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Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

Even though Europe refuses to fix the crisis, I don't think this was the move to make from a humanitarian perspective.
A good decision by Turkeye. Why keep Syrian or afghan refugees in Turkeye and make a burden on Turkish economy. Send them to Europe who is in war with Muslim world apparently.

France who can fund wars in Afghanistan and Africa and Syria definitely have extra money so instead of those wars, how about France help these refugees and help them settle in France.

Same goes for entire EU and Britain.
A good decision by Turkeye. Why keep Syrian or afghan refugees in Turkeye and make a burden on Turkish economy. Send them to Europe who is in war with Muslim world apparently.

France who can fund wars in Afghanistan and Africa and Syria definitely have extra money so instead of those wars, how about France help these refugees and help them settle in France.

Same goes for entire EU and Britain.

Europe owe those "refugees" nothing. And even less for all those young Pakistanis,Afghans,Iranians men etc. posing as Syrians.
Europe owe those "refugees" nothing. And even less for all those young Pakistanis,Afghans,Iranians men etc. posing as Syrians.

Most of those Pakistanis are actually afghan refugees who are illegally getting Pakistani cards and passports by thuggery and bribery and other ill means.

If you destroy someone's house, you do owe him. This is how it works. Afghanistan and Syria has been destroyed by wars which Europe was fore front part of. And indirectly Pakistan's destruction is linked to it cuz to save Germany Ukraine eastern Europe the war was fought in Afghanistan against Soviets which resulted in massive refugee flooding inside Pakistan and some even in Iran.

They ll be stuck in no man's land or squalid camps thanks to Erdogan.Send the army, man the fences and make the turks pay economically!
You should let them in, their destination is not poor countries like Romania and Bulgaria and Greece, but France, Germany, UK, Denmark etc. And those countries should be paying price economically for what they did in Asia.
Most of those Pakistanis are actually afghan refugees who are illegally getting Pakistani cards and passports by thuggery and bribery and other ill means.

If you destroy someone's house, you do owe him. This is how it works. Afghanistan and Syria has been destroyed by wars which Europe was fore front part of. And indirectly Pakistan's destruction is linked to it cuz to save Germany Ukraine eastern Europe the war was fought in Afghanistan against Soviets which resulted in massive refugee flooding inside Pakistan and some even in Iran.

You should let them in, their destination is not poor countries like Romania and Bulgaria and Greece, but France, Germany, UK, Denmark etc. And those countries should be paying price economically for what they did in Asia.
If we live by past grievances Turkey should pay to for 400 years of oppression in eastern Europe....And so....where does it end?
Most of those Pakistanis are actually afghan refugees who are illegally getting Pakistani cards and passports by thuggery and bribery and other ill means.

If we follow this logic,what would be the benefit for an Afghan to claim to be Pakistani ? I mean,someone has more chances to get residency permit by claiming to be Afghan than claiming to be Pakistani.

If you destroy someone's house, you do owe him. This is how it works. Afghanistan and Syria has been destroyed by wars which Europe was fore front part of. And indirectly Pakistan's destruction is linked to it cuz to save Germany Ukraine eastern Europe the war was fought in Afghanistan against Soviets which resulted in massive refugee flooding inside Pakistan and some even in Iran.

You should let them in, their destination is not poor countries like Romania and Bulgaria and Greece, but France, Germany, UK, Denmark etc. And those countries should be paying price economically for what they did in Asia.

Muslim countries have been much more involved in the Syrian war than Europeans,by providing opposition forces weapons and money. If we would apply the "you destroy their house,they come to you",they would instead go to gulf countries,Iran and Russia among others,which proves your logic is just entire BS.

Turkey's suffering is only due to bad short/long term vision planning and miscalculations about the Syrian conflict. Had they intervened much more earlier in Syria,before major superpowers got boots on the ground,maybe all this situation would have been different and in their favor,create safe zones in Northern Syria for refugees instead of hosting them in their country etc. Now you see what's happening today.
If we live by past grievances Turkey should pay to for 400 years of oppression in eastern Europe....And so....where does it end?

No it doesn’t work like that. Back then the rules were different, it was open season which is why the Romans, Mongols, and British built such large empires. If we are going to follow your logic then the whole of Europe needs to pay up to Africa and Asia.

If we follow this logic,what would be the benefit for an Afghan to claim to be Pakistani ? I mean,someone has more chances to get residency permit by claiming to be Afghan than claiming to be Pakistani.

Muslim countries have been much more involved in the Syrian war than Europeans,by providing opposition forces weapons and money. If we would apply the "you destroy their house,they come to you",they would instead go to gulf countries,Iran and Russia among others,which proves your logic is just entire BS.

Turkey's suffering is only due to bad short/long term vision planning and miscalculations about the Syrian conflict. Had they intervened much more earlier in Syria,before major superpowers got boots on the ground,maybe all this situation would have been different and in their favor,create safe zones in Northern Syria for refugees instead of hosting them in their country etc. Now you see what's happening today.

Why is it that you people professionalize in BS? Your Europe goes around waging wars and stealing resources, but just when you experience the consequences of those actions do you cry about why there are refugees? You would be no different from a Roman who would curse the barbarians for burning Rome, yet rejoice when Vincengetorix is hanged in public just for spectacle.

Is your life more important than ours? You want to build an empire and glorify a Napoleon, then don’t cry and complain when a Hitler seizes your nation.

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