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Why Indonesia's Anti-Corruption Commission succeeds where others don't

aren't the KPK weakened during Jokowi admin????

Yup, it get weaken now but they are focusing on state owned companies now. Targeting corrupt executive in our state owned companies and also local government. Less powerful people. I believe KPK will get stronger again after Jokowi admin is over, and starting to target high profile politician once again. InshaAllah.
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According to some dudes here it's all thanks in part to jokowi.....boooooo
I will update this thread with recent KPK high profile case.

KPK seek 10 years’ imprisonment for former sports minister in graft case
  • Moch. Fiqih Prawira Adjie
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Sat, June 13, 2020 / 09:31 am


Former youth and sports minister Imam Nahrawi prepares to sit before KPK prosecutor Ronald Worotikan reads out his indictment during a hearing at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Feb. 14. (JP/Seto Wardhana)

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutors have demanded that 10 years’ imprisonment be handed down to former youth and sports minister Imam Nahrawi for his alleged involvement in a bribery case pertaining to a grant for the Indonesian Sports Council (KONI).

Prosecutors claim Imam accepted Rp 11.5 billion (US$840,280) and an additional Rp 8.64 billion from several ministry and KONI officials.

The KPK has also demanded that the bench order Imam to pay a Rp 500 million fine and Rp 19.1 billion in restitution.

“[We also demand] the judge revoke [Imam’s] right to run for public office for five years after serving his sentence,” prosecutor Ronald Worotikan read the demand during a hearing on Friday.

During his term as sports minister from 2014 to 2019, Imam allegedly accepted bribes to speed up the approval of a grant proposed by KONI for supervising several athletic events in 2018, including the 2018 Asian Games and Asian Para Games.

Read also: KPK detains former PT DI director over graft case involving fictitious projects

The bribe was reportedly given through Imam’s personal assistant, Miftahul Ulum, who is standing trial in a separate case. Prosecutors demanded nine years’ imprisonment for Miftahul during a hearing on June 4.

“Among the incriminating factors is that the defendant’s actions have made it harder for Indonesian athletes to develop and achieve more. They are expected to lift the nation’s reputation in sports,” prosecutors said, adding that Imam had been uncooperative and dishonest during the trial.

Imam denied his involvement in the case, telling the bench he would file a defense plea during the next hearing, slated for June 19.

Apart from Imam and Miftahul, the KPK also named five other suspects in the case: former KONI secretary-general Ending Fuad Hamidy, KONI treasurer Johnny E. Awuy and ministry officials Mulyana, Adhi Purnomo and Eko Triyanto. The court has convicted them in the case.

Separately, the Attorney General’s Office is opening an investigation into alleged corruption at KONI.

Retired badminton gold medalist Taufik Hidayat was also implicated in the case, in which he admitted to playing a role as an intermediary by delivering the illicit funds to Miftahul in 2018. He further claimed that corrupt practices were prevalent in the ministry.

KPK detains former PT DI director over graft case involving fictitious projects
  • Moch. Fiqih Prawira Adjie
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, June 12, 2020 / 08:03 pm


Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman Firli Bahuri (center) speaks during a press briefing on the arrest of former PT Dirgantara Indonesia president director Budi Santoso at the KPK headquarters in Jakarta on June 12. (Courtesy of/KPK)

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has detained former PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) president director Budi Santoso and former commerce director Irzal Rinaldi Zailani, naming both of them suspects in a graft case involving apparently fictitious projects at the state-owned aircraft manufacturer between 2007 and 2017.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri said on Friday that Budi and Irzal would be detained for the next 20 days for further investigation.

Both were charged under Articles 2 and 3 of the 2001 Corruption Law, which prohibit the abuse of power for personal gain resulting in state losses. Each charge carries a potential 20 years of prison and Rp 1 billion (US$70,509) in fines.

Between 2008 and 2011, PT DI entered partnership contracts with trading companies PT Angkasa Mitra Karya, PT Bumiloka Tegar Perkasa, PT Abadi Sentosa Perkasa, PT Niaga Putra Bangsa and PT Selaras Bangun Usaha.

However, none of the parties ever carried out the work stated in their contracts.

Read also: Activists slam KPK for discussing raise for leaders amid declining public faith

PT DI, nevertheless, allegedly paid the companies a total of Rp 205.3 billion and $8.6 million between 2011 and 2018.

The KPK has asserted that these were entirely fictitious projects.

