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Woman Denied COVID-19 Test 3 times in US Confirmed Positive in Beijing


Nov 4, 2011
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Woman Denied COVID-19 Test 3 times in US Confirmed Positive in Beijing
Some overseas Chinese are returning home due to the coronavirus pandemic, while others who’ve decided to remain abroad are becoming increasingly concerned.

Mar 15, 2020

A woman who tested positive for COVID-19 Friday in Beijing had been denied coronavirus tests three times in the United States, according to the Chinese capital’s disease control authority.

“From her first visit to a Massachusetts hospital on March 3 to her fourth visit on March 11, when a CT scan showed infections in her lungs, the woman — who was running a high fever — was denied a coronavirus test three times,” Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a press conference Saturday. The woman had arrived in Beijing Thursday afternoon with her husband and son, who are being treated as suspected cases.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are three groups of people who should be tested for COVID-19: hospitalized patients showing symptoms of the disease; other symptomatic individuals who may be at greater risk, such as older adults or those with chronic medical conditions; and people who were in close contact with a suspected or confirmed patient, or who recently traveled to an affected area. People who are sick and suspect they may be infected are advised to call their doctors and stay home.

As of noon Sunday, over 75,000 cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed outside China, with Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, France, and the U.S. recording the most infections. Worldwide, the virus has infected some 156,400 people, more than 5,800 of which have died.

To prevent the coronavirus from spreading in Shanghai, Pudong New Area, where the city’s major international airport is located, had by Friday morning set up 18 quarantine sites to accommodate around 5,000 at-risk returnees.

While people returning to China are admitted to hospital if they test positive for COVID-19, many Chinese abroad say they plan to stay put to ride out the pandemic.

Ni Jian, a Chinese woman living in New York, said that although the coronavirus seems to be spreading rapidly in the city, it has not yet significantly impacted her daily life.

“For schools and businesses, everything remains normal,” Ni told Sixth Tone. Since the spouse of one of her co-workers tested positive for COVID-19, Ni has been working from home. The mother of two children said she has no idea whether coronavirus tests are being made available at local hospitals.

“I only know that you’re supposed to call your doctor for further information if you run a fever,” she said. With her family’s roots now firmly planted in New York, Ni said she hasn’t considered returning to China.

Wang Xi, who lives in Boston, said she hasn’t thought of returning to China either — though she’s trying to figure out how to send her father, who has been staying with her in the U.S., home.

“Life in Boston has been greatly impacted by the virus. The main universities in the state of Massachusetts have gone online for classes, and most public schools have closed,” Wang, who also has two children, told Sixth Tone. “Old people like my father are vulnerable to the virus, but given that our home city of Wuhan is still under lockdown, it’s difficult for him to go back.”

In Boston, there are strict COVID-19 testing criteria, according to Wang. “You have to show the exact symptoms and provide evidence of exposure,” she said after checking with her doctor. “This may be due to a shortage of test kits.”

Jane Rong said she’s nervous about the ongoing pandemic, as there have been confirmed cases in the area of Washington, D.C. where she lives, and because her son, a medical student, is interning at a nearby hospital.

“He’s basically a frontline doctor now — I’m very concerned about his safety. But he comforts me and insists he’s totally safe, and that being nervous only lowers one’s immunity,” Rong, who is in her late 50s, told Sixth Tone. She added that the city recently began designating certain clinics to receive fever patients.

In Sweden, a country with nearly 1,000 confirmed cases, resident Tian Wen said it’s not easy for people running a fever to get tested for the coronavirus. “You have to first make a phone call to find out whether you meet the criteria for a hospital visit,” she told Sixth Tone from her home in Stockholm. “If your symptoms are mild and you’re not so old, you won’t be given an appointment with a doctor.”

Tian added that, based on her impression, Stockholm is struggling to cope with its COVID-19 patients. “The city seems to have given up on preventing the virus and is instead more focused on treating confirmed patients with severe symptoms,” she said.

The 36-year-old mother of two said public schools in the city are still in session, though she took her children out of class two weeks ago. “People are going about their work as usual,” she said. “I don’t know how much it helps for families to keep their kids at home if the parents are still going out for work, still having meals in restaurants.”

While going back to China is still an option, Tian said it’s hard to book a flight. “There’s also a high risk of infection from staying in the enclosed environment of a plane for 12 hours,” she said.

Meanwhile, few masks can be seen on the streets of Stockholm. “It’s not because people don’t want to wear them, but because they’re not available anywhere in the city now,” Tian said.

