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World Cup teams have some strange demands


Apr 28, 2011
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Mike Hewitt
You can't expect France to win a World Cup with bar soap.

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The World Cup is a really big deal and really big deals come with really big demands. And by big we mean weird.

France, for example, require that the soap in all rooms be liquid soap, not bar soap. Because France. And Portugal need six bodyguards, but four of them are just for Cristiano Ronaldo.

See, the World Cup really is a celebration of sport, humanity and equality.

But they are hardly the only countries with demands. Here are more, courtesy of Brazilian newspaper Lance:

Algeria: All rooms for players and team officials need to have a Koran.

Australia: There must be a coffee station for players, and that station should be stocked with newspapers from around the world.

Chile: Every room must have a new bed and new TV's.

Colombia: Sao Paulo FC must provide Colombia with 15 players from their youth team for the Cafeteros to practice against.

Ecuador: Every day there must be a basket of bananas in every room and the bananas have to be from Ecuador.


'Winner Stays' is excellent
Kevin McCauley

France: Bar soap has to be swapped out for liquid soap because France doesn't have bar soap so players might have trouble. The hotel must also have halal meat because many players are Muslim, which requires all meat be from animals which have not suffered.

Honduras: Six Spanish TV stations to be added to their TV guides, including two Honduran channels.

Japan: Every room must have a jacuzzi tub.

Portugal: Six bodyguards have to be available to the team at all times, four of which are just for Ronaldo.

Switzerland: A beach studio must be built for the team to conduct TV interviews from. Every room must also have two Swiss TV channels added.

Uruguay: All rooms must have a completely silent air conditioner.

And the most popular request: video games.

France, Ecuador and Costa Rica all require the construction of a video game room, while Portugal demand that every room have video games in them.

Requests for prostitutes are probably made in a more discreet fashion.
World Cup teams have some strange demands - SBNation.com
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