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Wind Power Plants Updates


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
Artistic Wind power Plant achieved an exciting milestone!

50 MW Artistic Wind Power Plant is now connected to National Grid successfully and will be soon fully operational, bringing the total renewable energy that we provide to the national grid to 100 MW.
This means we have avoided 19,650 kg carbon dioxide equivalent of GHGs from being released into environment.



Din Energy Pvt. Limited inaugurated Wind Power Station in Jhampir.

Cost of this project is $65 million USD.
Power plant has capacity to produce 50 MW (4.7 cents/Unit) clean and green electricity.
This is cheapest power project in Pakistan and it will cost 4.7 US cents/unit.

This project shall go a long way in promoting renewable energy production in Pakistan.

Pakistan is contributing towards ensuring minimum carbon emissions and preserving environment.



Huge potential for solar and wind in Pakistan..​



First wind power project by FFC Energy at Jhimpir, Sindh Province | Photo credit: FFC Energy

Around 4 years ago the general view in the Pakistan electricity sector was that solar and wind power (together termed "variable renewable energy," or VRE) should not be allowed to go above 5% of Pakistan's installed capacity.

This view was in part due to fears of the variability of solar and wind and their impact on the proper functioning of the grid, but underlying it was also a concern that they would further burden the power sector with high generation costs. The result was a reluctance to issue Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to new solar and wind projects—with Pakistan falling far behind its huge potential as a renewable energy powerhouse.

Pakistan has huge solar resource potential: According to a recent World Bank study, utilizing just 0.071 percent of the country’s area for solar PV would meet Pakistan’s current electricity demand! Of course Pakistanis already know this due to the long, hot summers, which until recently were accompanied by regular power cuts due to insufficient supply. Pakistan also has some excellent wind resource potential in the south and west of the country, as highlighted by the Global Wind Atlas.

Considering this, and at the request of the Government, the World Bank team in Pakistan commissioned a study in mid-2018 to help understand how much solar and wind could—and should—be added to the Pakistan grid considering its cost and variability.

With the help of a team of consultants from Tractebel (previously Lahmeyer), the study (available via this feature story) determined that increasing solar and wind capacity to at least 30% of total installed capacity by 2030 would represent a "least-cost" expansion scenario, resulting in fuel savings equal to $5 billion over 20 years, increased energy security, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. This will require Pakistan to install around 24,000 Megawatts of solar and wind by 2030, up from just over 1,500 Megawatts today. This represents around 150-200 MW per month!

The study has already informed the Government's targets for solar and wind, set at 20% of total capacity by 2025 and 30% by 2030, and has helped dispel concerns over integrating much higher percentages of variable generation.

Our most recent study, “Variable Renewable Energy Locational Study,” goes on to show where all this solar and wind would be optimally sited, considering the resource potential, transmission system capacity, and constraints such as agriculture, terrain, and population centers. Three conclusions emerge:
  • Reaching the 20% target for solar and wind can be largely achieved by carefully siting solar and wind projects to make use of surplus substation capacity in the existing system—this is best thought of as "low hanging fruit";
  • Getting to 30% will require more significant investment, including development of hybrid solar and wind parks which help to make better use of dedicated transmission lines;
  • While every province should see significant solar and wind development, Balochistan stands out as the country's "golden goose." Due to the excellent solar, but especially wind resources in the west of the province, it makes economic sense to develop large solar-wind farms and construct a high-voltage DC line over 1,000 kilometers to bring power to the rest of the country.
Now the hard work needs to begin: introducing competitive bidding to bring down costs, investing in new transmission infrastructure, and implementing operational changes such as centralized forecasting to enable a smooth scale-up of solar and wind. Even though the country currently has a supply surplus due to slower economic growth (compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic), this should not hold up an immediate shift to solar and wind—especially considering it will take at least 2-3 years for any new capacity to come online.

