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Woman Raped on Train in Philadelphia

Let us assume you are correct. However, his defense lawyer will surely argue many points to raise doubts as to what really happened and blur any lines of intervention that may be clear to you but still need to be shown beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. That is precisely why I am suggesting to let the prosecutors collect the evidence and then make their case first by due process. Premature judgements have no place in such an emotionally charged issue such as this case. For example, do police really encourage citizens to intervene in any crimes in progress, and if so, under what conditions are the lines of intervention crossed so as to place a clear burden of responsibility on any witnesses?

Please see the above. Besides, Good Samaritan Laws apply in cases of persons in distress that need assistance to protect anybody offering assistance against any potential liability incurred, and not necessarily to crimes in progress.
The Pennsylvania Good Samaritan Law states:

“...who in good faith renders emergency care, treatment, first aid or rescue at the scene of an emergency event or crime or who moves the person receiving such care, first aid or rescue to a hospital or other place of medical care shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of rendering such care...”

The Pennsylvania Good Samaritan Law states:

“...who in good faith renders emergency care, treatment, first aid or rescue at the scene of an emergency event or crime or who moves the person receiving such care, first aid or rescue to a hospital or other place of medical care shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of rendering such care...”

Sure, that offers liability protection. Where does it create a duty to intervene?
Sure, that offers liability protection. Where does it create a duty to intervene?

There is no duty to intervene, but had they intervened, they would have been protected.

many intervention the other passengers had done to save an unconscious woman would have been seen in that light, as long as they stopped the rapist, and didn’t continue and try to kill or severely hurt him. She could not have consented; this is not a scene from the movie Risky Business.
There is no duty to intervene, but had they intervened, they would have been protected.

many intervention the other passengers had done to save an unconscious woman would have been seen in that light, as long as they stopped the rapist, and didn’t continue and try to kill or severely hurt him. She could not have consented; this is not a scene from the movie Risky Business.
The problem here is that there is no predicting what the attacker would do. If the attacker turned on you who tried to stop him from his first target, now YOU are his next target. Now you are obligated to self defense and in that, you might end up harming the attacker or you might end up being his victim.

Now here is the greater or more accurately deeper problem. When we say we have a moral obligation to act X, that would be a universal application. On the other hand, prosecuting you for acting X is a local application. In other words, you would be a hero in one legal jurisdiction but a villain in another AT THE SAME TIME. The only difference is where you are at the time that you acted X where which legal system is applicable to you. It means at the moment that you beat up the rapist, instantly you could be a hero in 25 states and a villain in the other 25 states. When life or limb is in danger, I cannot afford to consult a checklist to see which legal jurisdictions does what, so it is safer for me to do nothing.

A companion problem relates to the media. When we think about it, there is no reason to record the rape other than for sensationalism. The people who video recorded the rape are nearly as morally repugnant as the rapist himself. The goal is for me to benefit myself by any mean and if I can record this rape and gain some forms of profit later, why not? This is a cultural problem, and we can even drill it down to a sub-culture, if we wanted to. The young adults sub-culture would be the most likely to standby and do nothing except to record the rape. And to be blunt about this, the black community sub-culture could be next.
There is no duty to intervene, but had they intervened, they would have been protected.

After having established the above, let's take the next step: do Police encourage citizens to intervene in a crime in progress, and if not, why not?
The people who video recorded the rape are nearly as morally repugnant as the rapist himself.

Usually the video is submitted as evidence. For example, it was recorded video by a bystander that helped catch Reyes for the assault in the NYC subway case.
Evidence? The more violent gun shooting. The increasing crime rate. The wider disparity between rich and poor in US. Maybe you are helping China to destroy US by completely disregards danger to US until it reaches a stage of imparable damage? Good job! :enjoy:

