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Will MQM split after Altaf Hussain??


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
Hello, my question to PDFians esp those whoknow about MQM and karachi, which is, will MQM divide after Altaf hussain dies, or he is no longer in charge or head of MQM because i have heard MQM is divided into many factions which fight themselves..
Hello, my question to PDFians esp those whoknow about MQM and karachi, which is, will MQM divide after Altaf hussain dies, or he is no longer in charge or head of MQM because i have heard MQM is divided into many factions which fight themselves..

If he has a son, then I don't think it will split.
. . . . .
Agha -I will salute you when you will open thread about good news regarding death of AH. AZ, NS and others like them :D
I think MQM will only grow stronger after Altaf Hussain. The case MQM's critics' case has been weakened over the years. They are not able to brand it as a traitor party anymore with issues like Jinnahpur. They are hanging onto the only target they see. They attack Altaf Hussain for his Mohajir politics and militant methods(especially because people are concerned about violence in Karachi) early in his career. But the fact is that MQM has been Muttahida for longer than it had been Mohajir. With Altaf gone, all the target rich baggage will be gone from MQM. It will be seen as a (both internally and externally)democratic party with responsible people heading its ranks. Internally I don't see anyone especially p*ssed off with any decisions of their leader. At least they are disciplined enough to not air them publicly unlike almost every other party in Pakistan. Can you give any links as to the speculated splits in MQM?
I think MQM will only grow stronger after Altaf Hussain. The case MQM's critics' case has been weakened over the years. They are not able to brand it as a traitor party anymore with issues like Jinnahpur. They are hanging onto the only target they see. They attack Altaf Hussain for his Mohajir politics and militant methods(especially because people are concerned about violence in Karachi) early in his career. But the fact is that MQM has been Muttahida for longer than it had been Mohajir. With Altaf gone, all the target rich baggage will be gone from MQM. It will be seen as a (both internally and externally)democratic party with responsible people heading its ranks. Internally I don't see anyone especially p*ssed off with any decisions of their leader. At least they are disciplined enough to not air them publicly unlike almost every other party in Pakistan. Can you give any links as to the speculated splits in MQM?

If the inner cabal has no issues.. and can pick a single leader.. then MQM has the potential to be one of the most progressive parties in the sub-continent.
Altaf Hussain is the binding force of MQM, i dont see any future of MQM after altaf hussain.
Altaf Hussain is the binding force of MQM, i dont see any future of MQM after altaf hussain.
Nope, absolutely untrue. He'll probably nominate someone before dying.
(Wese bhi Shetan Qayamat tak zinda rehta hai and what not?)
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