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Will dethroning Modi return India to the Nehruvian tryst in the near future?

Chinese totalitarianism spirit, you mean. Democracy is a weakness too. I can only imagine you Chinese laughing your rear ends off watching our opposition elected reps busy calling our PM a fascist etc.. sigh.

It's a much different world indeed. Nehru cops too much hate from the right, really not needed but such is politics.

Na, Yogi has no chance at national leadership, zero.

There's more than enough smart people in India who could give Modi a run for his money but the thing is they need the congress platform, the only other pan India party apart from the BJP. If only the Ghandys and their entitled dumb brat Raul would step aside.

Apart from that, the best they can hope for would be a weak coalition of all non NDA parties.. weak because apart from anti Modi they won't have anything in common, differing ideologies and regional priorities.

Yeah, BJP isn't going anywhere. Which is fine by me, I like a lot of what they've done and hope for more. UCC etc.

Maybe, but that's all in the past. Both countries have been forging their own path forward since.

Domestic Indian politics is not something that should worry Pakistan in terms of a spillover. It's spicy and fun to watch but apart from that not a concern to Pakistan.

yeah that too...
We don't laugh at your opposition party calling your PM fascist. That's eye catching, but that's about it.

We witness how India poorly managed. That's your political system weakness.
We don't laugh at your opposition party calling your PM fascist. That's eye catching, but that's about it.

We witness how India poorly managed. That's your political system weakness.

Modi is indeed a fascist. Why would we laugh at something sad and correct?
eh ?

Yogi is NOT unpopular. He is viewed as an effective administrator, and Modi sure as hell doesn't want to eject him. Where is Jawed sahab getting his info ?

Yogi sure as hell isn't breaking away from the the BJP either.

Israeli US and Brazilian politics have very different dynamics than India.

lol at these liberals and their dreams, a return to Nehruvianism LOL (Nehru wasn't all bad, but that thinking is past it's shelf life)

Modi isn't going anywhere, at least not until we have a credible opposition with a real leader. Raul Ghandy and the congress are neither.
" Modi isn't going anywhere " wow its music to my ears. I love Modi ji and what he is doing to India
" Modi isn't going anywhere " wow its music to my ears. I love Modi ji and what he is doing to India
It's true. The opposition is very weak politically.

So, for good or for bad, we're pretty much stuck with him.
Simple answer is NO.

The web of Hindu fanaticism and terrorism is now all over India and have even penetrated the thought process of average Indians by en large. Mind you, this all happened with full knowledge and support from Indian deep state.

How you see India today, is what India want to be.

Modi is just a face of this collective national aspiration, he disappearing tomorrow wont make an iota of difference.

What we are seeing, is basically cancer of third stage. State cannot auto correct itself. The foreign sponsors of India are also major reason of this decay, they approved this Hindu terrorists power grab in India, to use it as a leverage against Pakistan and China. A horrible miscalculation. Events of 27th Feb 2019 and later Chinese conquering of Indian claimed territory came a shock to the international sponsors of India.

For India own sake, it needs to be in similar situation where Pakistan found itself in the aftermath of 9/11. With super power breathing down its neck with only option of with us or against us, with clear road map on how to clean Indian internal filth of Hindu terrorism. Which is basically forcing Indian intelligence to go after its own homegrown Hindu terrorists, neutralise them. Basically undoing what they have been carefully planning over decades. China can play that role , what Pakistan had to face with America in post 9/11.
For India own sake, it needs to be in similar situation where Pakistan found itself in the aftermath of 9/11. With super power breathing down its neck with only option of with us or against us, with clear road map on how to clean Indian internal filth of Hindu terrorism. Which is basically forcing Indian intelligence to go after its own homegrown Hindu terrorists, neutralise them. Basically undoing what they have been carefully planning over decades. China can play that role , what Pakistan had to face with America in post 9/11.
what are the chances this guy:


ever flies a plane into some towers in Shanghai and Beijing ? :rofl:

these guys won't do it either:



besides, it'll be a good long while (if ever) before China gets to dictate terms to the world

we're also not exactly an Iraq or Afghanistan

lagay raho :enjoy:
I understand Modi and Trump are the results of Anti establishment. People are tired of corrupted old ruling class. But they are not as revolutionary as people wished.
what are the chances this guy:

View attachment 752063

ever flies a plane into some towers in Shanghai and Beijing ? :rofl:

these guys won't do it either:

View attachment 752064

besides, it'll be a good long while (if ever) before China gets to dictate terms to the world

we're also not exactly an Iraq or Afghanistan

lagay raho :enjoy:

Terrorism is no longer defined by what India's sponsors in west wants or wish for.

