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Why Trump may still win The 2020 Elections?

He is most likely going to win. Look at the polls by the Trafalgar polling company. They have a methodology that accounts for people not revealing their true feelings. They predict a narrow trump win; high 270’s/low 280’s. Considering we have all gotten use to him, people will look at him the same way as they looked upon the second bush term, a time to get through.

what may happen is the democrats win both houses of Congress, even if Trump wins the White House, so that he will have to negotiate everything with the democrats to get funding. Basically gridlock government, Don’t expect anything to get done (for at least the next 2 if not 4 years) and watch the stock market will take a dip due to the uncertainty/gridlock that will be expected.

He’s probably better for Pakistan then Biden; Biden was given Hilal e Pakistan in 2009 by Zardari for supporting Pakistani Democracy, ...
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