The Communist Party of China is not a true Communist movement. I am sorry the China-origin members posting on this thread but that is the truth
The only thing communist about them seem to be their name . Lol 😆 However, it's understandable, they turned away from.communist ideals the moment they learned the hard way that it doesn't work since it only led to widespread poverty (once known as the sick man of asia), famine, catastrophic economic policies, social unrest. Etc. If they had continued down that path I'm 100% sure the party would have collapsed a while ago to an uprising/revolution. Since they would have ended up as a bigger version of orth Korea or worse, and I'm sure the Chinese people wouldn't have stood still and accepted such a regressive/poverty striken system .
If anything we should admire Deng Xiaoping for radically making a U-turn and undoing almost all Mao's policy/ideology and the system . That's something that's very hard to do without leading to a collapse and people doubting the system/leaders. He took a huge risk despite stiff opposition from party members (die hard Maoists who even called him a capitalist traitor) but it paid off luckily for him.
Funny thing is despite all the bashing of America going on here, many of this people will still rush for an American passport or visa if they had the slightest opportunity to get one. Its no wonder the US is still the most attractive destination for immigrants on earth. There must be a reason for that no? 😁
Even immigrants on here living in the US and bashing it, still don't want to go back to their country ( which they always want to make us belive is an eldorado or better than the US/West). As I said before, how can we even take someone serious who lives in a country he criticises day and night while praising his home country but doesn't have the guts to go back to his country to settle there ? Lol
I can still respect those Chinese or Russian or whatever members who live in their country and criticise the US/West at least they still have some credibility, not those who emigrate to the West yet still claim day and night how they despise the big bad US/West and love their country (which they depict as an eldorado). Lol the hypocrisy here is shocking. 🤣

It's like me and my family moving to China and enjoying our lives living there while criticising China/CCP every time as evil/bad/terrible etc while.clainjng our better off our country Britain is in comparison but we still move back to Britain . Lool ironic isn't it. 😁 this includes idiots like Serpenza who lives in China and yet criticises everything about the country all the time while praising his home country/the west in comparison. If he's not happy in China then he should move out from there and go to a country he praises as better off. Reason I don't take Hypocrites like that seriously. Lol
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this includes idiots like Serpenza who lives in China and yet criticises everything about the country all the time while praising his home country/the west in comparison.

Well actually he trashes SA all the time. He even talked about how his parent's had some home invasion at gunpoint and how the country is a disaster.
Well actually he trashes SA all the time. He even talked about how his parent's had some home invasion at gunpoint and how the country is a disaster.
Yes because he’s a white supremacist that basically trashes everything that is not white. He would trash African Americans and Mexicans in the US too but it would lead to severe backlash so he sticks to trashing Chinese people which is socially acceptable here. Pretty sick life for his wife that has to live with this fucking monster.
The problem here is that there is no predicting what the attacker would do. If the attacker turned on you who tried to stop him from his first target, now YOU are his next target. Now you are obligated to self defense and in that, you might end up harming the attacker or you might end up being his victim.

Now here is the greater or more accurately deeper problem. When we say we have a moral obligation to act X, that would be a universal application. On the other hand, prosecuting you for acting X is a local application. In other words, you would be a hero in one legal jurisdiction but a villain in another AT THE SAME TIME. The only difference is where you are at the time that you acted X where which legal system is applicable to you. It means at the moment that you beat up the rapist, instantly you could be a hero in 25 states and a villain in the other 25 states. When life or limb is in danger, I cannot afford to consult a checklist to see which legal jurisdictions does what, so it is safer for me to do nothing.

A companion problem relates to the media. When we think about it, there is no reason to record the rape other than for sensationalism. The people who video recorded the rape are nearly as morally repugnant as the rapist himself. The goal is for me to benefit myself by any mean and if I can record this rape and gain some forms of profit later, why not? This is a cultural problem, and we can even drill it down to a sub-culture, if we wanted to. The young adults sub-culture would be the most likely to standby and do nothing except to record the rape. And to be blunt about this, the black community sub-culture could be next.

I work as a consultant in the insurance industry in the Midwest. I have seen cases whereas an individual is acting in self defense inside his/her property be it home or business, used force by means of a hand gun to stop a robbery in progress or take down a robber and the jurisdiction would charge the property owners for bodily harm. The laws are messed up and like a jig-saw puzzle to swim through, even in states like Texas with Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground you could do everything according to the book and next thing you know your being sued.

