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Why We Gave Liu Xiaobo a Nobel


Nov 29, 2009
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THE Chinese authorities’ condemnation of the Nobel committee’s selection of Liu Xiaobo, the jailed political activist, as the winner of the 2010 Peace Prize inadvertently illustrates why human rights are worth defending.

The authorities assert that no one has the right to interfere in China’s internal affairs. But they are wrong: international human rights law and standards are above the nation-state, and the world community has a duty to ensure they are respected.

The modern state system evolved from the idea of national sovereignty established by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. At the time, sovereignty was assumed to be embodied in an autocratic ruler.

But ideas about sovereignty have changed over time. The American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen replaced the control of the autocrat with the sovereignty of the people as the source of national power and legitimacy.

The idea of sovereignty changed again during the last century, as the world moved from nationalism to internationalism. The United Nations, founded in the wake of two disastrous world wars, committed member states to resolve disputes by peaceful means and defined the fundamental rights of all people in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The nation-state, the declaration said, would no longer have ultimate, unlimited power.

Today, universal human rights provide a check on arbitrary majorities around the world, whether they are democracies or not. A majority in a parliament cannot decide to harm the rights of a minority, nor vote for laws that undermine human rights. And even though China is not a constitutional democracy, it is a member of the United Nations, and it has amended its Constitution to comply with the Declaration of Human Rights.

However, Mr. Liu’s imprisonment is clear proof that China’s criminal law is not in line with its Constitution. He was convicted of “spreading rumors or slander or any other means to subvert the state power or overthrow the socialist system.” But in a world community based on universal human rights, it is not a government’s task to stamp out opinions and rumors. Governments are obliged to ensure the right to free expression — even if the speaker advocates a different social system.

These are rights that the Nobel committee has long upheld by honoring those who struggle to protect them with the Peace Prize, including Andrei Sakharov for his struggle against human rights abuses in the Soviet Union, and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for his fight for civil rights in the United States.

Not surprisingly, the Chinese government has harshly criticized the award, claiming that the Nobel committee unlawfully interfered with its internal affairs and humiliated it in the eyes of the international public. On the contrary, China should be proud that it has become powerful enough to be the subject of debate and criticism.

Interestingly, the Chinese government is not the only one to criticize the Nobel committee. Some people have said that giving the prize to Mr. Liu may actually worsen conditions for human-rights advocates in China.

But this argument is illogical: it leads to the conclusion that we best promote human rights by keeping quiet. If we keep quiet about China, who will be the next country to claim its right to silence and non-interference? This approach would put us on a path toward undermining the Universal Declaration and the basic tenets of human rights. We must not and cannot keep quiet. No country has a right to ignore its international obligations.

China has every reason to be proud of what it has achieved in the last 20 years. We want to see that progress continue, and that is why we awarded the Peace Prize to Mr. Liu. If China is to advance in harmony with other countries and become a key partner in upholding the values of the world community, it must first grant freedom of expression to all its citizens.

It is a tragedy that a man is being imprisoned for 11 years merely because he expressed his opinion. If we are to move toward the fraternity of nations of which Alfred Nobel spoke, then universal human rights must be our touchstone.

Thorbjorn Jagland is the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

i believe that they are encroaching on law and order of a country which should be respected,
they act as they are sole representative of enlightened world,India and China should come together and oppose meddling westerners
Why didn't CCP send a letter with a big STFU (literally) in it to the Nobel Commitee?
"Say here, say there", the prime reason why he was selected was because he prescribed western medicine (colonial rule) for China. How could they not select him?
the nobel peace committee members (five members) are appointed by their parliament. the chair of the committee used to be the head of the government, there are another 2 former ministers in that committee.

how that can be an independent committee?
why dragging India into this, in fact i supported China's view and suggested that both India and China should step against West..

you know what, I'm actually quite adorn or admire Mr.Liu for his long history of standing against a powerful authority and pursuing what he believes to be correct. And I do believe he should get the prize and I and a lot of people are quite happy for his prize despite I'm(we are) not hundred percent agree all his views.

But It is totally none of your great guys' business here to 'teach' Chinese government or people a lesson. Who are you?

and Why I dragged you down? 'cause you started it and I'm not happy with it.
Nobel is a joke... They didn't give it to Gandhi, then it does not mean any thing.:tdown:

Problem with Gandhi is that he was not anti-China. They gave it to Dalai Lama after he failed in the ARMED uprising. The nobel committee claimed that giving the award to Dalai Lama was a tribute to Gandhi....
"Why We Gave Liu Xiaobo a Nobel"?

"Simple and obvious: because he wants you westerners to colonize china for 300 and more years".
the nobel peace committee members (five members) are appointed by their parliament. the chair of the committee used to be the head of the government, there are another 2 former ministers in that committee.

how that can be an independent committee?

Ah, ok, though the Norwegian government will argue that the election process for th nobel peace prize committee is a routine chore that got thrusted on the parliament. Parliament may select, but can they fire/remove committee members?

Though now I can see why Beijing probably will not go to go ahead with an FTA with Norway. Motivation so that they will learn to vet future potential members.
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