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Why India Uses Afghanistan as Pawn?

whilst people in your own land are dying from starvation - very nice, wonderful vision.

First of all Pakistan is not in better condition than India but still they are putting money in Afghanistan, why? While Pakistan itslef takes huge aids, why they are donating in Afghanistan? Because you and us both need a good and pro Afghanistan.


The towers, part of a $1.3 billion aid package from India, carry electricity to a crippled region that has long gone without. They also represent an intense competition between India and arch-rival Pakistan for influence in whatever kind of Afghanistan emerges from the U.S.-led war.

To blunt India's eager courtship of Afghanistan, Pakistan is pouring $300 million of its own money and resources into a nation it also views as key to the stability of volatile South Asia, as well as a potentially lucrative business partner.


For U.S. officials, India's increasing presence in Afghanistan is causing new security and diplomatic problems in a country where more than 1,000 American troops have died in more than eight years of war. Washington also fears upsetting the delicate balance in its relations with Islamabad.


Washington is feeling pressure from Pakistan to limit India's role in Afghanistan. Each nation fears, to a degree that outsiders often find irrational, that an Afghanistan allied with the other would be threat to its security. Pakistan considers Afghanistan, another majority-Muslim nation, a natural ally and is deeply suspicious of India's efforts there.


U.S. and NATO officials said they feared militant groups linked to Pakistan would step up attacks on Indian aid workers and other India-linked targets in Afghanistan, complicating efforts to stabilize the country.

Indian officials have publicly stated that they suspect a Pakistani role in the attacks against Indians; Pakistani officials have rejected the charges. Indian and U.S. intelligence officials have linked Pakistan to the 2008 bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul, which killed more than 50 people, saying Pakistani intelligence had collaborated with militants. Indian officials also suspect Pakistani involvement in a suicide bombing at the embassy in October, which killed 17 people.

In the guesthouse attacks, Afghan intelligence officials publicly blamed Lashkar-i-Taiba, a Pakistan-based militant group that has been implicated in the 2008 siege in Mumbai that killed 165 people.


The guesthouse bombings shocked many Indians and intensified widespread popular anger against Pakistan. Indians and Afghans were partly enraged because Bhola Ram, the Chelebaak engineer, and several other victims were Indian nationals working on aid projects.

"Bhola Ram's project was almost done when he was killed," said Giliani Lutfi, 45, an Afghan co-worker at the new electrical plant just outside Kabul. "Please tell India, we are so sorry. Ram gave our people power, and that means life to us. It wasn't the Afghan people who stole his life."


Indian officials note that their country has educated many of Afghanistan's top leaders, including President Hamid Karzai, who has a master's degree from an Indian university.

And when the U.S.-led coalition invaded Afghanistan in 2001 to oust the Taliban, India provided intelligence and other military support, according to Rani Mullen, an upcoming fellow at New Delhi's Center for Policy Research.

The competition between the two nations can seem silly at times: When India donated a fleet of buses in the western city of Herat, Pakistan began donating buses decorated with painted Pakistani flags.

New Delhi's diplomatic offensive in Afghanistan is on display at a dusty Kabul construction site, where Indian engineers are working with Afghans to build a $90 million parliament, funded by India.

The floors and walls of the palacelike structure, a gleaming symbol of the new Afghanistan, are to be inlaid with green and rose marble from the Indian state of Rajasthan.

Such Indian-sponsored projects are sprouting from Kabul to Herat, widely considered Afghanistan's cultural heart and home to poets, painters and Sufi mystics. And they continue despite the targeted violence against Indians.


In February, Nawab Khan, an Indian musician who plays a percussion instrument known as a tabla, came to Herat to play a concert sponsored by the Indian government.

"He was sitting right here after the performance," said Tara Chand, consul general of the heavily guarded Indian consulate in Herat. "He played to a full house. All the Afghans took photographs of him with their cellphones. It was a lovely night."

Khan returned to Kabul, to fly home to New Delhi. But during the guesthouse bombings that also killed Bhola Ram, the father of six was crushed to death when the roof collapsed on him.

The guesthouse deaths outraged many Afghans, and Ram's co-workers gathered to pray for him after the attack.

Outside Kabul one recent day, at the Chimtala substation where Ram worked, young Afghans proudly inspected the power plant wearing new work boots and coats donated by India.

Sitting in a sun-streamed classroom, Sayed Arif, 25, and other young engineers were learning how to run the power plant.

"We very much want the Indians here," Arif said, looking out at the power lines that India brought to his country. "That much in Afghanistan we are sure of." :tup:
india can do what it wants, however the moral case for india's "help" in afghanistan is weak when with this help to afghanistan they could invest into their own poor who number into the millions - yet over them they chose afghans, so much for the indians huh?

as for pakistan - well pakistan has deep ties with afghanistan - blood being one of the most important ones, these are ties that india does not have, so pakistan has a somewhat stronger moral case

so indians are confused between pretnding to be the humanitarians (unjusified) to being the guys who have interests in the nation and are trying to win favour - you guys are finding it hard to deceive yourselves let alone another person :rofl:

Lessons on morality should be coming from a country that has not actively supported the very Taliban that Afghans are trying to get rid of.....
On what basis are you spending 500Mil in Afghanistan? So you can prop up the Taliban once again to gain strategic foothold in Afg?

India which has for most part remained neutral has a clean track record and a thriving economy to support such causes....

On the other hand, if Pakistan invests 500 mil in their own country and creates some jobs, maybe the "jobless" and mouldable people from your country will have a choice to become more than just a delivery mechanism for a bomb .....dont you think?

