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Why no Pakistani helicopter manufacturing/assembling program?


Sep 8, 2009
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I just wanted to raise a question , why is it that countries with Sanctions like our friends to west can build their own helicopters

Bell / Cobras

There is no reason why we should not have NEW helicopter being produced so we can phase out the retireing helicopters that are 20+ years old

Why is it that our Industry cannot manufacture a advance Helicopter for our national needs, if we too the 500-800million for refurbishment and instead invested that into a Helicopter production project would we not have self reliance in Helicopter production no different then what we have achieved with JF17 Thunder project

I am sure with certain assitance from China we can use their Engines and a universal airframe for the helicopter and develop something that can carry a gun , and missile launch and attack capability

Perhaps this could be something we can jointly produce with Egypt/China - If egypt signs the purchase agreement of JF17 thunders in large quantities ?

We already have the capabilities to develop missiles that can track and target, and hit with solid accuracy , we have the avionics integration experience working on Thunder project .....

We just need to arrange for the engines thru china , or produce one locally.

I am positive if we put our minds to the project we can achive great results

Lets look at the situation

a) We have engineers
b) We have mechanics that can operate engines
c) We have electrical engineers that can hook up circuits
d) We have Engineers also experienced in helicopter maintenence
e) We have ties with other countries to export in engines
f) We could also produce engines if we put our heads around to it
g) We already have the missiles and target and shoot knowledge
h) We already produce Italian radars locally under licence (I know its for planes but)
but I am sure we can find ways to developer things further
i) We have the reconicence perfected with UAV development , we can use those
same capabilities in helicopters exact same knowledge ....

We produce our own steel in steels mills and all the raw material needed to construct the body of the helicopter...

So really we should be flying our own helicopters - and not just wait to get helicopters
delivered to us after 4-6 years delays
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Neither we have enough budget nor the expertise and basics as far as jf-17 is concerned i thnk jf-17 or any fighter aircraft has much priority thn helicopters

as far as joint venture with china is concerned China is still strugling with its indigenous helicopter wz-10 and they are just using them for filling the gap role unless they come up with something comparable to western ones
Neither we have enough budget nor the expertise and basics as far as jf-17 is concerned i thnk jf-17 or any fighter aircraft has much priority thn helicopters

as far as joint venture with china is concerned China is still strugling with its indigenous helicopter wz-10 and they are just using them for filling the gap role unless they come up with something comparable to western ones

They have like 800-900 helicopter, we should also learn from Chinese knowledge to at leats try to produce may be 100 helicopter for our army needs - locally

We can't really just depend on Bells and Cobras we need our own Pakistani produced Helicopter Solution

I mean here is a helicopter build locally by our neighbours ... they can't even export in radars like we can but we already have licence from Italy to make our own radar
so what is stopping us to use the 500-700 million dollars to make our own Helicopter

A helicopter is something even our Universities can build if we just get them 1-2 prototypes , for 1-2 million dollars, and just watch our Universities build something out of nothing
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They have like 800-900 helicopter, we should also learn from Chinese knowledge to at leats try to produce may be 100 helicopter for our army needs - locally
China is investing in Pakistan, earning money from it. It is not doing any favors as some people think. Pakistan is not financially powerful enough to start its own programs. At least not for 5-6 years from now.

If you have the money, you can get all the chinese help. But even china has not been too successful with their own Heli project.

The one they use is Harbin Z-9 which is french.
China is investing in Pakistan, earning money from it. It is not doing any favors as some people think. Pakistan is not financially powerful enough to start its own programs. At least not for 5-6 years from now.

If you have the money, you can get all the chinese help. But even china has not been too successful with their own Heli project.

The one they use is Harbin Z-9 which is french.

Well our chinese friends have great fleet of helicopters good for them its really wonderful :china::pakistan:, but my point is that we really need to invest some $ between 2010-2015 into helicopter production locally in Pakistan

I see that we can build our own fleet of 100 helicopters locally in Pakistan - rather then put more funds into refurbishment of old copters , I say we let turkey help us out with cobras , and we build our own new helicopter - with China
Well our chinese friends have great fleet of helicopters good for them its really wonderful :china::pakistan:, but my point is that we really need to invest some $ between 2010-2015 into helicopter production locally in Pakistan

I see that we can build our own fleet of 100 helicopters locally in Pakistan - rather then put more funds into refurbishment of old copters , I say we let turkey help us out with cobras , and we build our own new helicopter - with China

Indigenous projects require lots of money at least the first time when we have 0 experience.
Look at LCA Tejas, Arjun, they are great projects but India started a little too early. We have spent so much, we could have bought a lot more with the same amount. Now we can afford to make these. So we are progressing fast without any problems.

Pakistan needs to buy equipment for the next 15-20 years. It can offer natural resources to China in exchange with defence equipment.

In two decades, Pakistan's economy would be good enough to start its own projects. Remember: The first projects need LOTS of money.

