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Why Pakistan desperately needs strong leaders


Feb 21, 2012
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Why Pakistan desperately needs strong leaders

Pakistan has tried all forms of administrations, including the Army, yet there are many problems facing the country. According to K Hussan Zia, Pakistan needs strong leaders, otherwise, the consequences will be severe.
By K Hussan Zia

11 June 2021
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leaders in Pakistan

If Pakistan’s future looks as dark and foreboding as painted here, it does not mean that the concept of Pakistan was ill-conceived or that the writer is intent on spreading needless alarm and despondency. Far from it. The basis of the demand for separation from Hindu-dominated India was both sound and unquestionably justified and legitimate.
The object was to save the Muslims of India, or at least the majority of them, from the ‘tyranny of the Hindu majority,’ in Jinnah’s words. The resolution passed by the Muslim League in 1940 called for the Muslims to have a state where they could decide and manage their own affairs and not a country for Islam.
Read more: Modern-day India reaffirms Quaid-e-Azam’s Two-Nation theory

As a religion, Islam lives in the hearts and minds of Muslims. It does not need a piece of land to survive. Jinnah made it abundantly clear at the Muslim Legislators Conference in Delhi in April 1946, ‘What are we aiming at? It is not for theocracy, not for a theocratic state.’ At the time, every Islamic religious party had viciously denounced Jinnah and the idea of Pakistan. That didn’t matter because the people trusted Jinnah.
Great problems in Pakistan
After independence, the religious parties changed their tune and claimed that Pakistan had been created for Islam. It is a measure of the pitiful state of education that even though Pakistan Studies is a subject at every level, many of the students have been led to believe that the country was actually created for Islam. Without going into details, there can be no redemption if we continue to neglect education in our institutions to this extent.
The second even more pressing issue is one of population explosion and food security. There were 35 million people in present-day Pakistan at the time of independence. Since then the number has climbed to about 230 million and will grow to 350 million by 2150 — ten times more than what we started with and nearly equal to the total population of pre-Partition united India while available land and resources remain unchanged. It can’t be allowed to go on because there are very serious consequences involved.
Read more: The implications of Pakistan’s unbridled population growth

Each year we add seven million more mouths to feed, house, clothe and provide education, jobs, healthcare, transportation, etc. for them. In most countries, people responsible for these would be having nightmares and screaming from rooftops. In Pakistan, their only concerns appear to be the opposition leaders, judges, keeping religious zealots happy, and powers that be pleased.
This brings up the other vital issue —- administration. We had inherited what was undoubtedly one of the finest systems in the world as those of us who have seen and experienced it know. It has been chopped and changed periodically not for the good of the system or the people but for those who had control of the country. Whatever is left of the system is now being run by a bunch of ignoramuses and layabouts.
Read more: Governance in Pakistan: where have the leaders gone?
The country needs strong leadership
People are at their wits end with food prices going through the roof, corruption not simply becoming endemic but synonymous with extortion, no relief in sight, and leaders in every field and level care only for themselves. They have tried all the political parties, including the army, and know it is only more of the same. It can’t go on. Time moves on regardless. It won’t be long before people will take to the streets. God only knows what will happen after that.
Leadership is about knowledge and understanding the people, being empathetic, giving them hope and confidence in the future. It is not about talking down to them but being with them, feeling and sharing their trials and tribulations, and being seen to be doing something about it.

Read more: Pakistan needs leaders, not social movements
It is not about hiding from difficulties and denial but knowing one’s limitations and selecting a winning team that is experienced, committed and competent to which one can delegate authority knowing that it will deliver.
There is not much time left to save the situation. Ad hoc solutions by crass amateurs, no matter how well-meaning, will not do. What is needed are teams of experienced professionals in each discipline to prepare relevant plans in weeks, not months, and oversee their implementation by relevant departments without interference by any politician or other outsider.
Read more: Op-ed: Pakistan’s politicians are just ‘sand-dune’ leaders without a view of life
The key lies in picking experienced professional operators and letting them get on with the job in earnest without any undue interference. The issue touches all of us, let it not be water off the ducks back because the consequences will be horrendous.
The writer is a retired naval officer and is the author of ‘Pakistan: Roots, Perspective and Genesis’ and Muslims and the West: A Muslim Perspective’. The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space

I think Pakistan needs sincere and competent leadership not strong.

