all this Army bashing sounds very familiar...where oh where have I heard this all before, hmm, let's see...
ABAY YAR...kahan thaa...yad kar GumNaam yar yad kar.
OH YES...just 2 years ago, when the ttp was beaten to a bloody pulp into nonexistance...
case in point and lesson learned? The Army will make sure that public gets a THOROUGH ARSE-WHOOPING at the hands of these terroristic dallah-mullas and then it will lay the smack down on them.
This tlp is NOTHING compared to the ttp, not even worth their toe-nails. They'll be wiped out and thrown away like yesterday's eaten chicken bones but ONLY after the very public who jumped up and down on the emotional speeches of dallah-mullas gets a royal beating and humiliation at the hands of these dallah-mullahs.