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Why Muslims love to live in free India

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Hey Aryan do you also present yourself as Indian in Leeds.
From the horse's mouth

Indian Muslim looks at Kashmir as a Hindustani not as a Muslim: Syed Ali Shah Geelan

By Mohd. Ismail Khan, TwoCircles.net,

Syed Ali Shah Geelani the grand old man of Kashmir popularly known as ‘Baba-e-Kashmir’ in the region is a prominent Kashmiri nationalist leader. He is the chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference and enjoys huge support in the valley for his strong and unaltered commitment for the independence of Kashmir. In an exclusive interview to Twocircles.net Mr. Geelani spoke about his views on the Indian Muslims ignorance regarding Kashmiri nationalist movement and oppressive policies of Indian government on Kashmiri Muslims.

Many a time you have criticized Indian Muslims for not supporting the independence movement of Kashmir, why do you think it is important for an Indian Muslim to support Kashmiri cause?

It is (Farz) absolute duty of Indian Muslim to support their Kashmiri Muslim brothers, but it can happen only when they start thinking like a Muslim. But the tragedy is 20 Crore Muslims of India are shaping their opinion about Kashmir as a Hindustani not as a Muslim. This 20 crore Muslim population is having sinful silent when in their backyard, their own Muslim brothers are being oppressed by the Indian army, exploited by the Indian political class, harassed by intelligence agencies, and even when Muslims are tortured, raped and killed mercilessly. In Islam it is Farz for every Muslim to help oppressed Muslim brother, and then this makes absolute duty for the Indian Muslims to speak about the atrocities committed by India on Kashmiri Muslims.

There is a general fear among Indian Muslims that if Kashmir gets independence and even if they support it or not they will be the victim of the backlash of Hindutva forces. What do you think about this perception?

12 million people of J&K can’t be hijacked by India, by raising the bogy of fear. See Kashmir cause and Indian Muslims are two different issues. If Muslims in India are targeted after the secession of Kashmir then it is the result of anarchy and tyranny of the nation which they are living in, and it will have nothing to do with Kashmiri independence. When you are going to uphold truth and justice then you should also be ready for the ache which is unavoidable. That hurt will be the test of Allah, and a true Muslim who believes in the Day of Judgment and who believes that this world is predetermined, and the world here after is infinite then he will definitely uphold the truth and justice, irrespective of backlash it will accompany. But if a Muslim is more worried about his life and property rather than truth and justice then he should prepare to live his life under the shadow of a tyrant.

Indian Muslims protest frequently whenever any where in the world Muslims are targeted, but when in Kashmir the same thing happens, no Indian Muslim raise their voice against it. As Kashmiri Muslim how do you feel about it?

I always tell whenever I meet people from Jamaat-e-Islami Hind or any other Indian Muslims that they will be questioned in the Day of Judgment by Allah for their dangerous silence on the atrocities on Kashmiri Muslims by the Indian army. But they always give excuse that if they speak against the Indian government they will be banned, censored or restricted and then it will be difficult for them to carry out their functions.

I think all this rhetorics of Indian Muslims is the result of week Imaan (faith), they fear Indian state more than Allah. Indian army have taken our land on the gun point, they raped and killed hundreds of Muslim women, I myself have inspected some instances where mother was raped in front of her little daughter, and wife in front of husband. Every one knows how two Muslim women in Sofian were raped and killed by Indian army. Because of all this humiliation when young Muslims were on the streets without any weapons they were killed on point-blank range by the Indian army, even a seven year old boy was killed by the army. From 2009 till now 125 unarmed Muslim protesters were shot down by the army. And even after all this Indian Muslims are silent, I and all the Muslims in J&K have serious complaint against them.

I think they are silent because of the fear of wrath from the majority, but a true Muslim will always support the truth. I remember there was a huge public meeting in Darul Uloom Deoband and Aziz Burney, editor of Sahara Urdu daily said we will condemn hundred times the violence against Muslims in Kashmir, but will reiterate thousand times that Kashmir is an integral part of India. Aziz Burney represented the mindset of Indian Muslims that because of the fear from majority community and to appease them they are ready to tell the truth 100 times but will support a lie 1000 times. Indian Muslims will be answerable to Allah.

You look quite distressed from Indian Muslims, what will be your message to them?