The black community really need to work on their culture and community after the shit they did last year, I personally have no moral sympathy with them, they are like dogs that need to be caged up.
Yes because he’s a white supremacist that basically trashes everything that is not white. He would trash African Americans and Mexicans in the US too but it would lead to severe backlash so he sticks to trashing Chinese people which is socially acceptable here. Pretty sick life for his wife that has to live with this fucking monster.

I don't think he specified if they were black.
However...I'm going to assume he has some prejudices against black Africans.

BTW Why would a white supremacist marry a Chinese woman and have half-asian kids? Doesn't that sound a bit illogical? Aren't you overreacting by quickly yanking out the supremacist card just because he points out issues in China?
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I don't think he specified if they were black.

BTW Why would a white supremacist marry a Chinese woman and have half-asian kids? Doesn't that sound a bit illogical? Aren't you overreacting by yanking out the supremacist card?
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Happens all the time.

It's a fetish of some sort.

Edit: Oh look, I'm not the only one who noticed.

New York Times:

The Alt-Right’s Asian Fetish

By Audrea Lim
  • Jan. 6, 2018

The white supremacists on the far right have “yellow fever” — an Asian woman fetish. It’s a confusing mix.

Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer, once posted a video of himself with a Filipina he called “my jailbait girlfriend,” the young couple flirting as they sauntered through a megamall in the Philippines. Richard Spencer, a white nationalist, has dated a series of Asian-American women, according to one of his ex-girlfriends. (Mr. Spencer insists that it was before he embraced white nationalism.)

The right-wing agitator Mike Cernovich, the writer John Derbyshire and an alt-right figure named Kyle Chapman (so notorious for swinging a lead-filled stick at Trump opponents at a protest in Berkeley, Calif., that he is now a meme) are all married to women of Asian descent. As a commenter wrote on an alt-right forum, “exclusively” dating Asian women is practically a “white-nationalist rite of passage.”

In November 2016, a photo of Tila Tequila giving a Nazi salute went viral. Ms. Tequila is the Vietnamese-American star of the short-lived MTV reality show “A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila,” and she was saluting at a dinner the night before the conference of Richard Spencer’s white-supremacist think tank, the National Policy Institute. At the conference, Mr. Spencer had reminded attendees that America was a “white country designed for ourselves and our posterity.”

Maybe it makes sense that the alt-right is so confused: On a neo-Nazi news site, a user asked advice on whether he could be a white nationalist if he slept with East Asian women, and he received dozens of spirited responses from both sides. But the white-supremacist Asian fetish is no contradiction.
It exists at the intersection of two popular racial myths. First is the idea of the “model minority,” in which Asian-Americans are painted as all hard-working, high-achieving and sufficiently well-behaved to assimilate. If Asians are the model minority — if that is how nonwhites can find acceptance in white America — then perhaps that opens the door to acceptance from white supremacists.

The second myth is that of the subservient, hypersexual Asian woman. The white-supremacist fetish combines those ideas and highlights a tension within the project of white supremacism as America grows more diverse — a reality that white nationalists condemn as “white genocide.” The new, ugly truth? Maintaining white power may require some compromises on white purity.
Was Tila Tequila at that white supremacist dinner just attempting, in some twisted way, to assimilate? Or to rebel against what was expected of her? I cringe at her antics, at her trying to be just one of the white-supremacist bros.But the photo also conjured up my memories of being a 14-year-old Asian girl in an overwhelmingly white school who wanted to be interesting, self-possessed and liked. Instinctively, I knew it meant distancing myself from the other Asian kids, especially the nerdy and studious ones. I knew I had succeeded when a friend remarked that I wasn’t really Asian, I was white, “because you’re cool.”
As I skipped classes to smoke in the courtyard, read Baudelaire to seem the “interesting” kind of smart and attempted to distance myself from the stereotypes, I didn’t know that the idea I wanted to run from — of Asians as civilized, advanced and highly intelligent — had roots in white supremacy. But between the white supremacist Chris Cantwell’s tattoo of a Japanese character and the Charleston shooter Dylann Roof’s speculations that Asians “could be great allies of the white race,” there are echoes of history’s most infamous white nationalist.
“I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves,” Adolf Hitler said in 1945. “They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own.”
In the United States, the model-minority myth grew from Asian-Americans’ mid-20th-century efforts to win civil rights, as the scholar Ellen D. Wu recounts in “The Color of Success.” Previously, Asian-Americans, many with humble roots in rural China, were considered degenerate, subject to lynchings, and forced to live in segregated neighborhoods and attend segregated schools under a regime of discriminatory laws and practices she has called a “cousin to Jim Crow.”
But, according to Professor Wu’s research, Chinese-Americans promoted themselves as hard-working, obedient, family-oriented and able to easily assimilate into American life — traits that are not uncommon in poor immigrant communities, where many have made enormous sacrifices to move to a foreign place.

