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Wikileak's founder 'Julian Assange' presented himself to police


Apr 2, 2008
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Wikileak's founder 'Julian Assange' presented himself to police

As Geo tv news alert, Wikileak's founder 'Julian Assange' set himself before the british police.:coffee:
Time to Disco.... Seriously i am very happy at the moment! prooves my point of scapegoat for a higher cause.
So now the sexual assault charges will be pressed on him? Wonder how the prosecution's arguments will shape up ... will it be purely related to the crime he supposedly committed or not will be an interesting story to watch out for.
So now the sexual assault charges will be pressed on him? Wonder how the prosecution's arguments will shape up ... will it be purely related to the crime he supposedly committed or not will be an interesting story to watch out for.

Personally i believe nothing much will happen. Just another attempt to attract world attention towards wikileaks.

as far as any crime i would go for more investigation into his criminal acts of hacking. According to the reports Julian Assange is a Professional Hacker and also had professional hacking diplomas.

If i am not wrong they consider hacking as a crime.
Yeah sure it is an additional propaganda for WikiLeaks... but it just shows the deep frustration within the US/UK.

He did not get info from hacking the US govt. He had agents who were more than willing to pass on the information. Maybe he did hack into a few, but if he is as good as a hacker you claim him to be... I am sure he must not have left any traces to conclusively prove anything.

He is a very smart man... that much I can say.
WikiLeaks founder is arrested in London over sex crimes allegedly commited in Sweden



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