Hows that food for thought.....
Again, India's interest in Afg is none of Pak's business and Pakistani's should especially refrain from telling us how to spend our own cash.....
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On what basis are you spending 500Mil in Afghanistan?

on the basis of blood, we have the same blood, we belong to the same families, religion and ethnicity, its in many ways an extension of alot of pakistani's, thats a pretty compelling reason by anyone's standards - now for yourselves?

wait dont tell me - you are there for humanitarian reasons - whilst your own impoverished rot away, great investment, what a bleeding heart you indians have huh?

dismiss your poor as of they have no value, for shame.
We are helping the Afghans because we believe that they deserve better than the fascist ideology espoused by its eastern neighbour and promoted in the country in the 90s. Helping a war torn nation to rebuild itself is not using the nation as a pawn.

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on the basis of blood, we have the same blood, we belong to the same families, religion and ethnicity - and yourselves?

We all have the same blood. Or are you suggesting that Pakistanis and Afghans are some alien species? Keep believing in your feudal ideas, it makes no difference really, we'll continue to help them.

PS - Historically speaking we have as much ties to the Afghans as Pakistan. You may reject or choose to ignore the non Islamic history of your land but we do not.
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on the basis of blood, we have the same blood, we belong to the same families, religion and ethnicity - and yourselves?

Is that why you were/are supporting a regime (Taliban) that completely destroyed the very essecnce of people you relate to and the country itself?

Besides who died and gave you the right to decide who we should help or not....
You can help the Afghans as family, we help as friends.....unfortunately, the friends have done a lot more both in development and by supporting the regime that is working towards the betterment of the country of Afghanistan....
We are helping the Afghans because we believe that they deserve better than the fascist ideology espoused by its eastern neighbour and promoted in the country in the 90s. Helping a war torn nation to rebuild itself is not using the nation as a pawn.

you talk as if pakistan have some superhuman powers to influence people and are a great imperial power.

please, stop being a plebe.

the truth is that its fashionable in india to say pakistan made afghanistan the place it was because you indians are opportunistic in the most snidey ways.

afghanistan was an abandoned country after the soviets left, pakistan can hardly support itself let alone another nation.

the fact is that there were plenty of afghans who were happy to help form the taliban just as there were plenty of western countries who were happy to use and abuse there so called mujahdeen warriors

the taliban came from afghanistan and the remnents of the western created mujhadeen, not the isi.

a whole army of fanatics were created and all of a sudden they had no war - so they took control of a nation in the way they know best, its that simple.
on the basis of blood, we have the same blood, we belong to the same families, religion and ethnicity, its in many ways an extension of alot of pakistani's, thats a pretty compelling reason by anyone's standards - now for yourselves?

wait dont tell me - you are there for humanitarian reasons - whilst your own impoverished rot away, great investment, what a bleeding heart you indians have huh?

dismiss your poor as of they have no value, for shame

The impoverished in India are none of your beeswax my friend....

Our people, our tax money....we spend it as we please....

And you as a Pakistani are one to talk....Frankly when your entire nation is living on handouts, you shouldnt be giving sermons on the "impoverished" of India.....

"Jeb main paisa nahin....chale daan dene....."
Save the 500 mil for the rainy days
we help as friends

really, how nice, but not very believable.

whats wrong with making friends in your own nation?

dont you like your own people.
we spend it as we please....

who is this we? the millions of impoverished in india chose to help the afghans instead of feed themselves?

oh i get it, they must be fasting, right?
really, how nice, but not very believable.

whats wrong with making friends in your own nation?

dont you like your own people.

Now you're just being difficult....

I can always throw back the same saying....

Why not help the family in your own nation before helping those of distant to no relation of yours?....

Dont just argue for the sake of it.....if you dont have anything better just walk away and leave it as "Both nations are helping Afg for their own vested interests"......The "vested interest" is debatable based on the glasses you peep from...
who is this we? the millions of impoverished in india chose to help the afghans instead of feed themselves?

oh i get it, they must be fasting, right?

The 250 Billion sitting in our bank and the trillion dollar economy is thanks to the hard working middle class and tax payers of India who get dibs on how we spend our money.....we dont pay taxes so they can be given as handouts.....Hence we decide how to spend the dough....You're oblivious to these democratic concepts due to the obvious.....

You should ask America before spending the 500mil on Afg dont you think?
Now you're just being difficult....

I can always throw back the same saying....

Why not help the family in your own nation before helping those of distant to no relation of yours?....

distant relation i think not

pakistan has absorbed millions of afghans, let alone the many pathans who have relatives on both sides of the borders - this is what you call blood relations, this is what you call a bond.
who is this we? the millions of impoverished in india chose to help the afghans instead of feed themselves?

oh i get it, they must be fasting, right?

I guess we agreeed to wait and see what happens while u acquaint yourself with the russians.Whats ur problem? Tension too much to bear or what?
The 250 Billion sitting in our bank and the trillion dollar economy is thanks to the hard working middle class and tax payers of India who get dibs on how we spend our money.....

You should ask America before spending the 500mil on Afg dont you think?

yes well done, but somehow still you seem happy to gloat how this money is being taken out of a poor indians life and into an afghanistan, a distant nation - i just dont get it, its as if you are happy about this neglegence :what:

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

I guess we agreeed to wait and see what happens while u acquaint yourself with the russians.Whats ur problem? Tension too much to bear or what?

i have no idea what you are talking about mate - what russians?:pop:
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