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By the height of the civil rights movement, America was already giving preferential treatment to educated, professional Asian immigrants, reinforcing the idea of Asians as pliable and studious. White politicians co-opted the myth, pointing to Asian-Americans as proof that the right kind of minority group could achieve the American dream.
Professor Wu found that just months before the release of the 1965 Moynihan Report, the widely influential policy paper that attributed black poverty to a degenerate black culture, its author, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, spoke at a gathering of intellectuals and policymakers about how Japanese- and Chinese-Americans, considered “colored” just 25 years earlier, were “rather astonishing.” “Am I wrong that they have ceased to be colored?” he asked.

In reality, Asians are rarely considered white, and the model-minority myth obscures the vast differences among Asian-Americans. What’s more, the myth helped to strengthen America’s white liberal order, which claims to uphold diversity while also being anti-black. It legitimizes white America’s power to determine who is “good” and to offer basic dignity and equal rights.

The model-minority myth exists alongside another dangerous and limiting idea — one that is consistent with the alt-right’s misogyny and core anti-feminist values. The main problem with white women, as many alt-right Asian fetishists have noted, is they’ve become too feminist. By contrast, Asian women are seen as naturally inclined to serve men sexually and are also thought of as slim, light-skinned and small, in adherence to Western norms of femininity.

These stereotypes have roots in America’s postwar military incursions into Asia. In Japan, a network of brothels permitted by American officials opened as United States troops began arriving in August 1945. The brothels employed tens of thousands of women until Gen. Douglas MacArthur declared them off limits in 1946.
In South Korea, an estimated 300,000 women were working in the sex trade by 1958 (after the end of the Korean War), with more than half employed in the “camptowns” around the American bases. Vietnam’s sex industry, centered largely on American bars, thrived during the Vietnam War. And the stereotype of docile Asian women persists. Nowhere is this more explicit than in sex ads and online pornography.
Tila Tequila — Playboy model, reality show star, aspiring rapper and one of a handful of female Asian-American celebrities — is often seen through this trope. Does she resent being typecast as the hot, horny Asian as much as I resented being seen as a “model minority”?
Yet after I was called “white” at age 14, it felt, paradoxically, like a compliment to be nicknamed Geisha Girl by another friend, a well-meaning gay white boy. This was not because I was delicate. But the nickname became our inside joke, and it symbolized the kind of femininity that attracted the boys I liked, but that I have never really possessed. Being in on the joke meant I was accepted. Since then, I have acted out in all manner of ways to dispel the “model minority” image. Still, I have never fully extinguished the belief that racking up an impressive lineup of achievements is the only way to gain respect.
The stereotypes that feed the Asian-woman fetish are not exclusive to the far right. They exist across the political spectrum and infect every aspect of life — not just the bedroom — and manifest themselves in figures as distant from America as the blond-haired, blue-eyed heroes and hypersexualized heroines of Japanese anime.

This fun-house mirror asks me to be smarter, nicer, prettier and more accomplished than my white counterparts for the same amount of respect, then floods my dating app inbox with messages that reek of Asian fetish. Thankfully, I’m not required to care or let it define me; for what it’s worth, I am even entitled to play up the stereotypes if I see something to be gained. Maybe this is where the Asian girlfriends of alt-right men stand. But none of us can escape the truth that the fun-house was built to justify systematic exploitation of everyone in this country who isn’t white. That’s important context. Otherwise, Richard Spencer’s comments could almost sound nice.

“There is something about the Asian girls,” he once said to Mother Jones. “They are cute. They are smart. They have a kind of thing going on.”
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