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Why Pakistan wont move troops from the Eastern border


Sep 12, 2008
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Pakistan has assertively asserverted its position on troops movement on the Eastern border. To the chagrin of the Bharati politicians, Islamabad has publicly and privately avouched that it will keep the troops facing Bharat. The Bharatis had hoped that by sending mercenaries across the border and creating problems in FATA and SWAT, they could force the Pakistan Army to move away from the Eastern front. RAW agents all over the internet were busy taunting the Pakistanis about the challenge on the Western borders. The Bharati plan was to keep the Pakistan Army bogged down in Swat and FATA so that the Indian Army could snuff out the increasingly militant insurgency in Kashmir–the just doesn’t seem to die. The Indian Defense journal that publishes articles by crackpots like Bharat Verma constantly discuss Delhi’s interests in Central Asia, as if Pakistan doesn’t exist.

A Taliban spillover would require Pakistan to put more troops there, troops the country does not have now. Diverting troops from the border with India is out of the question.” Pakistan Official

Within the past three months Swat has pretty much been cleared of the RAW infestation. The radio silence of Mr. Bait Mehsud gives us an inkling into his diminished stature. There are three civilian Pro-Pakistan lashkars on the prowl for Bait Mehsud. He can run, but he can’t hide. Though pockets of sabotage and terror remain, and the RAW agents will continue to target soft targets, the base of RAW has been identified in Afghanistan. The nefarious activities of the Bharati Consulates have been published in the international media. This has brought problems for Delhi.

As the Americans would say “the gig is up”.

The tsunami against Mr. Manmohan Singhs is an attempt to hide the the failure of the Bharati foreign policy which had wanted sanctions on Pakistan. Bharat’s plan was to isolate the Pakistani leadership and malign not only the policies, but to challenge the raison d’etre of the Ideology of Pakistan. Multiple Public Relations (PR) firms have been hired to attack the existenceof the republic. These PR firms guarantee a number of articles in the leading journals of America and Europe. Right wing fanatics like Raph Peters and others wrote reams not only against Pakistani politics but against Pakistan. The 5th column within Pakistan went on a rampage sowing seeds of doubt and dissention. Dawn.com gathered a motley crowd of Pakistanphobes and gave them real estate on the front pages of the rag.

All this failed.

Instead of sanctions on Pakistan, the exact opposite has happened. The UK, the US, Japan and other countries increased economic and military aid to Islamabad. There is a consensus to build and help the people and stabilize the country. China, Turkey and Saudi Arabia has played a crucial role in getting through the tin ear of the Americans and convince them of the Pakistani point of view.

All of Bharat’s neighbors hate Delhi. China, Lanka, Maldive, Bangladesh, Mayanmar, Nepal and Pakistan have been the victims of Bharati designs of hegemony. This animosity cuts down Bharat and its influence in world affairs.

Bruce Reidel’sracist claptrap about Pakistan has not stuck. There is a huge reevaluation of American policy. Pakistan is again seen as an important and irreplaceable player in the jigsaw puzzle of West Asia. This can be ascertained by the daily eulogies paid to Pakistani war on terror by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—while she is in Delhi. Ms. Clinton has summarily brushed off Bharati claims on Mumbai. The world has moved on. Bhrat is stuck in Mumbai. The more she stays stuck in Mumbai, the more she will keep herself embroiled in murder, and terror. By escalating Mumbai beyond its scope, Hindustan has equated Bombay with Baghdad, Beirut and the West Bank. This is economic suicide for Mumbai. Mr. Manmohan Singh is the economic suicide bomber which is leading Bharat to the precipice.

The more the Bharati media brings up Balauchistan, the more fingers are pointed towards Delhi. Its policies lead to a vicious circle. When Delhi points to the terror in Swat, Pakistani blames Delhi for the problems there.

Delhi is stuck in a no win situation.

A confident government in Pakistan is now standing up to the Americans. To the chagrin of Delhi, the Pakistan Army is refusing to budge from the border in Kashmir, the Run of Kutch, Sindh or the Punjab. The more pressure the Americans put on Pakistan to do more to contain the Taliban, the more vociferously the Islamabad points to the number of Bharati soldiers on the international border.

There are rumors that Pakistan is being invited into NATO.

This winter will prove decisive. France, bitten by huge competition from the Spanish, German and American arms manufacturers is looking for new markets. Pakistan wants to purchase helicopters and dual use arms which will help it eliminate RAW agents inside Pakistan and the Bharati Army across the border.

Bharati plans to subvert and bifurcate Sri Lanka came to a ignominious end when Pakistani arms helped the Lankan Army strangulate the RAW inspired LTTE militancy. Bharati plans to create turmoil in Tibet were checkmated becuase Pakistan had handed over Aksai Chin to China–allowing China clear access to Tibet. Beijing built a network of roads and railways to Tibet and the South Tibet region (Bharat called it Arunchal Pradesh). Thus China was well prepared for any Bharati move. China and Nepal also defeated the Bharati plan to absorb Nepal and Bhutan into Akhand Bharat. More recently Bharati RAW tried to ferment trouble in Chinese Xinjiang province. Pakistan arrested the main leaders, killed the secessionist culprits and deported the terrorists.

Delhi was checkmated in Tibet, Urumqui, Khatmandu, and Colombo.

Two months ago, the Bharatis were very pleased by statement made by General Kiyani, President Zardari when they said that they were extremely worried about the internal threats to the country. Bharat misread these statements to mean that Pakistan would leave the Eastern borders naked to intentions. A euphoric defense establishment in Delhi began to blow off the dust on the obsolete and arcane bogus plans called “Bharati Cold War strategy”. In this strategy, developed by Steven Cohen and company, Bharat would send its forward divisions at lightning speed deep into Pakistan, before Islamabad could put together a credible defense or use its Nuclear weapons.

The Pakistan establishment took some time to find its legs–but it has found them.
This article is one and a half years old and filled with white lies and is from a blog that hold no credibility.Many of the actions alleged to be done by raw are only the writer's imagination.
This is nothing but pointless raging and ranting by an over imaginative and perhaps a tad bit out of work writer. I mean .... The "bharti cold war" strategy? ;-) lol im sure everyone gets the point. You really should stop posting useless flame threads .

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