Its hard to find quality and original product in Pakistan as there is no check on quality. People prefer to buy cheap stuffs which appear great at first sight but are often made of cheap material . There are few shops which sell quality stuffs but they are expensive and you know most Pakistani cannot afford branded clothes, shoes, and others accessories . I actually bought many nike, adidas and next stuffs in UK shops which had this label " Made in Pakistan" on them. Many sports accessories in UK also come from Pakistan but they sell fake stuffs in local market. I went to saddar Rawalpindi and found that they were selling Adidas/nike trouser for Rs 700 and Rs 1000 . They were boht fake but he told me that cheaper one is fake while expensive one is original
I don't agree about fruits and vegetables though which are fresh, seasonal and more sweet in Pakistan unlike in west where you can buy most vegetables and fruits anytime during the year but don't taste as good , fresh as in Pakistan ..all these Pakistani mooli/daikon, carrot, Cabbage, corn, cucumber , okra, spinach. mango, banana , orange , watermelon and pomegranate were all seem much better in taste