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Why does Pakistan have such a unique conspiracy culture?

Yeah same guy. He used to be interesting earlier, but seems to have totally lost it now. But the kinds of theories he talks about exist in pockets of the population at some level or the other
I have a feeling he is an intelligence mole, don't sailors also tend to be recruited as spies? while he is interesting but there isn't much basis when he claims that historical figures in Indian history like Tipu Sultan or the Peshwas were actually Rothschild Jews and that every problem in India is "da joos" fault. Even other Indian conspiracy bloggers accuse him of being a planted disinformation agent http://vadakayilzioniststooge.blogspot.com/2015/02/captain-ajit-vadakayil-is-israeli.html

Ever read a Pakistani newspaper? I remember my Nani used to only read urdu print newspapers and then ask me the craziest questions or say conspiracies as matter of fact. Seems sensationalist reporting passing as honest journalism is the main culprit.
Agreed, most Pakistanis get their knowledge from Urdu papers/media which promote utterly insane conspiracies and idiotic ideas. This is whilst rational and quality English papers/channels like the Dawn and Geo TV are viewed as "Indian and Israeli funded" and "traitors" to Pakistan and Islam for reporting the truth. So it's no wonder the society is so insane
I have a feeling he is an intelligence mole, don't sailors also tend to be recruited as spies? while he is interesting but there isn't much basis when he claims that historical figures in Indian history like Tipu Sultan or the Peshwas were actually Rothschild Jews and that every problem in India is "da joos" fault. Even other Indian conspiracy bloggers accuse him of being a planted disinformation agent
He has gone totally bonkers with this Rothschild theory. He is inserting them in every damn thing. At this rate he will have to declare them God

I have a feeling he is an intelligence mole, don't sailors also tend to be recruited as spies?
I doubt it. Sailors have a lot of free time while on sea. I think he has read too much and lost it. And he also appears to be a heavy drinker. One can write like that only after half a bottle of rum
I have a feeling he is an intelligence mole, don't sailors also tend to be recruited as spies? while he is interesting but there isn't much basis when he claims that historical figures in Indian history like Tipu Sultan or the Peshwas were actually Rothschild Jews and that every problem in India is "da joos" fault. Even other Indian conspiracy bloggers accuse him of being a planted disinformation agent http://vadakayilzioniststooge.blogspot.com/2015/02/captain-ajit-vadakayil-is-israeli.html

Agreed, most Pakistanis get their knowledge from Urdu papers/media which promote utterly insane conspiracies and idiotic ideas. This is whilst rational and quality English papers/channels like the Dawn and Geo TV are viewed as "Indian and Israeli funded" and "traitors" to Pakistan and Islam for reporting the truth. So it's no wonder the society is so insane
Our English news media is mostly sh*t. DAWN and GVS are our only decent English news media networks. The Express Tribune used to be excellent but now it has become dog sh*t.
Our English news media is mostly sh*t. DAWN and GVS are our only decent English news media networks. The Express Tribune used to be excellent but now it has become dog sh*t.
GVS is another garbage platform IMO, full of irrational conspiracies, delusions, and denial. It is no different than a typical Urdu paper on the street. Dawn and Geo to an extent are the only decent remaining news platforms we have but most Pakistanis despise those channels so what hope is there?
Manavan used to quote him all the time lmao

waiting for yet another innings on here, or maybe he's moved on

I miss Manavan and Indrani, anyone remember them ? .. man, those guys were nuts.

and sarthak and ranjeet and guru dutt

This is whilst rational and quality English papers/channels like the Dawn and Geo TV are viewed as "Indian and Israeli funded" and "traitors" to Pakistan and Islam for reporting the truth. So it's no wonder the society is so insane
I can come up with my own hypothesis: Societies that are very heavy on religion and low on education are fertile grounds to breed conspiracy theories and give them wide purchase. The reasoning is, at its core, faith requires unquestioning acceptance of facts. Once your mind is well trained to think skepticism is disbelief in faith, rationality goes out and any explanation is as good as other. If you see how people found solace in religious tracts till the era of Renaissance and then there was a sudden flip from faith in scriptures to scientific thought, you see a somewhat inverse relationship between religiosity and skepticism/rationality.
Manavan used to quote him all the time lmao

waiting for yet another innings on here, or maybe he's moved on

I miss Manavan and Indrani, anyone remember them ? .. man, those guys were nuts.

