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Why is Iran upset with Pakistan?

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Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom
Number of rumours going on but does any one know why Iran is upset with Pak on Afghan government?

Were they looking for more role in new IEA government?

Reliable sources have claimed that Pak and US have had a detailed discussion on this and Pak agreed to US that they wont let Iran take advantage of situation in Afghanistan. Pak through a third country ( ? China ? US) agreed with Israel for no role of Iran in new Afghan government. Not sure what will Pak get in return for these favours, however things have been agreed upon, we ll see them in coming months.

Iranian are not stupid, every thing in Iranian media is tightly monitored and regulated , we can't simply ignore as an individual's opinion when Ahmedinijad spoke to Indian TV ( ? Why he chose India Television is also a strong signal of unhappiness with Pak) . They know that as a mater of fact that Pakistan had no role in Panjshir events. Also Iran has no sympathy with resistance, if they were sympathetic they would have given asylum to leadership of resistance. Expect some senior Indian leadership travelling to Iran or vice versa, to send strong signals to Pakistan.

There is defiantly something else going on .

Any sane opinions please?
To much Iran Talk while the iranians themselves told you everything that came from Iran was not official such as Ahmadinjad his unofficial and disowned
Number of rumours going on but does any one know why Iran is upset with Pak on Afghan government?

Were they looking for more role in new IEA government?

Reliable sources have claimed that Pak and US have had a detailed discussion on this and Pak agreed to US that they wont let Iran take advantage of situation in Afghanistan. Pak through a third country ( ? China ? US) agreed with Israel for no role of Iran in new Afghan government. Not sure what will Pak get in return for these favours, however things have been agreed upon, we ll see them in coming months.

Iranian are not stupid, every thing in Iranian media is tightly monitored and regulated , we can't simply ignore as an individual's opinion when Ahmedinijad spoke to Indian TV ( ? Why he chose India Television is also a strong signal of unhappiness with Pak) . They know that as a mater of fact that Pakistan had no role in Panjshir events. Also Iran has no sympathy with resistance, if they were sympathetic they would have given asylum to leadership of resistance. Expect some senior Indian leadership travelling to Iran or vice versa, to send strong signals to Pakistan.

There is defiantly something else going on .

Any sane opinions please?

Iran operates around the regions through proxies and it's proxies have been pretty much eliminated in Afghanistan - this is a huge loss to it's influence. The dogs unleashed by the Iranian regime against Pakistan will be gagged sooner or later, when Pakistan gives Iran the upcoming shut up call.

Pakistan needs to monitor the internal situation for any sect unrest by Iranian regime. Fencing the border with Iran was the right strategic move by Pakistan. This Iranian mullah group has history of being idiots.
Iran operates around the regions through proxies and it's proxies have been pretty much eliminated in Afghanistan - this is a huge loss to it's influence. The dogs unleashed by the Iranian regime against Pakistan will be gagged sooner or later, when Pakistan gives Iran the upcoming shut up call.

Pakistan needs to monitor the internal situation for any sect unrest by Iranian regime. Fencing the border with Iran was the right strategic move by Pakistan. This Iranian mullah group has history of being idiots.
Are you okay, son? Iran has not armed or funded Panjshir recently. Iran is the master of all proxy warfares, if it decides to do so no one will be able to stop Iran. The reason Iran ''abandonded'' Panjshir is because of the strategic understanding with Taliban (their leaders visited Iran frequently in the recent years).
Leave poor sanctioned iran alone. We just need to complete the fencing on our borders. Better yet make it a high voltage electric fence so that indian spies dont enter ever again. Drone survellience would be good as well.

By the way eyeran is not important for us right now
Are you okay, son? Iran has not armed or funded Panjshir recently. Iran is the master of all proxy warfares, if it decides to do so no one will be able to stop Iran. The reason Iran ''abandonded'' Panjshir is because of the strategic understanding with Taliban (their leaders visited Iran frequently in the recent years).

Real question is why the outcry. Something had to have happened behind the scenes.
The Iranians cannot see the rise of any sunni power anywhere.
Any Muslim country must have shia rule , so that Iranians can control them through religious imperialism.
After all they own shia sect and being shia and being loyal to Iran are synonymous since 1979.
Real question is why the outcry. Something had to have happened behind the scenes.

