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With 'atmanirbharta' on its mind, Navy set to cancel deal with US for naval guns


Apr 28, 2011
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The planned procurement of the 127 mm MK 45 anti-surface and anti-air gun systems from the US is likely to be shelved by the Indian Navy. Senior Associate Editor explains why the Navy has decided to forgo this deal.
They're trying to stay nuetral and independent of US

and are also picking a fight with China?

Seems confusing 😕
It's not with 'aatmanirbharta' on mind rather the 'empty pockets' on their mind.

With China, Pakistan and Bangladesh borders sucking in a lot of resources, new arenas include sunken costs in Afghanistan, Nepal and Srilanka, deteriorating internal law and order in northeast, Naxal insurgency, continuation of anti farmers protests, and bad state of economy.

This cash crunch is the reason and 'aatmanirbharta' is just a bogey. We all know how much their forces love their desi stuff. LoL

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It's not on 'aatmanirbharta' on mind rather the 'empty pockets' on their mind.

With China, Pakistan and Bangladesh borders sucking in a lot of resources, new arenas include sunken costs in Afghanistan, Nepal and Srilanka, deteriorating internal law and order in northeast, Naxal insurgency, continuation of anti farmers protests, and bad state of economy.

This cash crunch is the reason and 'aatmanirbharta' is just a bogey. We all know how much their forces love their desi stuff. LoL

They will procure domestic naval guns instead.
It's not on 'aatmanirbharta' on mind rather the 'empty pockets' on their mind.

With China, Pakistan and Bangladesh borders sucking in a lot of resources, new arenas include sunken costs in Afghanistan, Nepal and Srilanka, deteriorating internal law and order in northeast, Naxal insurgency, continuation of anti farmers protests, and bad state of economy.

This cash crunch is the reason and 'aatmanirbharta' is just a bogey. We all know how much their forces love their desi stuff. LoL


Watch this space for disaster news from Indian yards as usual. "AatmaNirbhar" means "Aatma (self) shooting myself in the foot"...about ten years down the line. Date of commission on Indian ships, two decades from now.

I don't even know if they can forge 127mm barrels in India, maybe the Chinese can help. 8-)
They will procure domestic naval guns instead.

I do not believe they make 127 mm (54 caliber) Mark 45 guns in India, please educate us.

So - guessing Indian barrel will look like this - on a larger scale?

It's not on 'aatmanirbharta' on mind rather the 'empty pockets' on their mind.

With China, Pakistan and Bangladesh borders sucking in a lot of resources, new arenas include sunken costs in Afghanistan, Nepal and Srilanka, deteriorating internal law and order in northeast, Naxal insurgency, continuation of anti farmers protests, and bad state of economy.

This cash crunch is the reason and 'aatmanirbharta' is just a bogey. We all know how much their forces love their desi stuff. LoL

When you're right, you're right.

Trust the opponent not to mince words, we are facing a cash crunch but there is a broader context to it than that.

There is a growing realisation that our economy will not be able to match our current ambitions and as such reducing our dependance on our major imports is one solution. Our military industrial complex is in its growth phase, it's maturity and future trajectory will be subject to market economics but it is surely a major boost if the Indian armed forces start procurement in a piecemeal fashion untill it does gain maturity to the desired levels.

Basically, we have 20-30% top of the line stuff to hold off aggresion till we can build up the capability to produce our own.

Whether we can do that satisfactorily in a timeframe we want is a debate on itself.

Watch this space for disaster news from Indian yards as usual. "AatmaNirbhar" means "Aatma (self) shooting myself in the foot"...about ten years down the line. Date of commission on Indian ships, two decades from now.

I don't even know if they can forge 127mm barrels in India, maybe the Chinese can help. 8-)

I do not believe they make 127 mm (54 caliber) Mark 45 guns in India, please educate us.

So - guessing Indian barrel will look like this - on a larger scale?

Some more news how 'aatmanirbharta' is working in full swing.

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