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Women in Turkish Armed Forces

Aren't u married?

Unfortunately, we have sad news. I just saw on the news that the young lady on that picture who at the time of that photo was taken, she was the commander of a local gendarmerie post, later became an EOD specialist, was martyred. A couple of days ago, during a counter-IED operation she was killed in the line of duty when dismantling IEDs planted by terrorist organization PKK/YPG in Sırnak Province, Southeastern Anatolia Region. Allah rahmet eylesin, nur içinde yat Esma astsubayım.

These are her last known recorded videos shared to public by Gendarmerie General Commmand's social media feed on mid-November.

I believe that last time we had a women fallen soldier was back in May 2017, during a helicopter crash in the same city when Lt. Col. Songül Yakut was among the deceased. God bless them all.




Unfortunately, we have sad news. I just saw on the news that the young lady on that picture who at the time of that photo was taken, she was the commander of a local gendarmerie post, later became an EOD specialist, was martyred. A couple of days ago, during a counter-IED operation she was killed in the line of duty when dismantling IEDs planted by terrorist organization PKK/YPG in Sırnak Province, Southeastern Anatolia Region. Allah rahmet eylesin, nur içinde yat Esma astsubayım.

These are her last known recorded videos shared to public by Gendarmerie General Commmand's social media feed on mid-November.

I believe that last time we had a women fallen soldier was back in May 2017, during a helicopter crash in the same city when Lt. Col. Songül Yakut was among the deceased. God bless them all.




Thank you bro, Allah bless her for serving her nation and people.
Never forgotten
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