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World needs Islamic guidance, says Saudi King


Aug 10, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
The world needs the vision and guidance of Islam and Muslims should work hard to make sure this happens, said King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, at a conference being held here entitled “Da’wa – present and future”.

The King said Muslims should actively review how effectively they are carrying the message of Islam to the rest of the world. Muslims should also ensure they are interacting properly amongst themselves and with the rest of the world, he said.

The King’s comments came in a speech read on his behalf by Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Emir of Makkah region, at the inauguration of the 12th Makkah Conference here, Monday.

It is being organized by the Muslim World League (MWL) in the presence of Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Aal Al-Sheikh, Grand Mufti of the Kingdom and Chairman of the Board of Senior Ulema and Religious Research and Ifta Administration.

“Islam is a universal message for all mankind until the Day of Resurrection. The Muslim Ummah has a responsibility to call people to Islam through its Da’wa work around the globe,” King Abdullah said.

He said the conference is being held at a time when millions of pilgrims from all over the world are gathering in Makkah for Haj. He said the Kingdom is making every effort to ensure pilgrims have a successful and secure Haj.

The King added that human beings are currently suffering from a spiritual emptiness, despite their tremendous material and technological advancements.

People have no direction and are rebelling against their inner selves. Only Islam’s mercy, light and guidance can provide people with a way forward in life and toward the Hereafter.

Islam, with its comprehensive divine values and a balanced view of life, is alone capable of rescuing humankind from its current behavioral predicament while safeguarding its material gains and wishes, King Abdullah said.

The King stressed that Muslims must work hard to show how Islam can provide leadership for the world. He added that the Kingdom is doing a great deal to serve Islam.
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This is the reason Islam is perceived negatively by the world. The moment religion moves away from being a personal choice, it loses its significance. More so when it becomes intertwined with politics and foreign policy. I hope Islamic nations like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan learn from nations like Turkey and UAE on how to bring out the true essence of Islam into the life of people.
Actually people don't need these guidance..so these saudi's force it on them..ending up creating jihadist's and spreading wahabi idealogy all over the world and making this world unsafe.....

BTW,who cares for ur guidance?? We don't want our country to be Afghanistan or somaila or iraq.....
“Islam is a universal message for all mankind until the Day of Resurrection. The Muslim Ummah has a responsibility to call people to Islam through its Da’wa work around the globe,” King Abdullah said.

Its what he believes in and thereby his views should be respected but the Track record of the Saudi organizations speak otherwise.

They don't disperse funds across the world to "draw people to Islam " as they claim . They finance a lot of anti-national and questionable activity in countries like India via trusts and charities , welfare orgs etc ostensibly for cultural purposes but covertly to strengthen extremist networks.
great nice...marginalize all other religions to declare ones own significance..

no wonder they still amount to nothing even with all this "Araab money"

This is what they and there money is good for:P
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Post #2 argues very effectively on why Islam is perceived negatively.

I wanted to add what I perceive as hypocrisy of the preacher himself. The king says sorld needs Islamic guidance.

So WTF are those US troops based in Eskan Village, Saudi Arabia do? So the King needs guidance and training from his US masters and then he stamps that with the Islamic seal and asks his people to follow the message?

Hypocrisy at its best!
The King added that human beings are currently suffering from a spiritual emptiness, despite their tremendous material and technological advancements

Quite intresting as the Pope said something very similar along those lines.
Dear bro,

Khuran says whose imaan is strong in all types of conditions and before doing any work if he ask himself whether he is correct are not and be true to his heart he is a true muslim irrespective of what he follows.
Atleast Indians don't require your guidance sir,keep it between your allies and you.
oh no!! world needs to stop Saudis from funding various mosques & islamic schools around the world. World needs to stop Saudis from spreading hardcore wahhabi ideology... world would be a much better place to live without these exports!!
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