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Why is Pakistan so hateful towards India?

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New Recruit

Dec 22, 2013
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I never really understand this. India never did anything to Pakistan, infact...most of us don´t even care about Pakistan...but if i see whats going on in Pakistan, it seems like tehy are really hatefull towards us. They send terrorism, threat us with war. If you watch their news its like tehy think we constantly plan an invasion? But i don´t understand this and would like to know, where is behavior comes from?
Why so much fear and hate? And do they really believe they could beat us in a war? What do they expect to happen? Thats something hard for me to understand.
You have occupied Kashmir and you ask why? You support separatists in our country and still ask why? You helped separatists seperate East Pakistan and you still ask why?

You all indians hate Pakistan more than we hate you.
Pakistan is not hateful towards anyone , however Pakistan wants to solve Kashmir issue.
i am not
I never really understand this. India never did anything to Pakistan, infact...most of us don´t even care about Pakistan...but if i see whats going on in Pakistan, it seems like tehy are really hatefull towards us. They send terrorism, threat us with war. If you watch their news its like tehy think we constantly plan an invasion? But i don´t understand this and would like to know, where is behavior comes from?
Why so much fear and hate? And do they really believe they could beat us in a war? What do they expect to happen? Thats something hard for me to understand.

He he! Just check out the old threads instead of starting a new one. We all have "Battlescars" going on this topic time and time again ;) :P
Hahahahahahah here we go once more. :lol:
pakistan wants kashmir just to take revenge of 71 and countless wars they have lost

India will never give Kashmir....UN shows them middle finger too :lol:
I never really understand this. India never did anything to Pakistan, infact...most of us don´t even care about Pakistan...but if i see whats going on in Pakistan, it seems like tehy are really hatefull towards us. They send terrorism, threat us with war. If you watch their news its like tehy think we constantly plan an invasion? But i don´t understand this and would like to know, where is behavior comes from?
Why so much fear and hate? And do they really believe they could beat us in a war? What do they expect to happen? Thats something hard for me to understand.
india must attack pakistan :sarcastic:
@Ishvara ,just be here for one month and you will undersand....
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