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World Economic Forum


Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
This cabal of Satan worshipers are the root cause almost all of the misery the world is facing today. They hate god fearing people of the world who they try to mind rape. A group of powerful elites that are hell bent on world population reduction through varies means. The recent operation of COVID 19 with the help of the trans national criminal organization aka Chinese Communist Party. It is interesting how the fat cat bankers control everything . England has fallen so far so fast from her imperial might. just like that, they plant their guy to run the sixth largest economy in the world. Read that teleprompter. The humiliation of white stock Caucasian Christians on full display in the west. From child grooming, chemical castration and now being ruled by an idol worshiping Hindu.
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This cabal of Satan worshipers are the root cause almost all of the misery the world is facing today. They hate god fearing people of the world who they try to mind rape. A group of powerful elites that are hell bent on world population reduction through varies means. The recent operation of COVID 19 with the help of the trans national criminal organization aka Chinese Communist Party. It is interesting how the fat cat bankers control everything . England has fallen so far so fast from her imperial might. just like that, they plant their guy to run the sixth largest economy in the world. Read that teleprompter.

Cope and Seethe :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic: :sarcastic: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This means bache molaha dar Canada can still smoke dope, watch ****, and go to whore houses but the elite will vaccinate you to death.

I’m just appalled at the sheer number of sheep in every country who can’t see whats coming……they believe every bullshit that comes out of WHO, govts, etc
my favourite quote

"You will own nothing, and you will be happy"
Watched it. I agree with that

The satanic wef is deliberately going on a killing spree.

If they just want depopulation, why not just nuke us all? Its easier and saves them the hassle of killing one by one. They trying to be God.

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