In Bielefeld, a German city with a population of around 333,000, kindergartens and schools will suspend classes from Monday, according to Zhang Yingzhi. “The city has confirmed 17 cases so far, but people aren’t really worried about the situation,” Zhang, a Bielefeld resident, told Sixth Tone. “Almost no one is wearing a mask in the streets. Only medical workers here wear masks, and the local disease control authority says it’s useless (for healthy people) to wear masks. If you wear a mask on the street, you’re either going to be teased for overreacting or assumed to be contagious.”

Zhang admitted that she has thought about flying back to China, given the pandemic situation in Germany, but with her husband’s job and their son’s school in Bielefeld, the family have decided to stay. “After all, it would probably be even riskier to get on a plane,” she said.

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Woman Denied COVID-19 Test in US Confirmed Positive in Beijing
Some overseas Chinese are returning home due to the coronavirus pandemic, while others who’ve decided to remain abroad are becoming increasingly concerned.

Mar 15, 2020

A woman who tested positive for COVID-19 Friday in Beijing had been denied coronavirus tests three times in the United States, according to the Chinese capital’s disease control authority.

“From her first visit to a Massachusetts hospital on March 3 to her fourth visit on March 11, when a CT scan showed infections in her lungs, the woman — who was running a high fever — was denied a coronavirus test three times,” Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a press conference Saturday. The woman had arrived in Beijing Thursday afternoon with her husband and son, who are being treated as suspected cases.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are three groups of people who should be tested for COVID-19: hospitalized patients showing symptoms of the disease; other symptomatic individuals who may be at greater risk, such as older adults or those with chronic medical conditions; and people who were in close contact with a suspected or confirmed patient, or who recently traveled to an affected area. People who are sick and suspect they may be infected are advised to call their doctors and stay home.

As of noon Sunday, over 75,000 cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed outside China, with Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, France, and the U.S. recording the most infections. Worldwide, the virus has infected some 156,400 people, more than 5,800 of which have died.

To prevent the coronavirus from spreading in Shanghai, Pudong New Area, where the city’s major international airport is located, had by Friday morning set up 18 quarantine sites to accommodate around 5,000 at-risk returnees.

While people returning to China are admitted to hospital if they test positive for COVID-19, many Chinese abroad say they plan to stay put to ride out the pandemic.

Ni Jian, a Chinese woman living in New York, said that although the coronavirus seems to be spreading rapidly in the city, it has not yet significantly impacted her daily life.

“For schools and businesses, everything remains normal,” Ni told Sixth Tone. Since the spouse of one of her co-workers tested positive for COVID-19, Ni has been working from home. The mother of two children said she has no idea whether coronavirus tests are being made available at local hospitals.

“I only know that you’re supposed to call your doctor for further information if you run a fever,” she said. With her family’s roots now firmly planted in New York, Ni said she hasn’t considered returning to China.

Wang Xi, who lives in Boston, said she hasn’t thought of returning to China either — though she’s trying to figure out how to send her father, who has been staying with her in the U.S., home.

“Life in Boston has been greatly impacted by the virus. The main universities in the state of Massachusetts have gone online for classes, and most public schools have closed,” Wang, who also has two children, told Sixth Tone. “Old people like my father are vulnerable to the virus, but given that our home city of Wuhan is still under lockdown, it’s difficult for him to go back.”

In Boston, there are strict COVID-19 testing criteria, according to Wang. “You have to show the exact symptoms and provide evidence of exposure,” she said after checking with her doctor. “This may be due to a shortage of test kits.”

Jane Rong said she’s nervous about the ongoing pandemic, as there have been confirmed cases in the area of Washington, D.C. where she lives, and because her son, a medical student, is interning at a nearby hospital.

“He’s basically a frontline doctor now — I’m very concerned about his safety. But he comforts me and insists he’s totally safe, and that being nervous only lowers one’s immunity,” Rong, who is in her late 50s, told Sixth Tone. She added that the city recently began designating certain clinics to receive fever patients.

In Sweden, a country with nearly 1,000 confirmed cases, resident Tian Wen said it’s not easy for people running a fever to get tested for the coronavirus. “You have to first make a phone call to find out whether you meet the criteria for a hospital visit,” she told Sixth Tone from her home in Stockholm. “If your symptoms are mild and you’re not so old, you won’t be given an appointment with a doctor.”

Tian added that, based on her impression, Stockholm is struggling to cope with its COVID-19 patients. “The city seems to have given up on preventing the virus and is instead more focused on treating confirmed patients with severe symptoms,” she said.

The 36-year-old mother of two said public schools in the city are still in session, though she took her children out of class two weeks ago. “People are going about their work as usual,” she said. “I don’t know how much it helps for families to keep their kids at home if the parents are still going out for work, still having meals in restaurants.”

While going back to China is still an option, Tian said it’s hard to book a flight. “There’s also a high risk of infection from staying in the enclosed environment of a plane for 12 hours,” she said.

