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Why India gets lots of negative views compared to Pakistan by foreign vloggers

Honest review about traveling India, jetlag warriors.

Maybe because India is just a shithole? Sexual assault + rape which is condoned by the government, and filth + defecating in public.

Indians are basically pigs living in shit, when you live in shit, born into shit, spending your whole life in shit then you naturally would think that shit is beautiful.

Then you get Indians screaming how great and wondaful India is, when these Indians know they would be the first ones to run away to other countries if they had half a chance.

There are millions and millions wanting to escape that shithole, they are willing to run to any country, as long as it's not India.
Now compare the vlogs of Nora, the female dutch traveler traveling alone and of jetlag warriors and dozens more of India and Pakistan.

Most are praising Pakistan hospitality over indians, cleanliness in Pakistan and dirt and squalor in India.

And scamming too, most said it is at another level in India, unheard of in Pakistan, or negligible.

Groping and molesting issues in India of females was cited often.
Could this be another reason?

Groped in India

This is not possible in Pakistan, India is a depraved society, on all accounts.

Check Jordan's Pakistan videos.

These reviews are totally opposite to what Indian media portrays Pakistan in negative light and shows India as good.
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Honest review about traveling India, jetlag warriors.

Because Pakistan receives upto 20000 foreign tourists a year and India more than 8,000,000.

This means the average foreign tourist in Pakistan is much more pampered and receive more personal care as they are a relative rarity.

On the other hand in many places in India where they are common, foreign tourists are just another money purse.

17,823 arrived on tourist visas in 2018, compared to 10,476 in 2017

For the simple reason that much more number of people come to India than pakistan.the absolute number won't give you the exact picture .

Very sham and farcical reason to justify the shortcomings.

Check the foreign travel stats of say turkey and egypt, and, or of france and spain, others.

You don't tend to hear such stories from there.
Very sham and farcical reason to justify the shortcomings.

Check the foreign travel stats of say turkey and egypt, and, or of france and spain, others.

You don't tend to hear such stories from there.
You start a thread comparing Pakistan and india ,when given the reason start jumping to other countries.when you start a thread claiming something,Atleast do some research to back it up.
Hindus lack the humanity of Islam, because Islam teaches you to be a good host and nice to strangers. In fact Islam really started after the Muhajirun were accepted by the Ansar.

Hindus are more transactional and businessy (not a bad thing per se in fact you need that too). Pakistanis are better in interacting with human beings because of our Islamic identity.
One big reason is they are a depraved society, depraved of the civilized evolution except for the few.

Depraved of honesty, truthfulness, integrity, scamming and duplicity are appreciated and called smartness.

Depraved of equality, for reasons known to everyone. They find happiness in hatred and bigotry.

Depraved of accepting criticism, will always have this hot air and fake bragging.

Lots of other depravity, that includes self respect being ruled over for a millennial. So they act superior to hide the inferiority.
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