“We will develop the case, and [possibly] connect it with money laundering crimes,” Firli said in the a press conference on Friday, adding that the KPK had seized a total of Rp 18.6 billion in cash and property allegedly involved in the case.

Firli predicted that the state had lost about Rp 330 billion in the case, judging by the payments made by PT DI.

He added that such state losses were sufficient to give approximately 1 million families social aid during the COVID-19 pandemic.


We should clean corruption from our state owned companies whose revenue alone is similar like 1/5 of our GDP (2015 data Wall Street Journal) :sniper:

It is because many people, civil society (ICW, Anti Corruption community, university student politics, and others), press, parliament (since KPK is responsible to parliament and the leaders is chosen by parliament), expert, good police that become KPK staff, and many influential good people in Indonesia. The success is a product of many leaders in our country, similar like how we as a nation can become a democratic country through peaceful way. And of course there is God intervention and help as well.

Yes, that is true.

I think slowly Indonesia will be transformed.

It's already the time.

During the presidency of two presidents, SBY and Jokowi, I saw many changes.

It will be very long to be explained it here.
Former Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi Jailed for Graft

JUNE 30, 2020

Jakarta. Former Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi was found guilty of corruption on Monday and sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment.

The judge panel at the Jakarta Anti-Corruption Court also ordered Imam to repay Rp 18 billion ($1.3 million) in damages within a month, or his jail term will be added by another two years. Furthermore, the panel scrapped his rights to be elected as public official for four years, effective after he completes his jail term.

The tough sentencing, however, is below the prosecutors’ demand of 10 years in jail and a fine of Rp 19 billion.

Imam and his close aide Miftahul Ulum were convicted of accepting Rp 11.5 billion in bribes to approve a grant proposal submitted by the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI).

Both men were also proven guilty of taking illegal payments from various sources totaling Rp 18 billion.

Miftahul was already convicted by the same court and sentenced to four years in jail two weeks ago.

In response, Imam told the panel he never took Rp 11.5 billion from KONI officials.

“I swear in the name of Allah that I never accepted the Rp 11.5 billion payment,” he told the panel.

However, he didn’t immediately announce a challenge against the conviction, saying he would consider within the next seven days whether an appeal is submitted.

According to the Corruption Eradication Commission, Imam accepted the ill-gotten money while serving as minister in 2014-2018.

Imam submitted his resignation to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo soon after he was named a suspect in September last year.

Imam is the second minister in Jokowi's cabinet to be implicated in corruption after Idrus Marham was forced to step down as social affairs minister earlier. However, the case against Idrus, who also has been convicted, was unrelated to his job as minister.

aren't the KPK weakened during Jokowi admin????

From my experience, it doesn't.

I think you are mentioning the recent scandal with DPR.

KPK besides pursuing corruptors, they are also preventing corruption thru administration.

The prevention aspect is getting stronger in the Jokowi era.

That what makes Indonesia cleaner and KPK can be considered quite successful, in my opinion.

District Head and His Top Councillor Wife Arrested for Alleged Graft

JULY 03, 2020

Jakarta. The Corruption Eradication Commission, or KPK, arrested East Kutai District Head Ismunandar and his wife Encek Firgasih, the speaker of the district legislative council, in a high-profile graft bust at a Jakarta hotel on Thursday evening.

The agency also conducted separate operations in the East Kalimantan capital of Samarinda targeting other district officials.

"The arrests are related to alleged fraudulent procurement of goods and services by the East Kutai district government in East Kalimantan,” KPK spokesman Ali Fikri told reporters in Jakarta on Friday.

A total of seven people were arrested in the Thursday’s operations and they are currently being interrogated at the KPK headquarters in South Jakarta, he said.

KPK investigators seized cash during the raid, Ali said, adding more details would be made public once the initial investigation was concluded.

He said the head of a Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) in the province was arrested along with Ismunandar at the Jakarta hotel, but the person's identity is yet to be revealed.

The KPK has 24 hours to determine the detainees as graft suspects.

The East Kutai couple came under spotlight last year when the wife, a politician with the United Development Party (PPP), was elected speaker of the legislative council.

It means that both executive and legislative branches of the district are under the command of the same family.

Ismunandar, a two-term district head and a member of the National Democratic Party (Nasdem), said at that time his election as district head and his wife’s promotion to the top legislative post were a result from democratic process.

The 59-year-old claimed they could work professionally and separate personal matters from their public duties.


