijing, pushes BNP away

Hasan Jahid Tusher and Prabir Barua Chowdhury

Relation between Awami league and China has warmed up significantly in the last eight years after BNP's astounding faux pas in 2004. That year, while the BNP government was in office, Taiwan opened a trade liaison office in Dhaka from where visa forms were distributed.

China had reacted angrily to this and warned Bangladesh of “unimaginable consequences” as the action reflected, according to it, Bangladesh's shift from “One China” stance.

Traditionally BNP had been enjoying China's complete confidence until that diplomatic gaffe.

Awami League has made the most of it in the last eight years. With its adroit diplomatic maneuvers, it has managed to make China a very close development partner of Bangladesh.

After assuming power in 2009, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina moved to strengthened relations with China. She wrote several letters to the then Chinese president and the prime minister seeking their supports in implementing her government's development programmes, AL insiders said.

Hasina focused on balancing Bangladesh's close relations with India with the renewed attention to China. She had assigned party General Secretary Syed Ashraful Islam with developing relations with China.

The PM sent a high-level AL delegation to China led by Ashraf in 2009 to improve the relations between the two Asian nations. Ashraf engaged vigorously with the Chinese leadership, held a series of meetings at different tiers of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government, a senior AL leader, who was in the team at that time, told The Daily Star.
Since then Syed Ashraf has been maintaining close contacts with the Chinese government and the CPC leadership on behalf of the PM, AL insiders said. Later Ashraf visited China several times.

Apart from him, Hasina, also the president of AL, sent more than 100 delegations including ministers, senior party leaders, youth leaders, academics and other professionals to engage with China in the last eight years.

The PM visited China twice in 2010 and 2014 aiming to improve relations between the two countries.


Sources in the AL said the two parties became closer after the January 5 parliamentary elections in 2014 when China became the first country to welcome the new government and pledged to work with it amidst western countries reservation against the “one-sided” election.

“Since then we consider China as a true friend,” said a party leader.

After visiting China in 2014, Sheikh Hasina said China was a trusted friend of Bangladesh and her country attached highest importance to its relationship with China in the greater interest of the two Asian nations.

The Chinese cooperation in the country's infrastructure, trade and business, agriculture, energy and power has been playing an important role in the country's socio-economic development, she mentioned.

A special dimension has been created in the relationship between Bangladesh and China since 2009 according to Muhammad Zamir, the chairman of the AL's international affairs committee and member of AL advisory council. Zamir, also a former ambassador and secretary said, “I think the government has tried its best and set up a focal point in maintaining relations with foreign countries after lack of goodwill on the part of some countries. I am hoping that the relation will be developed further.”

Contacted, AL Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif said relation with China has been followed up through continuous party and government level engagements.

“As the party focuses on the development of the country, Awami League has been able to make China one of the major development partners through building a trusted relationship,” he told The Daily Star.

Many AL leaders say India is their “best political friend” while China is one of the best development partners.


BNP leaders claim that the party still has some good terms with the CPC and the Chinese government but not so intimate as it was during Ziaur Rahman's regime.

Once BNP could easily claim that only it was the reliable friend of China in Bangladesh, but the situation has changed, said BNP insiders. Wrong decisions of BNP high ups and the party's position in regional politics have contributed to the cooling down in relations with China, they added.

They said the relation between BNP and CPC started in the early days of Ziaur Rahman's regime and continued till 2004. But the Taiwan incident had marred it. A very annoyed Chinese government had then distanced itself from BNP.

"After a long time BNP had realised its mistake and tried to restore the relation. But it failed as Awami League took the opportunity," said a senior BNP leader.

This "broken relation" became starker to BNP when the Chinese government or its ruling party did not respond to stop the January 5, 2014 national polls. At that time China did not stand with BNP, said the BNP leader.

Another party leader said, though the relation is not good as in the past, CPC had invited senior and junior leaders of BNP as delegates several times.

BNP standing committee member Lt Gen (retd) Mahbubur Rahman, however, claimed the relation between CPC and BNP is as good as it was in the past.

Meanwhile, BNP is desperately trying to get an appointment of Chinese president Xi Jinping for a courtesy call during his visit to Dhaka. Had the relation been good, BNP would easily get the appointment, commented some BNP leaders

খালেদা -শি জিনপিং বৈঠক শুরু

বিডিটুডে.নেট: খালেদা -শি জিনপিং বৈঠক শুরু
চীনের রাষ্ট্রপতি শি জিনপিং-এর সঙ্গে বৈঠকে বসেছেন বিএনপি চেয়ারপারসন বেগম খালেদা জিয়া। শুক্রবার বিকেল ৫ টা ৩৫ মিনিটে হোটেল লা মেরিডিয়ানে এ বৈঠক শুরু হয়। চেয়ারপারসনের প্রেস উইং কর্মকর্তা শ
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