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Will Putin attack Ukraine again this week?

American Eagle

May 25, 2010
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United States
United States
I am of the lay opinion that Mr. Putin has lost his mind and will attempt to invade more of Ukraine during this week.

This is of course only my opinion based on how I read his military movements of recent date.

What do others on this site think about Russia's military being used for another invasion this week by Mr. Putin?
Western propaganda!
Putin has repeatedly maintained his stance that he is not interested in attacking Ukraine,even during his emotional speech after the referendum. He's a man of his word unlike the Presidents sitting in Europe and America.
Till now there has been only one death after Russia's take over.And that happened owing to the fact that Kiev authorized its soldiers in Crimea to use weapons, reversing previous orders that they should avoid using arms against attack.Or else the take over of the base would have been completely peaceful.Kiev wanted causalities to happen so that the world took notice of this.
The referendum should be a proof of how ppl in Crimea wanted to join Russia.

Posting a pic of Russian intervention in Crimea.It definitely looks peaceful to me.

I don't believe Putin has lost his mind, or anything to that effect.

Russian intervention in Crimea and even in Georgia was significantly more "peaceful" than other recent conflicts.

As for what Putin may do next, many provinces in Eastern Ukraine have a majority of "Russian speakers", same as in many other of the post-Soviet republics. Those Russian speakers may (and some already have done) call for Russian assistance, and Russia's response would depend on various factors, geography being a major one.

Transnistria for example is extremely pro-Russia, but they are geographically separated from Russia, by Ukraine. So it becomes more complicated.
If there is support on the ground, such Invasions can go through without the need to use Shock and awe or excessive military power that leads to civilian deaths. I have to agree that the "Invasion" of Crimea has been most peaceful ever. Had there really been resentment of the Invasion in Crimea , there would be bloody conflict in the streets.. except there isn't.
Putin didn't annex Crimes to save Russians there or to punish Ukraine. He annexed it to consolidate his hold on a warm water port facing Europe.

There is no such benefit by annexing other parts of Ukraine. In fact, it's far better to have a large pro-Russian base within Ukraine which he can leverage to keep the pot boiling.
I would highly doubt that, he got what he wanted, going for the rest of Ukraine would further escalate the situation.
Putin is not some maniac, the majority of the Ukrainians outside the Crimea would never accept Russian rule
First - Putin did not invade Ukraine. Crimea moved to Russia after the referendum.
Second - at least half of Ukraine after referendum would agree to go to Russia. Democratically, without shooting or bombing.
Western propaganda!
Putin has repeatedly maintained his stance that he is not interested in attacking Ukraine,even during his emotional speech after the referendum. He's a man of his word unlike the Presidents sitting in Europe and America.
Till now there has been only one death after Russia's take over.And that happened owing to the fact that Kiev authorized its soldiers in Crimea to use weapons, reversing previous orders that they should avoid using arms against attack.Or else the take over of the base would have been completely peaceful.Kiev wanted causalities to happen so that the world took notice of this.
The referendum should be a proof of how ppl in Crimea wanted to join Russia.

Posting a pic of Russian intervention in Crimea.It definitely looks peaceful to me.

View attachment 22100

"...the majority of the Ukrainians outside the Crimea would never accept Russian rule."

Some of you must come from Undemocratic governance system backgrounds as you clearly don't under the International Rule of Law, UN Treaties now broken by Putin, and attacks on families of Ukrainian soldiers, sailors, and airmen, with deaths (plural) of Ukrainians who refused to "change sides" and join the Russian Army.

News, available worldwide, this morning USA time, is Putin's Russian Army seized more property illegally in Ukraine this AM USA time. He is already increasing his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

First - Putin did not invade Ukraine. Crimea moved to Russia after the referendum.
Second - at least half of Ukraine after referendum would agree to go to Russia. Democratically, without shooting or bombing.

If you don't understand that Putin invaded sovereign land of Ukraine then the sky is not blue.

Putin didn't annex Crimes to save Russians there or to punish Ukraine. He annexed it to consolidate his hold on a warm water port facing Europe.

There is no such benefit by annexing other parts of Ukraine. In fact, it's far better to have a large pro-Russian base within Ukraine which he can leverage to keep the pot boiling.