Kutai District Head

The wife
11 ex local parliament (North Sumatra legislative council) members are under KPK custody over bribe case

KPK seizes Rp 40b in assets, names new suspects in PT DI case

Moch. Fiqih Prawira Adjie
The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Wed, November 4, 2020 / 02:03 pm


Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman Firli Bahuri (center) speaks during a press briefing on the arrest of former PT Dirgantara Indonesia president director Budi Santoso at KPK headquarters in Jakarta on June 12, 2020. (Courtesy of/KPK)

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has seized assets worth Rp 40 billion (US$2.7 million) in its investigation of allegedly fictitious projects between 2007 and 2017 at state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI).

KPK deputy commissioner Alexander Marwata announced on Tuesday that the antigraft body had seized cash, land and structural property from suspects and witnesses in connection with the case. The suspected corruption is estimated to have caused state losses of Rp 315 billion.

The KPK arrested three new suspects in the case on Tuesday, after naming former PT DI president director Budi Santoso and former PT DI commerce director Irzal Rinaldi Zailani as suspects in June for allegedly creating up to 52 fictitious contracts between 2008 and 2011.

Read also: KPK detains former PT DI director over graft case involving fictitious projects

The new suspects are former PT DI marketing and sales head Arie Wibowo, president director Didi Lasamana of PT Abadi Sentosa Perkasa, a trading company, and PT Selaras Bangun Usaha president director Ferry Santosa Subarata. “After gathering sufficient preliminary evidence, the KPK launched an investigation and named three suspects,” Alexander said during a press briefing.

Arie was allegedly involved in planning the fictitious projects with the then-directors of PT DI in 2008-2011. Meanwhile, Didi and Ferry were suspected of being PT DI’s sales partners in the fictitious projects. The KPK suspects that, during the period of the alleged corruption, PT DI signed partnership contracts with several companies, including PT Abadi Sentosa Perkasa and PT Selaras Bangun Usaha. Although none of the companies ever fulfilled the terms of their contracts, PT DI allegedly paid them a total of Rp 205.3 billion and $8.6 million.

The KPK suspects Arie of receiving Rp 9.2 billion through the corrupt deal, and Didi and Ferry of respectively receiving Rp 10.8 billion and Rp 1.9 billion. The three suspects have been charged with violating articles 2 and 3 of the 2001 Corruption Law, which prohibit personal enrichment that could incur losses to the state. Each article carries a maximum punishment of 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp 1 billion. Earlier on Oct. 23, the KPK named former PT DI aerostructures director Budiman Saleh, who was recently the current president director of state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL, as a suspect in the case.

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Fishery and Sea Minister, Eddy Prabowo, under current Jokowi second term administration cabinet is under KPK custody due to alleged corruption case. He is one of prominent leader of Gerindra party which support the government. Gerindra is Prabowo Subianto party who was competing Jokowi in the Presidential election. The party then join the government and Prabowo Subianto become Defense Minister.

An analyst, Zainal Arifin Mochtar, discuss about the alleged corruption case of the minister with the news anchor. The minister has been criticized heavily with the policy to export shrimp seed that was banned under previous popular minister (Susi Pujiastuti).

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KPK arrests Minister Edhy Prabowo in lobster seed export case

News Desk

The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Wed, November 25, 2020 /

08:32 am Breaking News (TJP/File) 0 Shares

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) detained Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo in the early hours of Wednesday.

KPK deputy chairman Nawawi Pomolango confirmed a sting took place on Wednesday morning but did not elaborate. "It is true, we detained a number of people last night and early this morning," Nawawi said as quoted by kompas.com.

Separately, KPK deputy chairman Nurul Ghufron said investigators had arrested Edhy alongside a number of ministry officials. They are undergoing questioning at the KPK, he said. “[The arrests] are related to lobster seed exports,” Ghufron said as quoted by Kompas TV.

Edhy rolled back earlier this year a ban on lobster larvae exports put in place by his predecessor Susi Pudjiastuti in 2016, sparking criticism from the former minister and fishery watchdogs over sustainability concerns. He announced the plan to reverse Susi’s policy in December last year, saying he would resume the export of lobster larvae to Vietnam due to high demand for the commodity in the fellow Southeast Asian country.

A Gerindra Party politician, Edhy was appointed by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to fill the ministerial post in late October last year, following the incumbent’s reelection. Ghufron said further details regarding the circumstances surrounding the case and the minister's arrest would be shared with the public soon. (tjs/afr)

It is a big news now in Indonesia. There are 25 people that have been busted last night, including the minister.

The moment he was brought into KPK building

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