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Why is America so powerful? Video Explanation

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Acomprehensive review of American foreign policy towards countries in other regions and in different eras, including post Cold War Europe, expose a consistent lack of statesmanship, ineffective methods of diplomacy and a disposition to use military force.

Regarded as the winner of the Cold War, the U.S. has subsequently been involved in several hot wars, and been excluded from socio-economic blocs. An ever-enlarging European Union, a Latin America Mercosur, which is composed of more radical and less-friendly regimes to the U.S., and an Association of Southeast Asian nations plus three (ASEAN +China, Japan, South Korea), are challenging U.S. political hegemony and economic leadership.

The equations are fast changing. America's dream of establishing a New World Order with them at the helm, is now nothing but a mirage.
Because they steal the intelligence in all countries with the brain drain, contrary to Russia
An ever-enlarging European Union, a Latin America Mercosur, which is composed of more radical and less-friendly regimes to the U.S., and an Association of Southeast Asian nations plus three (ASEAN +China, Japan, South Korea), are challenging U.S. political hegemony and economic leadership.

Trade groups are nothing new. ASEAN has been around since the 1960's. MERCOSER in 1990. It is in their best interest to work together instead of directly trying to undercut each other economically on the world stage. That only leads to animosity and worse...war.

There are tons of trade blocks and trade agreements. It's all business. And so far it works pretty good!

I'm happy I get fresh fruits and vegetables year round at a stable price because some trade block in South America has coordinated resources. If one has trouble the other picks up the slack. When it is winter up here it is summer down there and vice versa. A nice exchange of food happens that keeps us all happy.
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Short video, as admitted, but not admitted is short on facts and real analyses.
Capitalism, far off mighty island unable to reach and invade easily, and its built on my immigrants.
people from all the world sucking up to it . hoping they would one day magically end up living there.

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