Increasing Deployment of Wind Farms​

  • Because of its geographical advantage, Pakistan has a tremendous potential of more than 132 GW of wind energy, according to the United States Agency for International Development and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, which creates a huge possible market in the future.
  • In 2019, Pakistan has 1186 MW of operational wind installation that generated more than 1.7 TWh of electricity. With this much generation, wind contributed by 6% in renewable electricity by the end of 2018.
  • In 2018, GE Renewable Energy and Hawa Energy (Pvt) Ltd inaugurated a 50-MW wind park in Pakistan known as the Hawa Power Project, consisting of 29 units of GE’s 1.7-103 wind turbines with a capacity of supplying power to over 20,000 homes.
  • The major success of Pakistan’s growth in wind energy lies due to favorable winds in Jhimpir-Gharo Corridor. With the majority of the wind installations in this region along with the first wind plant of Pakistan, this region still holds the potential for the growth of the wind market.
  • The massive growth of wind in period 2015-2018 and upcoming ambitious projects shows the commitment of Pakistan to embrace wind energy at larger scale in the forecast period.
Pakistan Wind Energy Market

Upcoming Projects And Government’s Policies​

  • With Sapphire Wind Farm project, capacity of 50 MW, Pakistan is going to introduce Feed in Tariff for the first time with involvement of National Electric Power Regulatory Authority. This will encourage the growth of wind energy acceptance in Pakistan.
  • To boost the manufacturing of wind and solar equipment in Pakistan, the government is also planning to propose five-year tax exemption for the manufacturers. This will help increase renewable share significantly.Even the levelised power tariffs for wind energy is minimum.
  • The Government of Pakistan has tasked the Alternative Energy Development Board of Pakistan (AEDB) to ensure 6% of total national power generation capacity to be generated through renewable energy technologies by the year 2030.
  • With 11 separate wind projects approved by AEDB, comprising a collective capacity of 560 MW , a rapid growth in the wind market of Pakistan is expected in the forecast period
  • The upcoming projects and visionary policies of the Pakistan government are expected to drive Pakistan towards a global leader in wind energy.
Pakistan Wind Energy Market

Competitive Landscape​

The Pakistan wind energy market is partially fragmented. Some of the major companies include Vestas Wind Systems A/S., China Three Gorges Corp, General Electric Company, Goldwind International Holdings Ltd., United Energy Group Limited, and others

Major Players​

  1. Vestas Wind Systems A/S
  2. China Three Gorges Corp
  3. Goldwind International Holdings Ltd
  4. General Electric Company
  5. United Energy Group Limited
50MW Indus & 50MW Din Wind Power Projects reached COD with availability surpassing 99%. They are executed by Power China & will generate 336 million kWh of clean energy per year. Chinese companies are contributing to the vision of a cleaner greener Pakistan.





Naveena Group’s $65-million wind power project begins operations

BR Web Desk
15 Apr, 2022

Naveena Group’s 50-megawatt (MW) wind power project: Photo courtesy: Naveena Group

Naveena Group’s 50-megawatt (MW) wind power project: Photo courtesy: Naveena Group

Naveena Group’s 50-megawatt (MW) wind power project, worth $65 million dollars and located at Jhimpir in Thatta, Sindh, has begun its commercial operations on April 13, 2022. The company will supply clean wind energy at 4.7 cents per unit. It is said that this development would make it the cheapest renewable energy supply in the country.

Jhimpir falls in the Gharo-Keti Bandar wind corridor, which is a 70x100 kilometer coastal stretch and has the capacity to generate up to 50,000 megawatts of electricity.

Back in 2019, Naveena, which also operates in the textile and construction sectors, announced that it had achieved financial close with the government of Pakistan for the project.

The recent investment comes amid increased interest on part of the government in the renewable energy sector, as Pakistan looks to make efforts to tackle climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. At present, coal, hydel, nuclear, gas, furnace oil and RLNG have a majority share in power generation.

Last year, Sindh Minister for energy Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh said that the provincial government is giving special priority to solar and wind power generation projects with a vision to improve the environment.

In February 2022, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), in a bid to counter climate change and enhance renewable energy generation, said it is providing financing worth Rs74 billion to over 1,175 projects under its refinance scheme. The projects have a combined capacity of 1,375MW, according to data available with Business Recorder.

Earlier this year, Ateeq ur Rehman, economic & financial analyst, said that for the sake of its socioeconomic development, Pakistan needs to encourage sustainable development in the field of renewable energy.

However, he pointed out that challenges include wind and solar projects getting expensive due to rise in the prices of the equipment, globally. Renewable energy is facing a big hit due to such international inflationary conditions, he added.

But he said that project developers should not get discouraged and the government should offer incentives like tax holidays.

“Companies working for wind and solar projects surely need encouragement by federal and provincial governments, which include cheaper land on wind and solar corridors,” he said.

