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Why India will not be Hitler's Germany?

As we all know that the Hindu religion believes in afterlife (reincarnation) and Hitler was a Hindu in his past life but was re-born as a German.

What a waste of bandwidth. :coffee:

exposing the TRUTH is worth more than the bandwidth.

Zyada Naswaar mat khaya karo Hafizzzz... Swastika in German Culture and Indian society has to diametrically opposite meanings! Gosh!

Of course not or else how come Hitler and Gandhi became friends ? :

"Dear Friend..." A letter from Gandhi to Hitler: July 23, 1939 ...

exposing the TRUTH is worth more than the bandwidth.

Of course not or else how come Hitler and Gandhi became friends ? :

"Dear Friend..." A letter from Gandhi to Hitler: July 23, 1939 ...
"Dear Friend..." A letter from Gandhi to Hitler: July 23, 1939. | elephant journal


This is exactly what the side effect of Naswar is... It makes you philosophic... Gandhi ne kya bola, isse mujhe kya... What I am telling you is how an average India looks at Swastika is diametrically opposite to how Germans saw it in their Hitler day... Now, whether you wanna believe it or not, it totally upto your red beard :p
This is exactly what the side effect of Naswar is... It makes you philosophic... Gandhi ne kya bola, isse mujhe kya... What I am telling you is how an average India looks at Swastika is diametrically opposite to how Germans saw it in their Hitler day... Now, whether you wanna believe it or not, it totally upto your red beard :p

What I tried to say is that not matter how the Swastika is seen....Indians and Germans were good friends and shared common values and that's how Hitler and Gandhi became friends and many Indians till the very present day still are obsessed with Hitler.
What I tried to say is that not matter how the Swastika is seen....Indians and Germans were good friends and shared common values and that's how Hitler and Gandhi became friends and many Indians till the very present day still are obsessed with Hitler.

I agree and you are right that some kids still think that somehow that freak of mother earth (hitler) is related to Indians... But, not withstanding that, Majority of Indians have a different meaning of swastika, I can assure you of that. however, I can't show you a letter to that effect that Nehru wrote to mountbatten :)
I agree and you are right that some kids still think that somehow that freak of mother earth (hitler) is related to Indians... But, not withstanding that, Majority of Indians have a different meaning of swastika, I can assure you of that. however, I can't show you a letter to that effect that Nehru wrote to mountbatten :)

Israel should keep a distant from India.
What I tried to say is that not matter how the Swastika is seen....Indians and Germans were good friends and shared common values and that's how Hitler and Gandhi became friends and many Indians till the very present day still are obsessed with Hitler.

Thats a new history you invented out of you @ss?

Where did you find Gandhi and Hitler good friends? Or Indians and Germans sharing common values.

Pakistan should make it mandatory for its trolls to be at least graduates.
Thats a new history you invented out of you @ss?

Where did you find Gandhi and Hitler good friends? Or Indians and Germans sharing common values.

Pakistan should make it mandatory for its trolls to be at least graduates.

"Dear Friend..." A letter from Gandhi to Hitler: July 23, 1939 ..
"Dear Friend..." A letter from Gandhi to Hitler: July 23, 1939. | elephant journal
Israel should keep a distant from India.

Then again... Bhai, Naswar consumption kam karo! the only thing certain is that Israel should keep away from you... and everything else is a hallucination... :blink:
"Dear Friend..." A letter from Gandhi to Hitler: July 23, 1939 ..
"Dear Friend..." A letter from Gandhi to Hitler: July 23, 1939. | elephant journal

Doesn;t make Gandhi Hitler's friend.... clear that you are incapable of reading the letter.

Gandhi is requesting Hitler to step back from war. He writes as a political leader, not a personal friend. The salutation "Dear friend" is customary and not intimate. And what did Hitler do?.... Threw it away and failed to even acknowledge.

Again proves my opinion that Pak Govt should make Graduation mandatory for post of troll.
Doesn;t make Gandhi Hitler's friend.... clear that you are incapable for reading the letter.

Gandhi is requesting Hitler to step back from war. He writes as a political leader, not a personal friend. The salutation "Dear friend" is customary and not intimate. And what did Hitler do?.... Threw it away and failed to even acknowledge.

Again proves my opinion that Pak Govt should make Graduation mandatory for post of troll.

Comprehension problem (both logical and english) is quite prevalent among Pakistani members.. You are new here.. You will soon get used to it ;)
Doesn;t make Gandhi Hitler's friend.... clear that you are incapable of reading the letter.

