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Why Our Military Need to Take Control Of CPEC

Inept dude you give it a read. Why US got involved if Vajpayee didn't give him blowjob? Just tell me how?

Really want to know?

Here goes

half of Kashmir is still with us. In 1999 our army slapped your fags and gave them heads-up that we can get Kashmir from you at our will. Your fags still $hit their uniforms ;)

Yeah, right.

This one's from Dawn. That's a famous Indian newspaper.

Not a single one was taken by force by the NLI. They just crept up and parked themselves. Vajpayee went nowhere. Nawaz Sharif was in Washington, and got Clinton to call Vajpayee in Delhi.
Where do you get your info from, Commando Comics? :azn:
You're getting your information from call centers where you're working right now. Vajpayee gave blowjob and hence had US on his side. We withdrew, you took nothing by force. Your army was shivering while climbing to the empty posts, $hitting their uniforms ;)
You're getting your information from call centers where you're working right now. Vajpayee gave blowjob and hence had US on his side. We withdrew, you took nothing by force. Your army was shivering while climbing to the empty posts, $hitting their uniforms ;)

Dawn is a call centre? LOL.
You mean you didn't know, right? You don't know about Stuart tanks on Zoji La? About the siege of Leh?
Actually, why don't you read up and then come back? :lol::lol::lol:
Talking about 1999, your army was done. The whole world saw Pakistani army was about to eat india alive. They all teamed up after Vajpayee gave blowjobs. That's how they stopped us from conquering india. Our army is prepared to attack and take over india from their fag army lol
Talking about 1999, your army was done. The whole world saw Pakistani army was about to eat india alive. They all teamed up after Vajpayee gave blowjobs. That's how they stopped us from conquering india. Our army is prepared to attack and take over india from their fag army lol
Look up the figures of territory captured and do the math.
Our armoured Corps was fine. It was your Pattons that got flatulence. And the sortie rate of the IAF before the ceasefire was three times the rate of the PAF.
Read up, kiddo.
That's why you had lost more jets? That's why your air force was crippled? Tell me agent 007 ;)
Talking about 1999, your army was done. The whole world saw Pakistani army was about to eat india alive. They all teamed up after Vajpayee gave blowjobs. That's how they stopped us from conquering india. Our army is prepared to attack and take over india from their fag army lol
shaba shaba aj iske demagh ki dahi krni ha joey ki..brb gudnight
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