and sarthak and ranjeet and guru dutt

No clue, I wasn't around on here during that time. Did I miss out on alot? sounds like it was a very interesting era of PDF, now most defence or nationalistic forums out there have faded away.
Manavan used to quote him all the time lmao

waiting for yet another innings on here, or maybe he's moved on

I miss Manavan and Indrani, anyone remember them ? .. man, those guys were nuts.

and sarthak and ranjeet and guru dutt

What happened to them? Banned?
Perhaps some are back under new IDs?
Well the Pakistani boys learn from seeing their dadi and moms conspiring against each other. And then add the phuphis and khalas to the mix. The problem is exacerbated further when cousin marriages result in phuphi/khala and saas are the same. The result is you got a grand conspiracy sh!t show going under one roof.

Not a pretty sight, but you learn from the best. :rofl:
No clue, I wasn't around on here during that time. Did I miss out on alot? sounds like it was a very interesting era of PDF, now most defence or nationalistic forums out there have fanned out.
ya man, alag hi time tha

Modi 2014 k baad scene changed quite drastically here, 2019 Ayodhya temple and 370 abrogation ke baad to there was a massive purge of Indian nationalists here, spl the really hardcore ones like those I mentioned. They'd been on here for years notched up thousands upon thousands of posts.. poof.. all gone. Waz saab went super ballistic.. oh well.

What happened to them? Banned?
Perhaps some are back under new IDs?
Manavan keeps coming back, or kept so for a while... @Faxapis .. rest got smashed for good and didn't bother returning I guess.

Joe ki bhot lete thay BC, some of those debates were epic.
It is because our commission reports are not released to public so truth can be unveiled and any false theories be quashed. From Mahmood-ru-Rahman commission to OBL to Dawn Leaks to what not, if you keep hiding facts, you are bound to create doubts in mind of a nation.
I can come up with my own hypothesis: Societies that are very heavy on religion and low on education are fertile grounds to breed conspiracy theories and give them wide purchase. The reasoning is, at its core, faith requires unquestioning acceptance of facts. Once your mind is well trained to think skepticism is disbelief in faith, rationality goes out and any explanation is as good as other. If you see how people found solace in religious tracts till the era of Renaissance and then there was a sudden flip from faith in scriptures to scientific thought, you see a somewhat inverse relationship between religiosity and skepticism/rationality.
The notion that only uneducated fools and lunatics believe in conspiracies is a very wrong and ignorant perception IMO. In fact I feel that the opposite, blindly believing anything lying politicians or journalists feed to you is foolish compared to questioning the status quo and making your own conclusions. A lot of "conspiracy theories" (I despise this term at times) out there have basis and facts surrounding it and are even supported by very educated and prominent people out there such as a small elite shadow government (Illuminati/Masons) controlling the world or the 9/11 attacks being a false flag staged by the US and the world community to justify the War on Terror. Conspiracies have a limit, they do have a lot of rationality and basis surrounding them but people unfortunately tend to cross the limits giving rational and intellectual conspiracy theorists a bad name.
The notion that only uneducated fools and lunatics believe in conspiracies is a very wrong and ignorant perception IMO. In fact I feel that the opposite, blindly believing anything lying politicians or journalists feed to you is foolish compared to questioning the status quo and making your own conclusions. A lot of "conspiracy theories" (I despise this term at times) out there have basis and facts surrounding it and are even supported by very educated and prominent people out there such as a small elite shadow government (Illuminati/Masons) controlling the world or the 9/11 attacks being a false flag staged by the US and the world community to justify the War on Terror. Conspiracies have a limit, they do have a lot of rationality and basis surrounding them but people unfortunately tend to cross the limits giving rational and intellectual conspiracy theorists a bad name.
The less educated are not necessarily fools or lunatics. They may be perfectly fine farmers or artisans or small merchants etc., The relationship I am putting forward is the inherent contradiction between faith and skepticism. Those with more intense faith naturally don't like to question received wisdom.

And by education, I don't mean acquiring degrees or diplomas - I am talking about education being the gateway to logic and reason, the scientific method.
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