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Wont quit, this is a battle of my nation's survival. Imran Khan

Looks like you're mentally handicapped

"You should be more concerned about Nawaz who happens to be the PM and who's cabinet is filled with entire family members of the Sharif Clan.

Source: Wont quit, this is a battle of my nation's survival. Imran Khan"]
You said filled with entire family members, of sharif clan. Clan also means decented, but thats not true as finance minister isn't his son, but brother in law.

First you asked for proof for relatives on reserved seats. Now you say that's ok. You're and your entire party is hypocrite. You talk about bringing change in Pakistan, yet having relatives in reserved seats. Your CM flying in helicopter around and attending wedding, using tax payer money to attend jalsa. Anything outside his home he uses tax payers money. Ratings dont mean anything. Look at yours. 3000 rating and 7000 posts.

Again, Nawaz or Zardari didn't say "we not gonna favor our relatives for reserved seats" but u turn khan did say that. That hypocritism. You say one thing and do another. But if you do something you haven't said, how is that hypocrite?

Anyway, you're not stupid. You're mentally handicapped. Also, i hope you learned difference between who's and whose.

never knew you could write something glorious!
Here, have a rating.
Looks like you're mentally handicapped

"You should be more concerned about Nawaz who happens to be the PM and who's cabinet is filled with entire family members of the Sharif Clan.

Source: Wont quit, this is a battle of my nation's survival. Imran Khan"]
You said filled with entire family members, of sharif clan. Clan also means decented, but thats not true as finance minister isn't his son, but brother in law.

First you asked for proof for relatives on reserved seats. Now you say that's ok. You're and your entire party is hypocrite. You talk about bringing change in Pakistan, yet having relatives in reserved seats. Your CM flying in helicopter around and attending wedding, using tax payer money to attend jalsa. Anything outside his home he uses tax payers money. Ratings dont mean anything. Look at yours. 3000 rating and 7000 posts.

Again, Nawaz or Zardari didn't say "we not gonna favor our relatives for reserved seats" but u turn khan did say that. That hypocritism. You say one thing and do another. But if you do something you haven't said, how is that hypocrite?

Anyway, you're not stupid. You're mentally handicapped. Also, i hope you learned difference between who's and whose.

You really are a moron. Now read again and slowly this time " His cabinet is filled with entire family members of the sharif clan" does that makes it the entire cabinet? Only a moron and a mentally retard like yourself would consider the two as same. So Stop wasting my time with useless rants.
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and hence "Ro Iman Ro" came into effect

Which by the way was an absolute failure and a disaster.

By the way you guys cant even come up with something original and have to copy everything for the very same guy you despise so much. What a shame :tdown:
You really are a moron. Now read again and slowly this time " His cabinet is filled with entire family members of the sharif clan" does that makes it the entire cabinet? Only a moron and a mentally retard like yourself would consider the two as same. So Stop wasting my time with useless rants.

"Cabinet filled with entire family member" = Entire cabinet filled with family.

But then you can't tell difference between who's and whose, so how can you know what you're even talking about.

There should be restriction of using internet for the mentally handicapped people. They post nonsense and then start arguing with others and not realizing what they've done.

Which by the way was an absolute failure and a disaster.

By the way you guys cant even come up with something original and have to copy everything for the very same guy you despise so much. What a shame :tdown:
Why do you copy metro bus? hmmm?

Nawaz or zardari ain't about nayaism. They do what's good for Pakistan. But Imran is all about nayaism. Why is he copying others?
Which by the way was an absolute failure and a disaster.

By the way you guys cant even come up with something original and have to copy everything for the very same guy you despise so much. What a shame :tdown:

and Go Nawaz Go was original?
oh yeah that is true for teenagers who are experiencing their first political movement
"Cabinet filled with entire family member" = Entire cabinet filled with family.

But then you can't tell difference between who's and whose, so how can you know what you're even talking about.