I will urge to the Indian Muslims to protect and preserve their identity, they should always feel proud of what they are i.e. Muslims. They should not just be a Muslim by name but should be a practicing Muslim. They should protect their culture, because with out their culture Muslims are nothing but just like any other community. In Jammu & Kashmir we are facing a cultural aggression from India; Indian army is trying every bit to destroy our Islamic culture, and Muslims of Kashmir is resisting that cultural aggression, Indian Muslim should take lesson from Kashmir. Indian Muslims should get united as a single ummah and leave their ideological differences to fight against their adversaries.

Twenty crore Muslim population of India should get united and in one voice should support the Muslims of Kashmir for their genuine cause and pressurize the Indian government to fulfill their promise made in UN resolution. But till now it has been seen that Indian Muslims are keeping quiet on the atrocities done on Kashmiri Muslims by the Indian army, I can tell with whole confidence that if Indian Muslims are going to continue this type of laxity then they will be questioned by Allah. And I don’t hesitate in saying this thinking that Muslims of India will get angry with me, because a Muslim should fear only Allah and I am sure Allah will ask Indian Muslims why they were silent when their brothers in their backyard were subjugated.

Indian Muslim looks at Kashmir as a Hindustani not as a Muslim: Syed Ali Shah Geelani | TwoCircles.net
I guess these are or were also Indian Muslims.

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You are talking rubbish

Discrimination against Dalits these are untouchable Indians who are in the same league as Muslims in India

Crime against Dalits occur every 20 minutes in India. Every day 3 Dalit women are raped, 2 Dalits are murdered and 2 Dalit houses are burnt down! These figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste Hindu individuals. Official figures show that there are still 0.343 million manual scavengers in India from Dalit community. More than 165 million Dalits in India are simply abused by their Hindu upper castes for their birth! . [HRW Report2007]

Why would Indian Muslims want to live where no one wants to live Hindu or Muslim??

Dalits ??? i thought this thread was about Indian muslims and their views. Man you are a expert in finding anti indian articles from BS source we know that. please dont impress us more by your crap talents.
we can have new thread for dalits to satisfy ur urge for dalit love. please come back to topic here and pdf pe ehsaan kar do....

Read before you reply !!!

here is the message again :

India hate Pakistan for another reason (see below) :
India hates Pakistan because Pakistan broke free from Indian Occupation and India views all of Kashmir as Indian (which is not).

Lol ...:rofl: You mean Indian Muslims as topic is about them. Let me add something to your knowledge.

You know Maulana Azad in his April 1946 interview said about Pakistani breaking in two pieces, also he told about secterian violence in pakistan after its creation. Indian muslims thank him for his forsightedness.
They love him more than Jinnah & are happy that they kicked off of TNT.

Read before you reply !!!

here is the message again :

India hate Pakistan for another reason (see below) :
India hates Pakistan because Pakistan broke free from Indian Occupation and India views all of Kashmir as Indian (which is not).

Lol ...:rofl: You mean Indian Muslims as topic is about them. Let me add something to your knowledge.

You know Maulana Azad in his April 1946 interview said about Pakistani breaking in two pieces, also he told about secterian violence in pakistan after its creation. Indian muslims thank him for his forsightedness.
They love him more than Jinnah & are happy that they kicked off of TNT.
14% Bharti Muslims have 3% representation in the parliament , 0.2% representation in the military sector. Killer of 10000 muslims in Gujrat is about to become PM. Babri mosque demolishers were never prosecuted. They are not allowed to eat beef in morethan one state.

Indian muslims have been numb over Kasmir killings everyday. They are THE most poor ethnic group in India but , that being said they do love to hide the fact that Hindus dominate them because if they don't speak of the 'greatness' of India , they would lose face infront of peverted Pakistani muslims who choose not to be dominated.

Every Indian muslim will try to project Abdul Kalam as a show of Muslims having equal rights in India despite the fact that he was a mare poster boy and a Muslim has never held the top office !
Where you got this incredible figure Aeronaut, did Zaid Hamid told you.
I have an associate i know well - his name is Suleman Adam. Originally he lived in Gujarat in a village near to a place called Alipore is a village in Chikhli Taluka. Him and his family were constantly subjected to racism in India and after the incidents in 2002 has progressively moved himself and family to Pakistan. He runs a very successful business in the UK and constantly tells me how much he misses India and wishes his grandchildren could see his place of birth.
If anyone wants to see how successful he has been his website is here - sells fantastic cricket equipment if you are ever interested.....

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