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Why the Chinese Internet Is Cheering Russia’s Invasion

Russian banks rush to switch to Chinese card system

March 6 (Reuters) - Several Russian banks said on Sunday they would soon start issuing cards using the Chinese UnionPay card operator's system coupled with Russia's own Mir network, after Visa and MasterCard said they were suspending operations in Russia.

Russian banks rush to switch to Chinese card system

March 6 (Reuters) - Several Russian banks said on Sunday they would soon start issuing cards using the Chinese UnionPay card operator's system coupled with Russia's own Mir network, after Visa and MasterCard said they were suspending operations in Russia.

So it has started. Come to papa....
Has yuan become Russia's new dollar?

March 7, 2022

Russia could use the Chinese yuan to bypass the crippling sanctions and SWIFT payment ban imposed by the US and its allies.

One rouble now buys less than one US cent, causing ordinary Russians to flock to stores of value such as gold and bitcoin (BTC-USD) to protect themselves from the fallout.

As Putin's armoured divisions roll closer to Kyiv, his country's economy rolls closer to the abyss, and speculation has grown that Moscow will resort to using cryptocurrencies as a financial back-channel.

However, there is simply not enough volume and liquidity within crypto markets to offset the disruption that sanctions will have on the Russian economy.

This leaves the Kremlin with another option: to use the Chinese yuan and Beijing's CIPS international payment system for cross border trade.

Disconnecting Russia from world finance could thus create an unwanted side effect for the west, the birth of a new global economic system based upon the Chinese yuan.

Steve H Hanke, professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, told Yahoo Finance UK that "disconnecting Russia from the dollar-based system won't have much of an impact on the dollar initially, but in the long run it might be a different matter".

The senior economist added that the act of removing Russia from the SWIFT dollar-denominated international payments system “has weaponised and contaminated SWIFT”.

"This will make room for challengers to the dollar-denominated international system."

The major challenger is China's Cross-border Interbank Payment System, or CIPS.

China’s competitor to the dollar-based SWIFT system was created in 2015 and currently only handles a fraction of the international claims settlements that are completed by the SWIFT system.

But this imbalance could begin to tilt in China's favour if Russia is forced to rely upon it for international trade.

State media in China likened the SWIFT ban on Russian banks to “a financial nuclear weapon”, but also welcomed it as an opportunity for Beijing’s CIPS.

Hanke said the recent political interference with SWIFT was “accelerating the development and use of CIPS, regardless of whether Russia utilises it or not".

Russian reliance upon CIPS will allow China to develop the yuan's use outside the country’s borders.

Chinese president Xi Jinping's pet infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative, has also helped to introduce the yuan overseas.

But Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute, said that there is still only marginal use of the yuan and it is "still nowhere near being a global currency".

"While Russia will make more use of the yuan, the yuan cannot replace the dollar as the global currency as full convertibility is required for any currency to be accepted as a full global currency or a major reserve currency.”

The Chinese government is unwilling to allow the yuan to be freely traded in case they lose control over its value.

In the past, Beijing has been accused of strict mercantilism, after claims that the yuan was being artificially undervalued against the US dollar to give Chinese exports an unfair price advantage.

Geopolitical analysts are anxious about the future, as Hanke suggests that sanctions have a record of failing to meet their desired objectives.

He said that the full economic isolation of Russia could create a "nightmare scenario in which an 'enormous North Korea' emerges, one with nukes".

Tsang sees signs the world is on a trajectory towards a new Cold War in which "Russia and its close allies will form one bloc and the democracies led by the west forming another".

However, he added that China will maintain a cautious approach that will be pragmatic for its own interests and avoid "attracting secondary sanctions against Chinese institutions".

Anders Corr, publisher of the Journal of Political Risk, reinforced the view that sanctions against Russia would “drive the country towards China’s economy, through which it will have to do most of its business until the sanctions are lifted”.

Corr believes Russia’s tilt towards China will give Beijing immense bargaining power.

He said that Moscow “may in future have to accept contracts denominated in yuan or even a 10% discount for its exports compared to world market prices”.

Beijing would certainly welcome the increased trade in much needed Russian commodities at record low prices.

Russia is already running a trade surplus with China, with major exports of oil, gas, coal and wheat being channelled towards its resource southeastern neighbour.

Chinese state banking regulators have already made it clear they will continue to maintain normal economic and trade exchanges with Moscow.

If Moscow begins to use CIPS it would further Beijing’s ambitions to slowly erode the world's dollar-dominated financial system.

Xi Jinping may well welcome Putin’s commodities in exchange for Chinese yuan and both autocrats could walk hand in hand down the road to “de-dollarisation”.

The majority of Russian exports are basic commodities. There's nothing "shiddy" about it. China will gladly buy it. But let me tell you an open secret you probably already know. A U.S. naval blockade on China will be far less effective if Russia is willing to funnel all her oil and gas to China.:pop:

yap, looks like everything China needs to fuel her economy.

In the past, Russia has been wary of Chinese investment in the east bordering China for fear of Chinese influence. There are lots of unused fertile lands there that Chinese Ag businesses are very interested in leasing.

now is the time for China to push Moscow to sign off on Chinese development of Russia's Manchuria regions.
LVIV/IRPIN, Ukraine, March 7 (Reuters) - Russia warned that oil prices could surge to $300 a barrel and it might close the main gas pipeline to Germany

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak on Monday has said that Russia could cut natural gas supplies to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

“In connection with unfounded accusations against Russia regarding the energy crisis in Europe and the imposition of a ban on Nord Stream 2, we have every right to take a matching decision and impose an embargo on gas pumping through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline,” Novak said in a state television broadcast on Monday, adding that “so far, we are not taking such a decision.”

yap, looks like everything China needs to fuel her economy.