There should be restriction of using internet for the mentally handicapped people. They post nonsense and then start arguing with others and not realizing what they've done.

Why do you copy metro bus? hmmm?

Nawaz or zardari ain't about nayaism. They do what's good for Pakistan. But Imran is all about nayaism. Why is he copying others?

You know i just remember a quote for people like you

"Never argue with an Idiot, they will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience".
Oh yeahh....
Nawaz is not going anywhere but
Imran continously weeping everywhere


From the jalsa's of Imran, does he look like a man who is weeping or someone who has lost support? On the other hand Nawaz is just too afraid to even come out in his strong hold, fearing "Go Nawaz Go" loll.
Petrolium price brought down after imran khan said it twice in last 2 days jalsa. Then they say awam ko kya fidha ha .. before that electricity price increased by government have been withdrawn
how can reducing price of petrol/electicity be good for people? Have you ever wondered why opposition always against price rise but they cant stop it when in power?
In India most state electricity dept are bankrupt because of short shortsighted populist policy.
You know i just remember a quote for people like you

"Never argue with an Idiot, they will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience".
Says the mentally handicapped. You know you're wrong and running away instead of admitting your fault.

how can reducing price of petrol/electicity be good for people? Have you ever wondered why opposition always against price rise but they cant stop it when in power?
In India most state electricity dept are bankrupt because of short shortsighted populist policy.
It's just so Imran khan can become prime minister. Nawaz promised bullet trains etc. many promises. Imran said he'll remove corruption in 90 days and other things like polio bijli. He repeating same for pm seat.
NS should subsidize electricity a lot ( ~ 80% ) before his tenure ends and take a sabbatical of five years. The incoming government will have its hands full just by managing electricity bills.
NS should subsidize electricity a lot ( ~ 80% ) before his tenure ends and take a sabbatical of five years. The incoming government will have its hands full just by managing electricity bills.
Which is what PPP gov't did.

They signed up a term with Iran over gas, which PMLn cannot fulfill due to west's sanctions. And they even agreed to hefty fine, under PPP, despite knowing how Pakistani projects are delayed by years.

PPP subsidized many things, didn't work on PIA or bijli. This is why our national grid is limited. Nawaz has been only in gov't for less than 2 years. Al though he could've or must've done better, it's not entirely possible. It takes time. Under Mush tenture, the PM decided to use oil to produce bijli. Now we have to pay to convert them back to gas or coal.
Which is what PPP gov't did.

They signed up a term with Iran over gas, which PMLn cannot fulfill due to west's sanctions. And they even agreed to hefty fine, under PPP, despite knowing how Pakistani projects are delayed by years.

PPP subsidized many things, didn't work on PIA or bijli. This is why our national grid is limited. Nawaz has been only in gov't for less than 2 years. Al though he could've or must've done better, it's not entirely possible. It takes time. Under Mush tenture, the PM decided to use oil to produce bijli. Now we have to pay to convert them back to gas or coal.

NS is doing reasonably good work. He has proven to be a rather pragmatic PM in these not so well days for Pakistan. Unless these Dharna people let him work, he wont be able to push any much-needed reform and this inturn will push your country downwards. My earlier comment was out of sheer frustration as unlike many Indians, I would rather have a stable and prosperous Pakistan on my country's borders.
NS is doing reasonably good work. He has proven to be a rather pragmatic PM in these not so well days for Pakistan. Unless these Dharna people let him work, he wont be able to push any much-needed reform and this inturn will push your country downwards. My earlier comment was out of sheer frustration as unlike many Indians, I would rather have a stable and prosperous Pakistan on my country's borders.
Having friendly and prosperous neighbour is always good. Look at Us/Canada. If Canada and US had relations that of india and pak in the 20th century, I doubt they'd progress as much as they've today. What if Canada allowed nukes of russia to be stationed?

But us/canada good relationship have boosted canada economy by large.
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