I also think we need a system that can produce good leadership, otherwise it's just a game of chance.

The Chinese seem to have developed their system where the top leadership has a lot of experience in not just government but also delivering results.

We must develop a system suited to our situation but capable of producing high quality leadership.
Nothing of the sort will happen. We have discussed such things till death. Apart from seeking an educated populace you also need cunning and smart leadership. We lack such credentials. I think we always will lack such credentials. Simply because we lack cunningness. Being educated and lacking smart decision making skills is useless.

Talking about education LOL

KARACHI: The United States, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Government of Sindh inaugurated a new high school in Karachi on Wednesday.

The new Government High School WaryoGabol offers students and faculty state-of-the-art classrooms, computer and science labs, a health room, and a library. The construction of this school is part of the Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP), under which USAID is supporting the construction of 106 schools across 10 districts in Sindh.

This is happening right under our noses. We are so pathetic that we cannot even manage the education of our own children. USAID and others have to barge in and open schools. Is it a secret to anyone what exactly the USAID does under the guise of distributing aid? We let the Americans in and we pretend after a few years why our children have become anti-Pakistan.

More than anything we need unity among ourselves. We are a scattered nation. Various ethnic groups don't tolerate each other. All you have to do is visit one different region. The Americans and Indians are playing us against each other. The infighting is the real problem and our enemies are aware of our weakness. Our governments and military leaders are frankly dumb. They lack the ability to tackle these complex problems. They often have a laundry list of excuses. I even think they lack the ability to identify and acknowledge the problems exist.
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Why blame Islam? Its an easy way out for the liberals, when in reality there is no Islam in Pakistan. We follow amended british law and are muslims for show off.

Now about leadership, the leadership comes from the people and are images of the people. If the nation as a whole is corrupt, incompetent and lazy, then where would good leadership come from? We all know our awam and how most are corrupt to the level of their reach. A poor man if cant do any corruption will atleast steal electricity, a low level clerk will not pass on ur documents untill u give rishwat. Heck there are touts outside passport offices that take money in order to let u skip the queue. We dont fix ourselves as a nation and expect to have leadership like angels. We blame everything on yahoodi saazish, ignoring the fact that is it yahoodi asking us to add chemicals to milk or is it yahoodi asking a govt officer to take bribes? From politicians to military to bureaucracy untill low level workers, all do corruption and feed their kids the haram money. What will this haram money fed new generation be like? We can all see how its turning out.

The liberals please stop blaming Islam as there is nothing Islamic in Pakistan and the conservatives and mullahs please stop blaming yahoodi saazish. Its all because of us and we should only blame ourselves and nothing will improve untill we introspect and fix ourselves and our new generation.
Why Pakistan desperately needs strong leaders

Pakistan has tried all forms of administrations, including the Army, yet there are many problems facing the country. According to K Hussan Zia, Pakistan needs strong leaders, otherwise, the consequences will be severe.
By K Hussan Zia

11 June 2021
https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=Why+Pakistan+desperately+needs+strong+leaders https://www.globalvillagespace.com/why-pakistan-desperately-needs-strong-leaders/
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leaders in Pakistan

If Pakistan’s future looks as dark and foreboding as painted here, it does not mean that the concept of Pakistan was ill-conceived or that the writer is intent on spreading needless alarm and despondency. Far from it. The basis of the demand for separation from Hindu-dominated India was both sound and unquestionably justified and legitimate.
The object was to save the Muslims of India, or at least the majority of them, from the ‘tyranny of the Hindu majority,’ in Jinnah’s words. The resolution passed by the Muslim League in 1940 called for the Muslims to have a state where they could decide and manage their own affairs and not a country for Islam.
Read more: Modern-day India reaffirms Quaid-e-Azam’s Two-Nation theory

