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World Economy Slowed as India's GDP Slightly Fell in 2012-13 in USD terms


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Haq's Musings: India's GDP Shrank to $1.84 Trillion in 2012-13 in US Dollar Terms

Sharp fall in Indian currency against the US dollar and slower economic growth have caused India's GDP for Fiscal Year 2012-13 to shrink in US $ terms to $1.84 trillion from $1.87 trillion a year earlier. The Indian rupee has plummeted from 47.80 in 2012 to 54.30 to a US dollar in 2013, according to Business Standard. Since this report was published in Business Standard newspaper, Indian rupee has declined further against the US dollar to Rs. 59.52 today. At this exchange rate, India's GDP is down to $1.68 trillion, about $200 billion less than it was in Fiscal 2011-12.


Indian GDP Growth Rates 2004-2013
India's economy grew by 5.0% in 2012-13, its slowest annual rate in a decade, down from 6.2% last fiscal year,. In the fourth quarter ending in March, gross domestic product grew by 4.8% year-over-year, slightly higher than the previous quarter when it expanded by 4.5%, according to Indian government data.
In the January-March quarter, the manufacturing sector increased output by just 2.6%, while production in the country's mines shrank by 3.1%.

Global ratings agency Standard and Poor's warned in May that India faces at least "a one-in-three" chance of losing its prized sovereign grade rating amid new threats to economic growth and reforms. India's BBB-minus investment rating is already the lowest among BRICS and cutting it to "junk status" would raise the country's hefty borrowing costs. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) this week lowered its projection of India's GDP growth this year to 5.3%, from 5.9% earlier.


Meanwhile, Pakistan's economy continues to struggle with its annual GDP rising just 3.6% to $252 billion in fiscal 2012-13, according to Economic Survey of Pakistan 2012-13 estimates based on 9 months data. The country is facing military and energy shortages impacting its economy.

Other world economies have also slowed down. US is slowly recovering but Europe is still struggling. BRIC growth rates are also slowing. China is slowing with its workforce aging and shrinking. In India, the slow pace of reform is hurting its growth, and Brazil and Russia are struggling with slowing demand for their export commodities.

Africa has replaced Asia as the continent with most of the world's fastest growing economies, according to The Economist magazine. The top 10 fastest growing economies in the world are: Macau, Mongolia, Libya, Gambia, Angola, Bhutan, China, Timor-Leste, Iraq and Mozambique.

China and the US , the two largest economies, still continue to be the bright spots and the main locomotives of the world economy, offering hope of global economic recovery.

Haq's Musings: India's GDP Shrank to $1.84 Trillion in 2012-13 in US Dollar Terms
India's GDP is 2 Trillion and recent reports shows that Indian GDP in PPP terms is third in this world.

What ever hurdles we have will be overcome in the near future. We have lot of infra projects which is aimed at manufacturing. We are also improving our trade connectivity.

Nothing to worry. The growth forecast this year is close to 6.
Good to see African nations developing. Who knows 22nd century might belong to them.:taz::cheers:
Surprisingly Iran is 4th fastest shrinking economy...
I was reading on wiki the past and future GDP's of countries

I was surprised when i saw that in 2004 if i am not wrong despite a growth rate of 6.9-7.2% India GDP increased from 501billions dollars to 605billions dollars..i just dont know how this happened.

Now here come a surprise from Pakistan side as well

Pakistan GDP in 2011 was 210-12billions dollars

Than in 2012 to 228-230billions dollars and

now in 2013 252billions dollars

in both the economies the increase is more than 8% while the growth rate of both the countries is below 5%

anyone good at economics please explain this
I was reading on wiki the past and future GDP's of countries

I was surprised when i saw that in 2004 if i am not wrong despite a growth rate of 6.9-7.2% India GDP increased from 501billions dollars to 605billions dollars..i just dont know how this happened.

Now here come a surprise from Pakistan side as well

Pakistan GDP in 2011 was 210-12billions dollars

Than in 2012 to 228-230billions dollars and

now in 2013 252billions dollars

in both the economies the increase is more than 8% while the growth rate of both the countries is below 5%

anyone good at economics please explain this

This issue has been beaten to death on PDF. This the effect of inflation.
No proper source for this news except his blog. Futile discussion as long as he doesn't provide the real source.
Isn't inflation good for an economy? Isn't it a multipier of the growth rate?

Neither too low nor too high inflation is good. A low inflation means prices are going up slowly, meaning economic growth is weak; a high inflation means prices are going up too fast meaning demand for the goods will be stymied, meaning negative effect on the growth.

A healthy inflation is good, and healthy here will defer from country to country.
I was reading on wiki the past and future GDP's of countries

I was surprised when i saw that in 2004 if i am not wrong despite a growth rate of 6.9-7.2% India GDP increased from 501billions dollars to 605billions dollars..i just dont know how this happened.

Now here come a surprise from Pakistan side as well

Pakistan GDP in 2011 was 210-12billions dollars

Than in 2012 to 228-230billions dollars and

now in 2013 252billions dollars

in both the economies the increase is more than 8% while the growth rate of both the countries is below 5%

anyone good at economics please explain this

Because there is no proper registration in India and specially in Pakistan case so it is very difficult to establish value and some people even stated that Pakistan current economy is more then 300 Billion US Dollar.
Sharp fall in Indian currency against the US dollar and slower economic growth have caused India's GDP for Fiscal Year 2012-13 to shrink in US $ terms to $1.84 trillion from $1.87 trillion a year earlier. The Indian rupee has plummeted from 47.80 in 2012 to 54.30 to a US dollar in 2013, according to Business Standard. Since this report was published in Business Standard newspaper, Indian rupee has declined further against the US dollar to Rs. 59.52 today. At this exchange rate, India's GDP is down to $1.68 trillion, about $200 billion less than it was in Fiscal 2011-12.

so nice for exporting.it makes me envy.exporters of India would benefit much, isn't it?
so nice for exporting.it makes me envy.exporters of India would benefit much, isn't it?

But Indians in here don't care about that. They only care about it their GDP would go up in USD. Its a comparison game for them
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