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Why Yom Kippur is special to me, even though I’m a Muslim

I accept - now - that you may have meant it kindly, but from my point of view - that of a man who lost most of his extended family in the Holocaust - the statement appears very unpleasant indeed.

"...I grew up assuming only Jews were allowed to be teachers, because that was all I saw. And it was awesome. They beautifully instilled their loving values onto the mixed groups of students - ".

Yes, she very definitely has an open heart.

If Farhana had a cruel one, it could take the attitude, "Yes, all these bad things happened and still happen to Jews, but [fill in the blank]" and she would not have tried to so hard to seek out her former friend to ask for forgiveness.
I never said that she didn't have a kind/open heart. I said that there is no deficiency of such a thing among Muslims or the followers any other religion for that matter. The enmity between Jews and Muslims has more to do with the Arab-Israeli standoff and the susceptibility of Humans to being gullible. The author lives in NewYork and like she says, she grew up with Jews. An Abdullah from Cairo has never met a Jew and David from Tel Aviv has never met a Muslim. Now Abdullah is quite susceptible to believing that Jews are evil people who like to bomb Arabs/Muslims and David, on the other hand, thinks that Arabs/Muslims are always trying to blow themselves next to Jews. I am sure that both have hearts open enough to end up being the best of chums were they to meet in London, chat up and talk for themselves. Like I said, what we need is awareness and communication.
I never said that she didn't have a kind/open heart.
Sorry, I thought that's what you were referring to when you wrote, "I don't think she contended any such thing."

I said that there is no deficiency of such a thing among Muslims -
Yet you have not written even one syllable of empathy at my loss.

- or the followers any other religion for that matter.
Again, we see displayed an absolutely amazing, indeed unbelievable, ability to grasp the world's 4,000+ religions and deliver a value judgment on them all.

An Abdullah from Cairo has never met a Jew and David from Tel Aviv has never met a Muslim.
Where do you get these strange ideas? Granted, the Egyptians kicked out essentially ALL their Jews decades ago but Israel is 20%+ Arab and Tel Aviv is a cosmopolitan city where it is not at all difficult for Jew and Arab to meet on the street, bus, socially, at university, etc.

The enmity between Jews and Muslims has more to do with the Arab-Israeli standoff and the susceptibility of Humans to being gullible.
I accept that you can speak for yourself, Rampage. And maybe you can speak somewhat for other Pakistanis. But just because you may possess these flaws why should it mean others do to the same degree, or at all?

Education along with communication is the key here.
You live in a country that kicked out its Jews long ago and has made anti-Zionism unquestionable and compulsory upon pain of death, either real or academic. Do you intend to personally act to work to change that?
Sorry, I thought that's what you were referring to when you wrote, "I don't think she contended any such thing."

Yet you have not written even one syllable of empathy at my loss.

Again, we see displayed an absolutely amazing, indeed unbelievable, ability to grasp the world's 4,000+ religions and deliver a value judgment on them all.

Where do you get these strange ideas? Granted, the Egyptians kicked out essentially ALL their Jews decades ago but Israel is 20%+ Arab and Tel Aviv is a cosmopolitan city where it is not at all difficult for Jew and Arab to meet on the street, bus, socially, at university, etc.

I accept that you can speak for yourself, Rampage. And maybe you can speak somewhat for other Pakistanis. But just because you may possess these flaws why should it mean others do to the same degree, or at all?

You live in a country that kicked out its Jews long ago and has made anti-Zionism unquestionable and compulsory upon pain of death, either real or academic. Do you intend to personally act to work to change that?
Oh, I apologize for being such an inconsiderate fool. It was not my intention. Had a fever. My deepest condolences to you and everyone else who lost their loved ones to such barbarity.

Never knew that Muslims were the only ones guilty of such a thing.

Yes, I was wrong there. Still, what I said holds true. You have yet to prove it otherwise.

Look around, mate. Revisit the history of Jewish segregation in Europe throughout the history. Why else do you think those bigoted ideas took root and continued to flourish for so many centuries? What do you think pitchfork and torch mobs were and are driven by?

Indeed, I intend to personally work to change that. The first step, one that I've already taken, is to expose the myth of Jews and Israel being something evil. I don't know why you're being so hostile, mate. The only thing I have for Jews and Israel is respect and admiration.
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