As a religion, Islam lives in the hearts and minds of Muslims. It does not need a piece of land to survive. Jinnah made it abundantly clear at the Muslim Legislators Conference in Delhi in April 1946, ‘What are we aiming at? It is not for theocracy, not for a theocratic state.’ At the time, every Islamic religious party had viciously denounced Jinnah and the idea of Pakistan. That didn’t matter because the people trusted Jinnah.
Great problems in Pakistan
After independence, the religious parties changed their tune and claimed that Pakistan had been created for Islam. It is a measure of the pitiful state of education that even though Pakistan Studies is a subject at every level, many of the students have been led to believe that the country was actually created for Islam. Without going into details, there can be no redemption if we continue to neglect education in our institutions to this extent.
The second even more pressing issue is one of population explosion and food security. There were 35 million people in present-day Pakistan at the time of independence. Since then the number has climbed to about 230 million and will grow to 350 million by 2150 — ten times more than what we started with and nearly equal to the total population of pre-Partition united India while available land and resources remain unchanged. It can’t be allowed to go on because there are very serious consequences involved.
Read more: The implications of Pakistan’s unbridled population growth

Each year we add seven million more mouths to feed, house, clothe and provide education, jobs, healthcare, transportation, etc. for them. In most countries, people responsible for these would be having nightmares and screaming from rooftops. In Pakistan, their only concerns appear to be the opposition leaders, judges, keeping religious zealots happy, and powers that be pleased.
This brings up the other vital issue —- administration. We had inherited what was undoubtedly one of the finest systems in the world as those of us who have seen and experienced it know. It has been chopped and changed periodically not for the good of the system or the people but for those who had control of the country. Whatever is left of the system is now being run by a bunch of ignoramuses and layabouts.
Read more: Governance in Pakistan: where have the leaders gone?
The country needs strong leadership
People are at their wits end with food prices going through the roof, corruption not simply becoming endemic but synonymous with extortion, no relief in sight, and leaders in every field and level care only for themselves. They have tried all the political parties, including the army, and know it is only more of the same. It can’t go on. Time moves on regardless. It won’t be long before people will take to the streets. God only knows what will happen after that.
Leadership is about knowledge and understanding the people, being empathetic, giving them hope and confidence in the future. It is not about talking down to them but being with them, feeling and sharing their trials and tribulations, and being seen to be doing something about it.

Read more: Pakistan needs leaders, not social movements
It is not about hiding from difficulties and denial but knowing one’s limitations and selecting a winning team that is experienced, committed and competent to which one can delegate authority knowing that it will deliver.
There is not much time left to save the situation. Ad hoc solutions by crass amateurs, no matter how well-meaning, will not do. What is needed are teams of experienced professionals in each discipline to prepare relevant plans in weeks, not months, and oversee their implementation by relevant departments without interference by any politician or other outsider.
Read more: Op-ed: Pakistan’s politicians are just ‘sand-dune’ leaders without a view of life
The key lies in picking experienced professional operators and letting them get on with the job in earnest without any undue interference. The issue touches all of us, let it not be water off the ducks back because the consequences will be horrendous.
The writer is a retired naval officer and is the author of ‘Pakistan: Roots, Perspective and Genesis’ and Muslims and the West: A Muslim Perspective’. The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space
Strong and innovative leaders are needed on district level who can work under a govt for betterment of people and country..

I think Pakistan needs sincere and competent leadership not strong.

I also think we need a system that can produce good leadership, otherwise it's just a game of chance.

The Chinese seem to have developed their system where the top leadership has a lot of experience in not just government but also delivering results.

We must develop a system suited to our situation but capable of producing high quality leadership.

Indeed. I think, the first condition is that we need a new, younger leader with a Pakistani nationalist outlook.

An Islamist's first priority will be Islam, and Muslims.
A democrat's first priority will be the people from all forms of doctrines, and the democratic system.
A narionalist's complete loyalty and sincerity lies with the nation and its patriot citizens. They will put Pakistan first, and uts citizens first.

Such a person can bring the revolutionary change this country needs.
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