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WWII-Nazi Germany's V2 missile produce line


Dec 23, 2012
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Nazi Germany's V2 missile produce line.:coffee::tup:
Amazing~! They used slavers/prisoners to assemble V2 missileso_O

WWII Nazi Germany technology >>>>> 1940s other nations.






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they were Dam cool in battle field and technology ... If USA wont interfere and kick Russians(germans) , they were undoubtedly almost impossible to defeat
Nazi Germany's V2 missile produce line.:coffee::tup:
Amazing~! They used slavers/prisoners to assemble V2 missileso_O

Most of their economy/warproduction depended critically on slave labor. The Germans and their allies (given the scale of this practice, I'm not inclined to limit to 'just' Nazi's) used POWs, rounded-up able bodied men 15 yrs and up from occupied countries, jews etc for this. Surprised you didn't know.
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After entered Berlin, US was busy holding scientists and production technology, while Soviet Union was busy holding Machinery and equipment
Estimates put the number of prisoners used by the Germans for V-2 production at - Mittelbau at more than 60,000. Over 25,000 of these were killed either by beatings, starvation, and sickness in the complex, or by the brutal efforts of the SS to relocate them before the Americans arrived in April, 1945.
V2ROCKET.COM - Mittelwerk / DORA

The use of forced labour in Nazi Germany and throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II took place on an unprecedented scale.
The Nazi Germans abducted approximately 12 million people from almost twenty European countries; about two thirds of whom came from Eastern Europe. Many workers died as a result of their living conditions, mistreatment, malnutrition, or became civilian casualties of war. At its peak the forced labourers comprised 20% of the German work force. Counting deaths and turnover, about 15 million men and women were forced labourers at one point or another during the war
Millions of Jews were forced labourers in ghettos, before they were shipped off to extermination camps. The Nazis also operated concentration camps, some of which provided free forced labour for industrial and other jobs while others existed purely for the extermination of their inmates. To mislead the victims, at the entrances to a number of camps the lie "work brings freedom" ("arbeit macht frei") was placed, to encourage the false impression that cooperation would earn release. A notable example of labour-concentration camp is the Mittelbau-Dora labour camp complex that serviced the production of the V-2 rocket. Extermination through labour was a Nazi German World War II principle that regulated the aims and purposes of most of their labour and concentration camps. The rule demanded that the inmates of German World War II camps be forced to work for the German war industry with only basic tools and minimal food rations until totally exhausted.
Forced labour under German rule during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Next time you look to buy a Beamer, consider...
The dynasty behind the BMW luxury car marker has admitted, after decades of silence, using slave labour, taking over Jewish firms and doing business with the highest echelons of the Nazi party during World War Two.

Gabriele Quandt, whose grandfather Guenther employed an estimated 50,000 forced labourers in his arms factories, producing ammunition, rifles, artillery and U-boat batteries, said it was 'wrong' for the family to ignore this chapter of its history.

He spoke out after an in-depth study by Bonn-based historian Joachim Scholtyseck, commissioned by the family, that concluded Guenther Quandt and his son Herbert were responsible for numerous Nazi injustices.

BMW, of which the Quandts became major shareholders 15 years after the war, was not implicated in the documentary.
Family dynasty behind BMW admits to using 50,000 slave labourers during Nazi era | Mail Online

But BMW was by no means 'clean'...
Over 30,000 aero engines were manufactured through 1945, as well as over 500 jet engines such as the BMW 003. To enable this massive production effort, forced labor was utilized, consisting primarily of prisoners from concentration camps such as Dachau. By the end of the war, almost 50% of the 50,000-person workforce at BMW AG consisted of prisoners from concentration camps.
History of BMW - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Germans made extensive use of 'foreign' labor - Jewish scientists, technicians, European POWs etc etc.
Their technology was just mind blowing and exotic - most of post war weaponry was copied from captured German equipment. Add to that Operation Paperclip(remember Werner von Braun - the Apollo Project Guy) and you get a fuller picture.
Kurt Tank was also involved in some Uber Geheim(Top Secret) projects. After the war he came to work with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. He co-designed Marut - it looks quite like the Me 263 of 1944.
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