Meanwhile, few masks can be seen on the streets of Stockholm. “It’s not because people don’t want to wear them, but because they’re not available anywhere in the city now,” Tian said.

In Bielefeld, a German city with a population of around 333,000, kindergartens and schools will suspend classes from Monday, according to Zhang Yingzhi. “The city has confirmed 17 cases so far, but people aren’t really worried about the situation,” Zhang, a Bielefeld resident, told Sixth Tone. “Almost no one is wearing a mask in the streets. Only medical workers here wear masks, and the local disease control authority says it’s useless (for healthy people) to wear masks. If you wear a mask on the street, you’re either going to be teased for overreacting or assumed to be contagious.”

Zhang admitted that she has thought about flying back to China, given the pandemic situation in Germany, but with her husband’s job and their son’s school in Bielefeld, the family have decided to stay. “After all, it would probably be even riskier to get on a plane,” she said.

Chinese mainland reports 20 newly confirmed cases of coronavirus infection
Source: Xinhua | 2020-03-15 11:12:31 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese health authority said Sunday it received reports of 20 newly confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 10 deaths from novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the Chinese mainland Saturday.

All of the four newly-confirmed indigenous cases and all of the deaths were reported in Wuhan, the provincial capital and epicenter of the outbreak, according to the National Health Commission.

Meanwhile, 39 newly-added suspected cases were reported, said the commission.

Also on Saturday, 1,370 people were discharged from hospital after recovery, while the number of severe cases decreased by 384 to 3,226.

The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 80,844 by the end of Saturday, including 10,734 patients who were still being treated, 66,911 patients who had been discharged after recovery, and 3,199 people who died of the disease.

The commission said that 113 people were still suspected of being infected with the virus.

The commission noted that 10,189 close contacts were still under medical observation. On Saturday, 1,409 people were discharged from medical observation.

Sixteen imported cases were reported on the mainland Saturday. Among them, five were reported in Beijing, four in Zhejiang Province, three in both Shanghai and Gansu Province, as well as one in Guangdong Province. By the end of Saturday, 111 imported cases had been reported, said the commission.

By the end of Saturday, 141 confirmed cases including four deaths had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), 10 confirmed cases in the Macao SAR, and 53 in Taiwan including one death.

A total of 81 patients in Hong Kong, 10 in Macao and 20 in Taiwan had been discharged from hospital after recovery.
So a woman who believed she had Corona virus decides to REPEATEDLY attend a hospital despite standing instructions to self isolate if you believe you have the virus. Sounds like a effing moron to me.
Chinese mainland reports 20 newly confirmed cases of coronavirus infection
Source: Xinhua | 2020-03-15 11:12:31 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese health authority said Sunday it received reports of 20 newly confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 10 deaths from novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the Chinese mainland Saturday.

All of the four newly-confirmed indigenous cases and all of the deaths were reported in Wuhan, the provincial capital and epicenter of the outbreak, according to the National Health Commission.

Meanwhile, 39 newly-added suspected cases were reported, said the commission.

Also on Saturday, 1,370 people were discharged from hospital after recovery, while the number of severe cases decreased by 384 to 3,226.

The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 80,844 by the end of Saturday, including 10,734 patients who were still being treated, 66,911 patients who had been discharged after recovery, and 3,199 people who died of the disease.

The commission said that 113 people were still suspected of being infected with the virus.

The commission noted that 10,189 close contacts were still under medical observation. On Saturday, 1,409 people were discharged from medical observation.

Sixteen imported cases were reported on the mainland Saturday. Among them, five were reported in Beijing, four in Zhejiang Province, three in both Shanghai and Gansu Province, as well as one in Guangdong Province. By the end of Saturday, 111 imported cases had been reported, said the commission.

By the end of Saturday, 141 confirmed cases including four deaths had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), 10 confirmed cases in the Macao SAR, and 53 in Taiwan including one death.

A total of 81 patients in Hong Kong, 10 in Macao and 20 in Taiwan had been discharged from hospital after recovery.

20 new cases, 4 in Wuhan and 16 are imported, crazy... we should stop international flights.
So a woman who believed she had Corona virus decides to REPEATEDLY attend a hospital despite standing instructions to self isolate if you believe you have the virus. Sounds like a effing moron to me.

...and then this unnamed women gets on a plane flies 16 hours to China. The story hardly sounds credible ..:lol:
If China plays well, it will pull lots of its migrated wealth back. Infect I was thinking that anyone who's looking to move to a safe country should migrate to China. :secret:
Wow, the testing in M'sia is far more efficient than the US!
That is why tens of thousands of people who can afford a plane ticket are fleeing the country.



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