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Without the White Race world would have been permanently stuck at 1750 AD...Thoughts?

Buddhism is the best religion in the world. Very secular and tolerant. You will never find Buddhists hating on others or committing genocide on others. We don't hate people for being different.

It is the Truth claims of Buddhism that matters..I am afraid no religion has developed an adequate answer to European Enlightenment other than Christianity to some extent
Myanmar are budhist but involved in genocide of rohangiyas
They are political monks. If you are talking about Ashin Sirathu then he is used by the military.

I would even not call then extremist because to be an extremist you just take your religious beliefs to the extreme. They are basically men in red cloth but politicians.
major hinder to science and technology development in nonwestern world is these western powers,they unjustly impose sanctions if you want to progress in science,look at what they are doing to china and russia these days ,technology not remains in similar hand in all times,there will come a time when western world will leave behind others in technology but behavior of civilization whether good or bad will be remembered forever.When Muslims conquered spain they provided scientific knowledge at that time to europeans and not put hurdles in their way which promoted western world to make advancement in science

Bhai, I will again bring space exploration here. I am sure that had the 50 Muslim-majority countries even 50 years ago had collaborated with the USSR, the Western governments would not have dared to impose sanctions on Muslim-majority countries and in year 2020 we would have seen a Muslim space station. Same goes for finding vaccine for polio, cure for various cancers, AIDS etc. But no, others did it.

Sucide is not allowed.

I know. I was just testing Yaseen bhai's reaction. :)
Buddhism is the best religion in the world. Very secular and tolerant. You will never find Buddhists hating on others or committing genocide on others. We don't hate people for being different.

Afghan,Pak,Indonesia &Malaysia are once ruled by Hindus and later Buddhist kings and today almost no Buddhists lives there.

Buddhism is most advanced and simple Dharmic religion that is why Buddha is called as 'light of Asia'.
Humans would have continued to develop even if all white people had disappeared in1750. European imperialism actually kept many other parts of the world poor and undeveloped. Look at S. Asia. Under the Mughals, India had the largest GDP in the world. Under the British it was an impoverished backwater struggling from one famine to the next, despite the fact that Britian had the most advanced science of the time. It was British imperial strategy to keep the colonies backward and poor.
It is the Truth claims of Buddhism that matters..I am afraid no religion has developed an adequate answer to European Enlightenment other than Christianity to some extent
Europeans are not Christians. They are secular. You should have seen the condition of Europe during the middle ages
Ahem, let me remind of you of the world's latest gencodie
The Rohingyas
This is all political and not religious.
. .
That's one of the deepest ways of to worship God..think about it..you need 20-30 years of deep dedication..and you are not doing Science just to get a position in society (early Science still didnot build up the hierarchial structure to confer any prestige)...you are doing Science so that you can understand in your little way the MInd of God and follow his plan better, and take care of his Creation better...Even Max Planck thought this way...Science should come naturally to the most committed of theists
Yes, I strongly agree. However, the kind of religion that has taken hold of vast majority of religious people at present, especially those that follow Islam is to have faith without asking questions. It leaves no room for learning or improvement, to question is to be blasphemous. This has set us back many centuries, if not more. I wish this thinking would change but for that there needs a be a paradigm shift, which I do not see happening anytime soon.
That's one of the deepest ways of to worship God..think about it..you need 20-30 years of deep dedication..and you are not doing Science just to get a position in society (early Science still didnot build up the hierarchial structure to confer any prestige)...you are doing Science so that you can understand in your little way the MInd of God and follow his plan better, and take care of his Creation better...Even Max Planck thought this way...Science should come naturally to the most committed of theists
Great post.
It is the Truth claims of Buddhism that matters..I am afraid no religion has developed an adequate answer to European Enlightenment other than Christianity to some extent
Christianity just adapted to loosing control over majority of their population.
This is all political and not religious.
certifiably not true
But regardless
Buddhist monks are attacking Rohingyas so your claim on Buddhism being "peaceful" is demonstrably false.
you should not be in haste,our time will come in future,iran and turkey are making advancement in space,iran has successfully send satellite,certain mistakes were done in past and we trusted west but they were not sincere to us,I am sure now our leadership should learn from past and learn technology from china instead of depending on west
Bhai, I will again bring space exploration here. I am sure that had the 50 Muslim-majority countries even 50 years ago had collaborated with the USSR, the Western governments would not have dared to impose sanctions on Muslim-majority countries and in year 2020 we would have seen a Muslim space station. Same goes for finding vaccine for polio, cure for various cancers, AIDS etc. But no, others did it.

I know. I was just testing Yaseen bhai's reaction. :)
Europeans are not Christians. They are secular. You should have seen the condition of Europe during the middle ages
Yes, I strongly agree. However, the kind of religion that has taken hold of vast majority of religious people at present, especially those that follow Islam is to have faith without asking questions. It leaves no room for learning or improvement, to question is to be blasphemous. This has set us back many centuries, if not more. I wish this thinking would change but for that there needs a be a paradigm shift, which I do not see happening anytime soon.

Both the Quran and the Reality that God created around you are Holy Scriptures...you need to understand both..Without the Universe the Quran would have been superflous...as Human beings cannot exist outside the Universe....A universe that has sentient beings will always have some sort of Holy Scriptures and a Holy Scripture will always need an Universe to activate itself....so study of Quran and Study of Reality go hand in hand
There was a time when arabs were inventing things and at the other time it was indians and egyptian. Even now the research is not the domain of only whites its a global phenomena. If there wouldnt be whites there would be some other civilization doing the same
It's weird to see a Dharmic Buddhist saying that Buddhist is the best religion in the world. Abrahamic terms like 'best religion' doesn't behove for a Buddhist talking about the Buddhism. Surely, Siddhartha Gautama wouldn't have approved that.
Lord Buddha always stressed the fact that you need to find Nirvana. He spent his life preaching the path to Nirvana to people. If according to Buddha every faith was way to Nirvana then he would have sat home and ate bananas all day.

Also don't forget that Buddhism is the only Indian religion which encourages conversion. During Buddha's time many Hindus converted to Buddhism particularly Raja Bimbisara and Later emperor Ashoka.

Lord Buddha also sent missionaries all over the subcontinent and beyond.

Lord Buddha preached

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