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WIll Indian Delta Variant enter Pakistan?


Feb 7, 2020
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WIll Indian Delta variant which is wreaking havoc across the world enter pakistan? Pak's neighbour afghanistan is facing crisis due to it. Even Bangladesh has put lockdowns as cases are soaring.
The course of Indian delta in pak depends on how much percent of population has already been infected. If 70 percent of urban population is already infected,pak is more or less safe.
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its already there and no you wont be safe as you won't be immune if you already contracted other varriants
Our Delta version has rocked the world


real pain in the ***

black, white, yellow fungi

kya virus hai !
how despicable yindu turd! you desire death and destruction just because your Lord Modi couldnt control Indian virus!
Yes, it seems like it will likely become the dominant strain everywhere. Here in the UK, despite more than 80% of the population having had their first dose, and half the population having had both, we’re now seeing >20k cases a day due to the delta variant.
WIll Delta variant which is wreaking havoc across the world enter pakistan? Pak's neighbour afghanistan is facing crisis due to it. Even Bangladesh has put lockdowns as cases are soaring.
The course of delta in pak depends on how much percent of population has already been infected. If 70 percent of urban population is already infected,pak is more or less safe.
Indians thought the same with first wave but delta variant is really bad. I hope it doesn't come. It maybe already circulating, may cause an outbreak soon.
It's probably already in Pakistan, and if not, then it'll probably enter Pakistan soon enough.

Yes, it will be bad. Yes, you should get vaccinated as soon as possible, as the current vaccines have shown they're good enough to ward off the different variants of the coronavirus. Don't take any unnecessary risks, keep wearing your masks, I suggest doubling up.
It's probably already in Pakistan, and why is it now called as Delta Variant, call it what it is i.e. Indian variant.
WIll Delta variant which is wreaking havoc across the world enter pakistan? Pak's neighbour afghanistan is facing crisis due to it. Even Bangladesh has put lockdowns as cases are soaring.
The course of delta in pak depends on how much percent of population has already been infected. If 70 percent of urban population is already infected,pak is more or less safe.
Indian virus....
India is next to Pakistan so it will be a matter of time if it is inside already.
just to note world population grew 80 million last year
WIll Indian variant which is wreaking havoc across the world enter pakistan? Pak's neighbour afghanistan is facing crisis due to it. Even Bangladesh has put lockdowns as cases are soaring.
The course of Indian Variant in pak depends on how much percent of population has already been infected. If 70 percent of urban population is already infected,pak is more or less safe.
Fixed it
Indians already tried it with sending Indian staff who was covid positive with fake negative certificate issued to her by goi, Pakistan security staff checked them on their own and caught her.
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