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With India's security in mind, Isro plans to launch 10 surveillance satellites in 2020-21

He said, the "next time", they will take down the whole building and not focus only only killing the occupants.
Please don't humiliate Bharat anymore,there isn't any weapon which upon hitting a building won't destroy it and would only kill occupants.
Please don't humiliate Bharat anymore,there isn't any weapon which upon hitting a building won't destroy it and would only kill occupants.

There are plenty of weapons that do that.

From chemical weapons, to Neutron bombs to biological weapons to bunker busters.

here is the picture of one such weapon.


However we used the SPICE bomb and here is what happens when that is used. Note that the flimsy building is still standing, but everything inside is DEAD.




Hellfire R9X missile ( if true )
Looks like a Sci Fi ( Rated : R ) villain weapon..
what happens if you fire it into a kitchen?
Will it chop & blend ?
There are plenty of weapons that do that.

From chemical weapons, to Neutron bombs to biological weapons to bunker busters.

here is the picture of one such weapon.


However we used the SPICE bomb and here is what happens when that is used. Note that the flimsy building is still standing, but everything inside is DEAD.




SPICE has no such capnilities,these are purpose built weapons which US can do but we know Bharat is not US.It's just a kit on Mk84 dumb bomb.
36 ISRO missions this financial year.

They include new categories such as first Geo Imaging Satellite
The country will send up an unusually large number of 10 earth observation (EO) satellites during 2020-21, according to the latest annual report of the Indian Space Research Organisation for 2019-20.

On a quick look, such a pre-ponderence of the EO launches is unprecedented and includes new categories such as the first Geo Imaging Satellite, GISAT-1.

In comparison, only three communication satellites — which is another major category in space infrastructure — and two navigation satellites are planned for the coming financial year starting April.

The annual plan mentions 36 missions, another high for a year: these includes both satellites and their launchers.

The high number also stands out amidst the immediate two years before and after the plan. For the ongoing fiscal, ISRO had proposed launching six EO satellites, of which two are due to go. For 2021-22, the plan is to add eight EO satellites.

ISRO says 19 national EO satellites, 18 communication satellites and eight navigation satellites are in service, driving uses from broadcasting, telephony, Internet services, weather and agriculture-related forecasting, security, disaster-time rescue and relief and location-based services. Three of the communication satellites are dedicated for military communication and networking.

In the ongoing fiscal 2019-20, 17 missions have been planned to be launched and up to six of them are due to be completed by March 31, it says.

ISRO was recently given a budget of nearly ₹13,480 crore for the next fiscal.

The EO sats are ostensibly for benign uses such as land and agriculture watch. But their images also have a very important use for the military, for keeping an eye on the borders. The satellites such as RISATs, which carry a synthetic aperture radar on them, provide all-weather, 24-hour information to security agencies.

Apart from GISAT-1 that is apparently fixed over the subcontinent at an orbit 36,000 km high, the space agency plans to launch a new series of high resolution HRSATs as a threesome on a single PSLV launcher.

The upcoming EO satellites include radar imaging satellites RISAT-2BR2, RISAT- 1A and 2A; Oceansat-3 and Resourcesat-3/3S.

The RISAT-2BR2 will form a triad fleet with its predecessors RISAT-2B and RISAT-2B1, all going around 120 degrees apart. They will “increase the frequency of observation in the areas of interest to provide all-weather, day/night imaging services from space,” the report said.


low quality satellites by india are only increasing space debris,I think nasa should impose fines on india for polluting space

NASA is more likely to fine Pakistan for its Science Minister publicly and on TV claiming Hubble telescope was launched by Pakistan and is owned and run by Pakistanis.
The overwhelmingly largest amount of space debris is American then Russian and Chinese

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