Gandhi is requesting Hitler to step back from war. He writes as a political leader, not a personal friend. The salutation "Dear friend" is customary and not intimate. And what did Hitler do?.... Threw it away and failed to even acknowledge.

Again proves my opinion that Pak Govt should make Graduation mandatory for post of troll.



Gandhi was evil and racist. I did some research during his stay in south africa it turned out he was gay and racist. He promoted apparty between whites and blacks and wanted Indians living in africa under british. As you may know that dark africans wee disregarded even lower than south asians so he took that opportunity tp become famous and overturn things into his favour. If you read the biographies some of which are banned in India as Indian government wants to hide the truth behind why he wanted independence for his own gain him and nehru they were opportunistic people who wanted them first citizens second. Later nehru's action determined it by using politics and armed forces. Eg 1962 china was also due to indian forward policy made my nehru. It was come to notice that indian army was deep inside occupied tibet further inside than arunachal pradesh and aksai chin they were really deep inside according to some (dont know if true read somewhere) hence the provocation and war which later followed.
Back to Gandhi he too was arrogant especially to Indians themselves he was a so called higer caste hindu and he did had plans to carry out discriminated laws which were implied in africa during the time of british rule. But his plan later failed as due to other important people such as bose. Though he was assasinated in a plane fake accident. This made a clear way for nehru gandhi dynasty

Gandhi was evil and racist. I did some research during his stay in south africa it turned out he was gay and racist. He promoted apparty between whites and blacks and wanted Indians living in africa under british. As you may know that dark africans wee disregarded even lower than south asians so he took that opportunity tp become famous and overturn things into his favour. If you read the biographies some of which are banned in India as Indian government wants to hide the truth behind why he wanted independence for his own gain him and nehru they were opportunistic people who wanted them first citizens second. Later nehru's action determined it by using politics and armed forces. Eg 1962 china was also due to indian forward policy made my nehru. It was come to notice that indian army was deep inside occupied tibet further inside than arunachal pradesh and aksai chin they were really deep inside according to some (dont know if true read somewhere) hence the provocation and war which later followed.
Back to Gandhi he too was arrogant especially to Indians themselves he was a so called higer caste hindu and he did had plans to carry out discriminated laws which were implied in africa during the time of british rule. But his plan later failed as due to other important people such as bose. Though he was assassinated in a plane fake accident. This made a clear way for nehru gandhi dynasty

Conclusion indian government still hides the secret archives and bans books related to gandhi about his involvement in africa and the racist remarks made by him for his personal gains.

Did you write this entire load of cr@p or did you just copy and paste it from some right wing Pakistani website ? :D

Israel should keep a distant from India.

Yup. You should write a motivation letter to the Israeli government urging them to break ties with India and form a long standing bond and alliance with Pakistan :D

Better still, why don't you just fly into Tel Aviv with your American passport and stop by at the Knesset and address the Israeli government in person...go dressed like the person in your profile pic..long orange , orangutang beard and all :D
There's a difference between manslaughter and premeditated murder. The deaths caused by Great Leap Forward, a failed economic experiment that resulted in a great famine, is not the same as the deaths caused by a war of aggression and systematic extermination of a particular human race. The death toll of the famine from western source is also questionable.

What Hitler did was more than slandering, he championed the master race concept. And he backed it up with concentration camps and gas chambers.

You contradict yourself here (in bold and highlighted).

The same Capitalistic Zionist Western sources, which according to you are "questionable", yet you readily believe the propaganda they have been spreading since WW2 about Hitler. Not so hypocritical of you.

Also, if i point out how many communist leaderships slaughtered their own people, the crimes which Hitler is accused of would look miniscule in comparison.

BTW, which "particular human race" did Hitler try to destroy/exterminate?? The Jews?? Oh, right, let me rebuff that propaganda for you.

This is what Hitler had to say regarding a Western Allied Radio broadcast announcement that the Jews were being "exterminated":

"Really? The Jews should be grateful to me for wanting nothing more than a bit of hard work from them"- Adolf Hitler, Hitler's War, London Focal Point, 1991. Pg. 427

Those concentration camps were nothing more than Labor Camps. Once the American and British air forces destroyed the German transportation and communications networks food and medicine could no longer be transported to these camps, thus resulting in deaths due to starvation and spread of disease like typhus.

Also, how come a Jewish Holocaust Professor, when asked for Scientific and Forensic evidence of the gassings of 6 million Jews, failed to provide the evidence?


As we all know that the Hindu religion believes in afterlife (reincarnation) and Hitler was a Hindu in his past life but was re-born as a German.

Do you have any credible source or quote of Hitler where he claimed to be a Hindu in his "past life" (that's if he even believed in a past life)?
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