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Would India allow US to use military bases?


Jan 27, 2014
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United States
India is to throw open its military,air and naval bases to the US. In return India can use the US military facilities including communication setup. India can also get US to fight alongside it in case of a war. This move was mooted during UPA time and it was shot down by allies then like the Left parties. Defence Minister Antony too had vetoed it saying that it would compromise security of India. These clauses would come under the renewal of Defence pact signed in 2005. Under this pact, US had supplied India around $10 billion worth arms.

US had given draft of the agreements that offer sharing of communication, logistical support and cooperation of basic information. Sharing of communication would give US access to India’s secured communication systems. The advantage the defence ministry argues is that in turn Indian ships can get real time information through US networks which is not possible today. NDA ministry terms these agreements as just making it formal for an arrangement that is operational. It points out that Indian ships in Gulf waters do refuel from US ships in sea and neither countries have objected. Now that US has shifted base to Asia, India is seen as a partner by US.

Modi has told the defence ministry to complete the paperwork before Obama’s visit and get ready to push it through. Critics say that giving US the right to use Indian soil for their military adventures in Asia could take away the non aligned stance policy.

As the new regime in Sri Lanka has not dumped China and restoring all rights to ex-Army Chief Sarath Fonseka who led the army against Tamils and a pro-China man, India feels that it is time that the paranoia towards US be dropped. Left parties that were against the agreement are marginalized. Reactions from China and Russia to this new agreement have to be watched.

India to allow US to use military bases | idrw.org

is it good...??

@sancho @levina @OrionHunter @utraash @DRAY @nair @sreekumar @kurup @Soumitra @SarthakGanguly @Echo_419 and others
India and US as well as other countries are using their bases for refuelling, refurbishment and maintenance for long time. I am not getting what is new here?
India and US as well as other countries are using their bases for refuelling, refurbishment and maintenance for long time. I am not getting what is new here?
IF this is true, I doubt it, not only because of the source, it's saying India will open essentially intelligence and communication channels to the US and share air bases for US as well as land bases as long as the US does the same, which I have no idea why India would base fighters and men in the US or US territories and bases, but fine.
IF this is true, I doubt it, not only because of the source, it's saying India will open essentially intelligence and communication channels to the US and share air bases for US as well as land bases as long as the US does the same, which I have no idea why India would base fighters and men in the US or US territories and bases, but fine.

India and US sharing each other with intelligence and setup communication channel long before 9/11. That is also not new.

I think it may be to institutionalize to reduce bureaucratic problems for direct CIA-RAW contacts etc.

one thing is clear India will never allow anyone to have base like Pakistan or Japan. It never did since indpendence.

Yea go fall right into the trap its actually a blessing in disguise for Pakistan.
We did not fall in any trap since 1947 but you always welcomed others to have bases in your country. So the cases are different.
We did not fall in any trap since 1947 but you always welcomed others to have bases in your country. So the cases are different.
That's because no one was ever interested in you. Other than trade. But now that they are, its going to be interesting.
India and US as well as other countries are using their bases for refuelling, refurbishment and maintenance for long time. I am not getting what is new here?
But they are never great or regional power. India trying to be a regional power by allowing US/foreign military presence for strategic uses is devaluing herself.

In that case, India will never be a great power.
But they are never great or regional power. India trying to be a regional power by allowing US/foreign military presence for strategic uses is devaluing herself.

There is and there will not be any US military presence in India. Indian govt follows a long standing policy in that. Its a pact for refuelling, refurbishment and maintenance which countries usually does to other friendly countries.
This cooperation is okay except if America wants Indian support against any offensive launch.....
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