The Iranian polity is no monolith. Pay attention to who those behind the outcry really are: reformists and centrists ie western-apologetic liberals. Not the IRGC, not the Supreme Leader, not the revolutionary factions.

And given how liberals usually work in line with US objectives, analysts consider that the reasoning behind their outcry is the following: considering the economic situation, if Iran gets entangled in an endless conflict in Afghanistan, it may see itself forced to disengage from the Levant (Palestine, Lebanon, Syria), which in turn would reduce the pressure on Isra"el". Let's not forget that one of the favorite slogans of the same liberals who are shouting for intervention against the Taliban has been: "No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, I will sacrifice myself for Iran". Just connect the dots.

And also take into account that faced with domestic pressure, the Raisi administration may try to placate public opinion (including but certainly not limited to Afghan immigrant communities) with a few critical statements against the Taleban here and there. For indeed, the media campaign orchestrated by liberals in protest against the Islamic Republic's policy of normalization with the Taleban has been considerable, and has even involved film stars and other "celebrities", all bashing the IR for its refusal to act against the Taleban. But statements aren't decisive, actual policy is.

I have said it several times in different threads: as long as the domestic stakes aren't factored in, comments on Iran's policy towards Afghanistan may easily go off track (with outlandish references to sectarian issues, Iran's imperial past and so on, which in reality are irrelevant here).

- - - - -

I wouldn't call some newspaper headlines an ''official protest''. Media sources that are tied to Iran's establishment are for example farsnews.com or kayhan.ir

The only media that qualifies as an official government source is the state news agency IRNA. All others speak mostly for themselves.
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You truly arent
You are free to pick up a map of the Middle East and point at the places where we are not active. Pakistan is active in only one barren wasteland aka Afghanistan and can direct all her resources to that cause. Iran is in many other theatres.
You are free to pick up a map of the Middle East and point at the places where we are not active. Pakistan is active in only one barren wasteland aka Afghanistan and can direct all her resources to that cause. Iran is in many other theatres.

You call them theatres? Arming mercenaries to do what exactly? Please control your narcissism. Israel is stronger than they have ever been with your so called "theatres" :lol: This isn't the dawn of humanity where you can call yourself the persian empire and kill and enslave as you please then say its Gods work , people have moved on. Why would anyone call themselves a "supreme leader" ? :lol: I just can't take you seriously sorry.
You call them theatres? Arming mercenaries to do what exactly? Please control your narcissism. Israel is stronger than they have ever been with your so called "theatres" :lol: This isn't the dawn of humanity where you can call yourself the persian empire and kill and enslave as you please then say its Gods work , people have moved on. Why would anyone call themselves a "supreme leader" ? :lol: I just can't take you seriously sorry.
Using two times laughing emoji like a high school girl in your post shows you are not serious. Stick to praising Israel.
You really arent

This is true unfortunately.. There is not one country where Iran is solely ethablished by themselves example Iraq comes to mind there is Turkey and US who have higher level of share even in the government and now new players are there but Iran has non-state actors in Iraq not the Government which is US backed.. Syria they have handed over to Russia, Turkey and USA because you know why militarily it was unattainable and chose to play a minor role sidelined basically. The less said about Yemen the better everything that comes into the Houthi enclave is controlled by the Hadi government who controlled the port, no fly zone, oil and majority of cities aside from Sana which is Houthi heartland.. For me it seems like Iran is bogged in to many places on all fronts despite Iraq being the one where things looks promising but is the worst situation and the only way Iran can reverse that is if her miliatia topple the regime which is unlikely but aside from that Iran is happy to play second fiddle and third fiddle in some places. Syria is not Iran's problem it has handed over to others who decide it's fate. It wants to retreat from all this it is unsustainable for them. It accepts also to be sidelined in Iraq by the Americans etc etc or Turkey. Other players are making in roads on Iraq now.

It also faces increasingly attacks from Israel where the attacks have increased significiantly over the period of Nethanyu's reign without replying to these violations. They have taken the restraint patience approach in that aspect.
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You are free to pick up a map of the Middle East and point at the places where we are not active. Pakistan is active in only one barren wasteland aka Afghanistan and can direct all her resources to that cause. Iran is in many other theatres.
That's the thing. Iran is a trouble maker.
After revolution that's the only "constructive thing" they have done.
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