In the past, Russia has been wary of Chinese investment in the east bordering China for fear of Chinese influence. There are lots of unused fertile lands there that Chinese Ag businesses are very interested in leasing.

now is the time for China to push Moscow to sign off on Chinese development of Russia's Manchuria regions.
China can't even get people to live in or develop inner Manchuria which is warmer, richer and in China.
China and Russia use CNY for trade. Russia sells oil, natural gas, coal mines, wheat and other commodities in exchange for CNY, and then uses CNY to buy Chinese commodities. CNY did not depreciate and the ruble did not participate in the transaction process. So Russia will not get less goods from China.
Putin has no choice. I pity him.

LVIV/IRPIN, Ukraine, March 7 (Reuters) - Russia warned that oil prices could surge to $300 a barrel and it might close the main gas pipeline to Germany

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak on Monday has said that Russia could cut natural gas supplies to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

“In connection with unfounded accusations against Russia regarding the energy crisis in Europe and the imposition of a ban on Nord Stream 2, we have every right to take a matching decision and impose an embargo on gas pumping through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline,” Novak said in a state television broadcast on Monday, adding that “so far, we are not taking such a decision.”

That will be short term pains. Germany will construct 2 gas terminals, buy liquid gas for $2 billion this year.
Putin has no choice. I pity him.

That will be short term pains. Germany will construct 2 gas terminals, buy liquid gas for $2 billion this year.
Lol, we'll see. Germany now is in a tight bind.
Putin has no choice. I pity him.

That will be short term pains. Germany will construct 2 gas terminals, buy liquid gas for $2 billion this year.
gas transported by LNG ships are 20% more expensive than getting Russian gas piped in. but that's Germany's problem. More gas for China.

China can't even get people to live in or develop inner Manchuria which is warmer, richer and in China.
Just in case US wants to go for trade war round 2 and China needs to find an alternative to US soy and corn
Putin has no choice. I pity him.

That will be short term pains. Germany will construct 2 gas terminals, buy liquid gas for $2 billion this year.
Bro, a LNG terminals takes at least 3-4 years to complete . And even then its not even enough to fulfil the consumption. Germany is essentially fcked, and US is the largest beneficiary, they want to **** up Europe economically and bind them militarily. Why do you think Biden was taunting for weeks for an invasion?
Bro, a LNG terminals takes at least 3-4 years to complete . And even then its not even enough to fulfil the consumption. Germany is essentially fcked, and US is the largest beneficiary, they want to **** up Europe economically and bind them militarily. Why do you think Biden was taunting for weeks for an invasion?
You underestimate the west’s resolve especially Germany. I followed the speech of Olaf Scholz before parliament he said he will do “whatever it takes!”.

Germany’s defense budget will increase this year from 50 billion euros to 170 billion euros. Putin wants confrontation he gets it.
You underestimate the west’s resolve especially Germany. I followed the speech of Olaf Scholz before parliament he said he will do “whatever it takes!”.

Germany’s defense budget will increase this year from 50 billion euros to 170 billion euros. Putin wants confrontation he gets it.
Meh. Then Germans work longer hours, pay higher taxes, enjoy less welfare. Money doesn't grow on trees. Germany can't go on the offensive against Russia and make the money back by looting or an unequal treaty, so all that money is wasted. It's just for show.
You underestimate the west’s resolve especially Germany. I followed the speech of Olaf Scholz before parliament he said he will do “whatever it takes!”.

Germany’s defense budget will increase this year from 50 billion euros to 170 billion euros. Putin wants confrontation he gets it.
Yah I have seen their resolve in abandoning Ukraine like a dog. Lololol. You can increase it to 300bil all I care, there is no way Russia is invading Germany or NATO. This is what you numb numbs don't understand.
Bro, a LNG terminals takes at least 3-4 years to complete . And even then its not even enough to fulfil the consumption. Germany is essentially fcked, and US is the largest beneficiary, they want to **** up Europe economically and bind them militarily. Why do you think Biden was taunting for weeks for an invasion?
The winter is almost over my friend the weather becomes warner by days. I myself wear more clothes. Putin can’t blackmail other that will backfire. He needs money to finance the war. He can’t pay his soldiers with gallons of gas.

I am very disappointed that China supports the war.
The winter is almost over my friend the weather becomes warner by days. I myself wear more clothes. Putin can’t blackmail other that will backfire. He needs money to finance the war. He can’t pay his soldiers with gallons of gas.

I am very disappointed that China supports the war.
Please check the import of Russian gas during spring and summer. Then come back and talk to me. Why do you think SWIFT did not completely ban Russia? They need a way to pay Russia dude. Wake up to the smoke and screen. We must support Russia, you expect us to support NATO expansion, are you crazy? Preferably Ukraine must be absorbed into Russia. This is an existential l issue for us under stand. However, we must not appear openly supporting Russia, just keep on saying we support the territorial integrity of Ukraine while asking for peaceful resolution, then behind pump up Russia with cash and fck EU.
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