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Will CPEC end terrorism?

May 17, 2015
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As we all know, pakistanis are very optimistic,enthusiastic and excited about this CPEC project which china is building in pakistan; pakistanis claim it makes them one of the richest countries in the world over night.
My question is will terrorism emanating from Pakistan come down as its economic status improves ?Will jihadi organisations find it hard to get the recruits as there won't be poor people to lure with attractive afterworld?will the society become liberal and progressive as the number of people getting educated increase?
On the whole is CPEC a blessing in disguise for India?
No it will escalate.
More and more terrorist like this one will come from India
Internal terrorism has already been wiped off to a large extent. It was to create a secure environment for CPEC. We have raised new army battalions which will secure the route and keep a check on terrorist related activities internally. As far as external terrorism is concerned India will use Afghanistan to sabotage CPEC and it depends on India if they want to keep the region peaceful or not. Pakistan is prospering either way. If you try to harm us we will retaliate if you don't, we won't.
Internal terrorism has already been wiped off to a large extent. It was to create a secure environment for CPEC. We have raised new army battalions which will secure the route and keep a check on terrorist related activities internally. As far as external terrorism is concerned India will use Afghanistan to sabotage CPEC and it depends on India if they want to keep the region peaceful or not. Pakistan is prospering either way. If you try to harm us we will retaliate if you don't, we won't.
I was asking from indian PoV..that is about terrorists trained by pak army for infiltrating into kashmir.
I was asking from indian PoV..that is about terrorists trained by pak army for infiltrating into kashmir.
We have better things to do like fighting internal terrorism and focusing on economic development. We are not obsessed with India like India is with Pakistan.But still if you want to satisfy yourself with your media's narrative of Pakistan, go ahead, have a discussion about imaginary stuff with your compatriots.
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