As a group, Naveena has reached a benchmark sale of $300 million “dedicated to the business of progress and sustainability”. Established in 1971, the group’s global footprint extends across denim, spinning, property development, steel and power.
Din Energy 50 MW WPP in Jhimpir near completion




The private sector on Thursday announced their decision to set up Pakistan’s first ever one-gigawatt wind-solar hybrid power plant with the aim to counter the expensive power and climate crises in Pakistan.

“We are setting up the first private sector run power plant outside of the government’s ambit,” Engro Energy CEO Yusuf Siddiqui said while speaking at the Annual State of Renewables Conference 2022 organised by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and Unilever.

“The one-gigawatt hybrid power plant (including thermal) will start producing 500 MW in the first phase by the end of 2024 and the remaining 500 MW will start production in 2025, at Jhampir, Sindh.”

Siddiqui explained that this was going to be the first plant in Pakistan being set up without having acquired a fixed rate of return from the government. “The company will produce power on its own and sell it to the private sector. This is what is happening in the US and Europe,” he said.
Wind Power updates..

Power china HDEC has completed 1090MW of wind power installed capacity, built 22 sets 132 KV substation, generating over 2 billion kWh of green energy to Pakistan's power grid annually, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 2 million tons to address climate change..



Wind plants to start feeding national grid shortly

Kazim Alam
February 25, 2023

KARACHI: Wind power projects (WPPs), which have remained mostly idle since November 2022, will start despatching electricity to the national grid in the next 10 days.

The major victory by WPPs came after their delegation held a meeting on Thursday with all stakeholders, including the regulator of the power sector.

Speaking to Dawn on Friday, Pakistan Wind Energy Association Chairman Rumman Arshad Dar said all 36 WPPs will become operational in about 10 days even though the projects are unlikely to be despatched 100 per cent.

“Of the total 1,835 megawatts of installed capacity, up to 1,300MW are going to be despatched in the immediate term,” he said.

Power generation by WPPs is currently nominal. Transmission lines that evacuate electricity from these projects located in Jhimpir and Gharo areas of Sindh to the national grid are currently choked. “Coal and nuclear have crowded out wind power,” Mr Dar said.

According to National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra), the share of wind power in the national energy mix in December was 2.5pc versus its share of 4.5pc in the installed capacity.

Not despatching the available wind capacity violates the Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation 2006, which requires the sole state-backed buyer of electricity to compulsorily evacuate their entire power production.

Mr Dar said his association will meet Nepra and National Power Control Centre (NPCC), which serves as the nerve centre for power generation and transmission systems as part of the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC), again in the second half of March to come up with a long-term solution to the issue of curtailment faced by WPPs.

In the meantime, however, NPCC will start despatching WPPs in 10 or so days, he noted.

The reason WPPs haven’t been despatched fully in recent months is that the glut of power generation in the South region (Sindh and Balochistan) has created bottlenecks in the transmission of electricity to the North region, which has higher consumption.

A substantial portion of the newly installed capacity in recent years — from wind and coal to nuclear — is based in the South region. The newly added two nuclear power plants with nameplate capacities of 1,100MW each, along with four coal power plants in Thar with a combined dispatchable capacity of 2,400MW, are “choking” the transmission network.

In other words, a large part of electricity generated from the nuclear and coal plants is being evacuated to the North region using the transmission capacities meant for wind projects.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the CEO of a wind power project who participated in the February 23 meeting said NPCC has demanded that it be provided with forecasts on wind patterns. “This will enable it to plan ahead and curtail other (non-renewable) plants when there’s wind,” he said.

According to a senior official of NTDC, the pace of construction work on transmission lines slowed down for a number of reasons, including a rapid rise in the prices of cement and steel, nationwide floods and complications arising out of the right-of-way issues.

New WPPs with a cumulative capacity of 610MW received tariffs by Nepra back in 2018. These projects were supposed to become operational between November 2020 and February 2021. But they began commercial operations between August 2021 and May 2022 for many reasons, including grid non-availability and Covid-19.

“Had the delays been escaped by the concerned network companies, there could have been huge savings in the power purchase cost during that period,” said Nepra in its State of Industry Report 2022.
Published in Dawn, February 25th, 2023
Wind Energy Project s
50 MW Hydro China Dawood Wind Farm, Gharo, Thatta ..
100MW UEP Wind Farm, Jhimpir, Thatta ..
50MW Sachal Wind Farm ,Jhimpir, Thatta ..
100MW Three Gorges Second and Third Wind Power Project..

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