Investing now when the same money can be used to mine Coal, search oil and build infra for business, would cost a lot. In future the profit from same ventures will be enough to buy these toys. An example is UAE.

the pics of helis u shown above are mostly of russian origin not chinese indigenous ones even the Z-9 is a licensed copy of french heli which later were integrated by chinese systems and equipment but not fully chinese indigenous
In my opinion, the best start Pakistan can make in this direction is letting/asking/facilitating private industries in Pakistan to go for joint venture with a global Heli manufacturer and start locally producing any of a proven design . In my opinion, there is a considerable market in Pakistan for both civilian and military helicopters. This is the trend going on in most of the developing nations around the world. Look at Turkey, Korea, India, Singapore, etc.

Once the helicopter production eases somewhat in Pakistan by these private companies, Pakistan defence establishment can actually start integrating the advanced innovations researched by their defence labs and come up with something of great value for pakistan military.

the pics of helis u shown above are mostly of russian origin not chinese indigenous ones even the Z-9 is a licensed copy of french heli which later were integrated by chinese systems and equipment but not fully chinese indigenous

I know but they have the copters in hand - they are not in rush we need to get new updates too or else just make ones for our selves was the point ...

Chinese have 900+ helicopters of every good copter in their fleet ...

We have add 30-45 attack helicopters only rest is all 60's stuff...

Why cannot we learn from our neighbours on west side and make some helicopters

Give the local production facilities 400-million -600 million support to develop our own helicopters
Well our chinese friends have great fleet of helicopters good for them its really wonderful :china::pakistan:, but my point is that we really need to invest some $ between 2010-2015 into helicopter production locally in Pakistan

I see that we can build our own fleet of 100 helicopters locally in Pakistan - rather then put more funds into refurbishment of old copters , I say we let turkey help us out with cobras , and we build our own new helicopter - with China

So designing a new helo from scratch may not be a good idea. A right step may be to do a large deal with Tech Transfer and local manufacturing (like su 30 mki) that will give the industry in Pakistan to get their hands dirty on actual production. Post that it may make sense to try your hands on an improved design..
Why cannot we learn from our neighbours on west side and make some helicopters

Give the local production facilities 400-million -600 million support to develop our own helicopters

Try to understand the major problem i.e our current economic conditions forget about everythng else if u have money u can spent anythng anywhere even to develop crap but here we dun have enough money

It will not require jst 400 million rather a lot more as we have to start from scrap n the army will thnk why spent such money on a prouct which is still not tangible and neither will b for atleast next 5 years why not go for new choppers with this money which we will possibly get in nxt 2 years ...

we dun have such freedom to spend money due to financial constrainst thx to our corupt leaders,we already have lost 38-40 billion or may b more in war on terror its a huge amount USA will give us jst 1billion and our leaders will start jumping lyk monkeys but in reality they are making us fool we are trading off 40 billion with just 1 billion (which by the way comes with so much of conditions)

Due to economy constraints our navy and army is already suffering,believe me they had much more plans but .......
Anyone can built the helo,but engine is the most technical part. Turkish are getting engine from US. Chinese attach helo still on halt,because of engine problem. Plane engine is easier then Helicopter engine, its totally a different field. Right now only British and Americans are master in Vtol, then come Russians.
Try to understand the major problem i.e our current economic conditions forget about everythng else if u have money u can spent anythng anywhere even to develop crap but here we dun have enough money

It will not require jst 400 million rather a lot more as we have to start from scrap n the army will thnk why spent such money on a prouct which is still not tangible and neither will b for atleast next 5 years why not go for new choppers with this money which we will possibly get in nxt 2 years ...

we dun have such freedom to spend money due to financial constrainst thx to our corupt leaders,we already have lost 38-40 billion or may b more in war on terror its a huge amount USA will give us jst 1billion and our leaders will start jumping lyk monkeys but in reality they are making us fool we are trading of 40 billion with just 1 billion (which by the way comes with so much of conditions)

Due to economy constraints our navy and army is already seuffering,believe me they had much more plans but .......

A second hand helicopter cost 1 million dollar buy it and reverse engineer it - and let the university students open it up for research

Give 5 million for students to develop a flying prototype - scaled model ...

I think we just don't test out own abilities ... we have all components of the helicopter - we just need ppl to open up and start engineering
A second hand helicopter cost 1 million dollar buy it and reverse engineer it - and let the university students open it up for research

Give 5 million for students to develop a flying prototype - scaled model ...

I think we just don't test out own abilities ... we have all components of the helicopter - we just need ppl to open up and start engineering
Dude we are talking about Helicopter, risking the life of men at work. Not rikshaw...lolzz
(need to have total knowledge of metallurgy and labs)
A second hand helicopter cost 1 million dollar buy it and reverse engineer it - and let the university students open it up for research

Give 5 million for students to develop a flying prototype - scaled model ...

I think we just don't test out own abilities ... we have all components of the helicopter - we just need ppl to open up and start engineering

its not that simple buddy if it would have been so simple then why not countries like IRAN with good economy can built their own as they are suffering with embargoes from west

If it would have been so simple why not Chinese had made dozens of prototypes of different models they are just liecense building..

and by the way for re-engineering it also requires to setup basics and infrastructure and plus from where do the engines come? the main part is the engine
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