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Why My Father Hated India

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The important question is why have they done well and Pakistan so poorly - especially since Pakistan was doing so well before??

I respect your opinion muse, you know that. The question you are asking here is a pertinent one, a very important one; but one that does not pertain to the title of this thread. So I wouldn't want to discuss that here, although I'd love to discuss that with you somewhere else.
Dear Pakis, be straight , is pakistan now a confused state that is different from its births, have they not been moved out of thier honest and simple culture to more of the culture and teachings that was imported from arabs

Fxxxxx right off troll. look at your own country
The important question is why have they done well and Pakistan so poorly - especially since Pakistan was doing so well before??

Many dimensions to this. Simple and shortest answer is very poor and corrupt leaders.
Many dimensions to this. Simple and shortest answer is very poor and corrupt leaders.

Exactly wrong --- You are no simple minded person to seek Simple answers to complex phenomenon.
A little humility is in order - sure your doing well - but who knows what will happen in just a few years, we were doing much better than you just a few years ago.

sure why not may your 180 billion dollar economy passes our 1.7 trillion dollar economy growing at 8% per year inflation adjusted in just a few years
India unfortunately, always has to portray itself to be doing better than Pakistan, because it was Pakistan that split away from the Indian subcontinent in 1947. The Indian insecurity & inferiority complex mounted from 1947 onwards, considering the fact that Pakistan did better than India in almost all social & economic indicators since the first fifty years of inception of both nations, from 1947-1997. Now, for once in the history of both countries, that India has started to do better than Pakistan, the Indians can't wait to rub it in, making all sorts of allegations against Pakistanis, which includes unnecessary hatred & obsession of India, abandoning their historical & cultural roots, amongst many other things. Aatish Taseer's article wreaks not only with Indian insecurity, but also his personal insecurities, of being abandoned for his own father. So I wouldn't look too deeply into it.

That is incorrect at many levels. Agreed, as far as the economic indicators are concerned PAK seemed to show off better credentials but there is a huge difference in how you see it. India at that time was working very hard to become self sufficient starting from Green revolution to Industrial revolution. Indians concentrated hard on education and developing both Industrial and research bases the fruits of which we are seeing today. Ironically, its these same parameters that PAK ignored and still does to this day. From 1947, PAK was and still continues to rely on agriculture as its main economic feed. India does too but Manufacturing, Automobile, Services and Technology are now key contributors.
Those who blindly trumpet the propoganda of Indo-Pakistan identity forget the 1400 years of history where Indian continents which is current Pakistan played pivotal role in political issues. The identity of Pakistan in its rough form was carved out by Ummayads who wanted to put an end to looting of Muslim trade caravans on the strategic route of Indian continent.
Well, nothing wrong if he hated India.

It is not a new phenomenon for anyone to be upset about.

There are many good reasons why people hate India, but it is wiser to let such things be left unsaid.
Well, nothing wrong if he hated India.

It is not a new phenomenon for anyone to be upset about.

There are many good reasons why people hate India, but it is wiser to let such things be left unsaid.

Thats a stupid reason. China has higher growth rate than yours and much higher GDP than yours still people dont hate China. why??

because China is a peace loving country unlike India..

everyone can see how all the neighbors of China are getting richer and richer and how the neighbors of India are suffering.. at such a situation how can you people expect love from other countries??

and not to mention most of the neighbors of Pakistan (except India) are happy with us!! :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
Thats a stupid reason. China has higher growth rate than yours and much higher GDP than yours still people dont hate China. why??

because China is a peace loving country unlike India..

everyone can see how all the neighbors of China are getting richer and richer and how the neighbors of India are suffering.. at such a situation how can you people expect love from other countries??

and not to mention most of the neighbors of Pakistan (except India) are happy with us!! :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:


I fail to see the logic of your harangue.

What has China to do with the murdered Pakistan Punjab Governor hating India?

Have you nothing to say about Pakistan that you have to jump ship and bring in China to sabotage the thread?
^^^^ it was a reply to "There are many good reasons why people hate India, but it is wiser to let such things be left unsaid."
Thats a stupid reason. China has higher growth rate than yours and much higher GDP than yours still people dont hate China. why??

because China is a peace loving country unlike India..

everyone can see how all the neighbors of China are getting richer and richer and how the neighbors of India are suffering.. at such a situation how can you people expect love from other countries??

and not to mention most of the neighbors of Pakistan (except India) are happy with us!! :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:

WTH? way off the matter being discussed.
The important question is why have they done well and Pakistan so poorly - especially since Pakistan was doing so well before??

Simple is Democratic India and Pakistan's unfortunate mismanagement systems. Don't forget Pakistan is in deep trouble with WOT, Afghanistan issues and angry 180million populations. Endless wars not even after 2014.

Can we reverse- If India collides with WOT, Afghanistan issues, and angry 1 Billion populations. It will be same things Pakistan done better while India do so poorly.

In my opinion, in our bloods we didn't seek to make Pakistan a properous country, we seek to destroy honors, faiths, and disciplines what Jinnah guides us. Pakistan, in together with US, make more enemies with TTP, Waziristan, LeT, Talibans, many other groups, we used to be peaceful with them.
^^^^ it was a reply to "There are many good reasons why people hate India, but it is wiser to let such things be left unsaid."

There are.

But I said it is wiser to let be unsaid.

Just a hint - Urdu - is that the language of the people of land which became West Pakistan?

Why is that Minister's statement causing such heartburns and turmoil in Karachi?

I would prefer to leave these thing unsaid.

An ill wind bring none any happiness.

un vent malodorants
are all Indians Dumb?? it was a reply to this comment of Tiki uncle "There are many good reasons why people hate India, but it is wiser to let such things be left unsaid."

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