One of the more informed comments here. Sevastapol is to Russia what Guantanomo US Naval Base is to the US in Cuba.
Russian fleet and Navy were perfect safe status quo, now NATO will make sure Russian fleet will be bottled up in the Dardanelles by Turkey when and if needs be by NATO Member Turkey. Dumb move by Putin proving to all of ex-Eastern Europe former slaves of USSR that Putin is an "Old School" thug.
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If there is support on the ground, such Invasions can go through without the need to use Shock and awe or excessive military power that leads to civilian deaths. I have to agree that the "Invasion" of Crimea has been most peaceful ever. Had there really been resentment of the Invasion in Crimea , there would be bloody conflict in the streets.. except there isn't.

The meetings this week of the 7 leading world economic powers, with Russia barred from attendance, says what a closer truth is to the whole world's opinion of an internationally illegal land grab, which most of us recognize was solely to more tightly secure an already very secure Russian Navy Base.

Russia will now face, for sure, permanent loss of Syrian warm water guest portage of the Russian Navy which is going to be bottled up inside the Black Sea.

Russia has shot itself in the foot and will suffer an gangrenous death therefrom.
If you don't understand that Putin invaded sovereign land of Ukraine then the sky is not blue.
Russian troops in the Crimea since 1777. And did not go away from there exept a short Nazi occupation.
Crimea expressed its will in a referendum and decided to reunite with Russia. If you hold such a referendum in Ukraine - half of Ukraine also vote for reunification Russia.
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Sevastapol is to Russia what Guantanomo US Naval Base is to the US in Cuba.

Sevastopol would be kind of useless in a war wouldn't it? The moment you set sail, you face fire from 3 shores and a bottleneck at the end. In my opinion it's only good as a peacetime hub of operations.
Crimea was annexed because it was once Russian and Russians believe they are only taking what was taken from them unjustly.

Plus all that feel good emotions of belonging to a country that stuffs it to the Americans after such a long time of inability.
"Attempt to invade a sovereign land."
"Illegal land grab."
"Attacks on families of Ukrainian soldiers, sailors, and airmen, with deaths (plural) of Ukrainians..."

Frankly, that's quite rich coming from an American.
May be there is a parallel universe we are talking about.
The big thing people are missing here are lack of bloodshed and violence. The whole process happened without any huge fights or death toll. Compare this to other such incidents and the view is clear, that the people in majority wanted the reunification.
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"Attempt to invade a sovereign land."
"Illegal land grab."
"Attacks on families of Ukrainian soldiers, sailors, and airmen, with deaths (plural) of Ukrainians..."

Frankly, that's quite rich coming from an American.
May be there is a parallel universe we are talking about.

Exactly. I mean look at the Iraq War, based on those "claims" of "supposed" WMD's (which turned out to be a lie).

Lasted almost 10 years, over 1 million civilians dead. Today, Iraq is one of the most unstable countries in the world, with mass suicide blasts every other day.

Compared to that, the Russian annexation of Crimea is like a Nobel Peace Prize.
"Attempt to invade a sovereign land."
"Illegal land grab."
"Attacks on families of Ukrainian soldiers, sailors, and airmen, with deaths (plural) of Ukrainians..."

Frankly, that's quite rich coming from an American.
May be there is a parallel universe we are talking about.

OK, the US will "annex" Canada's English speaking provinces, based on your logic. Who gives a hoot what Czars and Stalin the mad man did.

Never forget that Stalin was initially Hitler's ally to steal part of Poland.

The big thing people are missing here are lack of bloodshed and violence. The whole process happened without any huge fights or death toll. Compare this to other such incidents are the view is clear that the people in majority wanted the reunification.

You overlook that Western media have been beat up and barred from honest transparent coverage.

You forget there is a Muslim minoity population Crimea.

You forget there is Ukranian speaking large minority in Crimea.

You forget that Russia signed off when the Cold War ended to the creation of borders for and of Ukraine.

Holding a staged popularity contest outside the Constitutionally agreed to Government of Ukraine because Putin lost his deal regarding loans and who pays what for oil and gas is criminal whether your understand it or not.

Far from over, Putin will yet invade more of Ukraine this week!
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