This is terrorism:


and the face of state sponsorship of terrorism:


Your wishful thinking about China status is rather naive. They are already dictating terms. With China conquering 1200 sq kms of Indian controlled territory without firing a bullet, with no whimper from any part of the world. should have been an eye opener for every Indian.

Bottom line is, Modi or any other will not change the course of where India is now or heading to.

The surgery will be done on India or imposed on it.
This is terrorism:
no, those were riots.

can not and do not want to post pictures of the other group's victims.

this is terrorism:

and no, China is not dictating anything to the world.. apart from their Uighurs, of course.. but nobody else.
Modi will lose UP. They know the reality on the ground and are running helter skelter. The fact that almost 6 decades after his death, buffoon Modi still needs to diss Nehru shows India's Nehruvian roots. Do Americans talk about Eisenhower today? Or the Brits about the politics of Attlee? It's laughable that the illiterate Modi tries so hard to come across as a statesman but comes across as a complete idiot.

You are equating two entirely different legacies by comparing Nehru to Eisenhower, Eisenhower was just another president some 200 years after his country was formed while Nehru was independent Indias first leader whose ideology and viewpoints shaped the nation for decades, not to forget he like other congress PMs till late 80s never faced any serious political threat without practically any opposition allowing them to steer country in whatever path they wished to. People cry so much about Indiras autocracy during emergency but India was practically for all instance and purposes a one party state till late 80s. Congress could have used the power to make India industrialized nation but they decided to make India a socialist utopia which almost nearly bankrupted the country by early 90s.
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But India media blame Indira Gandhi a lot.

If India has 50% of China socialism spirit, India won't be like the mess today.

The only thing socialist about today's china is it's name, in practice it's more capitalist than many western countries
You are equating two entirely different legacies by comparing Nehru to Eisenhower, Eisenhower was just another president some 200 years after his country was formed while Nehru was independent Indias first leader whose ideology and viewpoints shaped the nation for decades, not to forget he like other congress PMs till late 80s never faced any serious political threat without practically any opposition allowing them to steer country in whatever path they wished to. People cry so much about Indiras autocracy during emergency but India was practically for all instance and purposes a one party state till late 80s. Congress could have used the power to make India industrialized nation but they decided to make India a socialist utopia which almost nearly bankrupted the country by early 90s.
So does anyone bring up the policies of George Washington then?
no, those were riots.

Thats what you believe. No, it is ugly face of Hindu terrorism, which keeps on raising its head.

and no, China is not dictating anything to the world

You Indians should be the last of people saying that. China imposed its will on you, conquered 1200 sq kms of your claimed territory without firing a single bullet. No nuke power has suffered such embarrassment like India did, losing such large territory with a whimper. China lectured your daddy America on its own soil. Naysaying, just for the sake of it, will make you look like a fool.
So does anyone bring up the policies of George Washington then?

Why he was president over 2 centuries ago his presidency has has almost no bearing on US today, while nehrus tenure in India is fairly recents where the effects of his epic screw ups be it Economy, Kashmir, China , IWT etc are felt to this day.
Why he was president over 2 centuries ago his presidency has has almost no bearing on US today, while nehrus tenure in India is fairly recents where the effects of his epic screw ups be it Economy, Kashmir, China , IWT etc are felt to this day.
Nehru did what he needed to to secure an extremely diverse and fragmented nation state. We reap benefits because of the abolition of zamindari, establishment of institutions like Election Commission, the seeds of our Space Program, some of the best universities and institutes etc. His screw up with China and in Kashmir can't take away from all that he did. But none of that has any bearing in 2021.
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