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Why dis Pakistani tec never failed?

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Aug 31, 2008
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In last decade when I had started fallowing defense tec development I had never heard about a Pakistani tec failing any test (except UAV crash) all missiles, tanks, radars, etc name it any thing pass in 1st attempt. even USA, Russia, China etc ( Including India ) don't had that record. I am really impressed by this. God bless them and hope they will keep their 100% record
In last decade when I had started fallowing defense tec development I had never heard about a Pakistani tec failing any test (except UAV crash) all missiles, tanks, radars, etc name it any thing pass in 1st attempt. even USA, Russia, China etc ( Including India ) don't had that record. I am really impressed by this. God bless them and hope they will keep their 100% record

Most of Pakistani technology is shipped from China and then painted in Pakistan. Pakistan can't even make a 5.56mm bullet of its own. We lie to everyone that it is Pakistani technology , how a country as backward as Pakistan is able to develop missiles , UAVs , Tanks etc?
It will be national shame if failed. Other countries have no shame. Shame shame..
Although I don't expect you to understand this because you were born and raised in India and you can't escape that typical indian mindset, but I would try to explain in a manner which I wouuld use to explain it to my 5 year old.

For any manufactured thing, testing results can be broadly classified in three ways.

Disaster - Total failure. Nothing works. back to design board. examples
Failed state India india 8 missile test failed indian army failed 2011 - YouTube
MissileThreat :: Akash missile fails a routine test flight

Failure - Limited parts function, majority don't. design review
example: AFP: India admits failed cruise missile test

Non-Conformance - Majority parts work but performance not as desired.
example: Failure of Indian LCA Tejas

Success: Everything works as designed to work. Hooray!!! example
Pakistan's nuclear test (28th May 1998) - YouTube
Video: Pakistan test fires nuke-capable ballistic missile Shaheen-1A - YouTube
Pakistan Test Fires Short-Range Nuclear Missile - YouTube
Pakistan test fired Short Range Multi Tube Missile Hatf IX (NASR) - May 29, 2012 - YouTube
Waqt Daily News 31-May, 2012 Pakistan Successfully Test Fires Hatf 8 Ra'ad Cruise Missile - YouTube
Indigenously developed multi tube, Cruise Missile Hatf-VII (Babur) successful test fires - YouTube
Pakistan - Hatf VI (Hatf 6) Shaheen II Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (Test 2) - YouTube

In last decade when I had started fallowing defense tec development I had never heard about a Pakistani tec failing any test (except UAV crash) all missiles, tanks, radars, etc name it any thing pass in 1st attempt. even USA, Russia, China etc ( Including India ) don't had that record. I am really impressed by this. God bless them and hope they will keep their 100% record
Although I don't expect you to understand this because you were born and raised in India and you can't escape that typical indian mindset, but I would try to explain in a manner which I wouuld use to explain it to my 5 year old.

For any manufactured thing, testing results can be broadly classified in three ways.

Disaster - Total failure. Nothing works. back to design board. examples
Failed state India india 8 missile test failed indian army failed 2011 - YouTube
MissileThreat :: Akash missile fails a routine test flight

Failure - Limited parts function, majority don't. design review
example: AFP: India admits failed cruise missile test

Non-Conformance - Majority parts work but performance not as desired.
example: Failure of Indian LCA Tejas

Success: Everything works as designed to work. Hooray!!! example
Pakistan's nuclear test (28th May 1998) - YouTube
Video: Pakistan test fires nuke-capable ballistic missile Shaheen-1A - YouTube
Pakistan Test Fires Short-Range Nuclear Missile - YouTube
Pakistan test fired Short Range Multi Tube Missile Hatf IX (NASR) - May 29, 2012 - YouTube
Waqt Daily News 31-May, 2012 Pakistan Successfully Test Fires Hatf 8 Ra'ad Cruise Missile - YouTube
Indigenously developed multi tube, Cruise Missile Hatf-VII (Babur) successful test fires - YouTube
Pakistan - Hatf VI (Hatf 6) Shaheen II Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (Test 2) - YouTube

Whats ur take on ur cntry not being able to manufacture simple railway locomotive engines, fully indeginous top class automobile company, or even having a decent space program...... those who try to stand on there own feet ..... it is not bad if they fall once or twice.... and u must be knowing urself howmuch ur cntry invests in R&D or developing scientific acumen in the cntry!!!
we test things after ensuring that everything is all right and preliminary tests are ok.............
we are not in hurry like indians ...........
premature testing results in failure .............
Most of Pakistani technology is shipped from China and then painted in Pakistan. Pakistan can't even make a 5.56mm bullet of its own. We lie to everyone that it is Pakistani technology , how a country as backward as Pakistan is able to develop missiles , UAVs , Tanks etc?

wow ... i appreciate this.. plain truth from a pakistani :) ... that will go a long way if every pakistani start following ppl like you....
Pakistan has better experience plus they are not ego filled... Is why our stuff never fails
get its print out, frame it, place it in your house, where every visitor can see, and if possible do tell the tale to your grand children !!

yes this is indeed rare ... from a pakistani speaking the truth :) ... everyone should appreciate this ... as its one in millionth kinda phenomenon :) ... now pls throw some water on ur burning a s s :)
Most of Pakistani technology is shipped from China and then painted in Pakistan. Pakistan can't even make a 5.56mm bullet of its own. We lie to everyone that it is Pakistani technology , how a country as backward as Pakistan is able to develop missiles , UAVs , Tanks etc?

Thanks for admission of truth. :tup:
Funny how Indians ever see truth in other Pakistani posts LOL... Maybe they wake up... If true please thank every one of my post :D

*never see truth
Hey Eienstien, its not always capability, being the economic super power of the world you must have heard about "Economic Viability"..

and what is your take on not being able to make decent toilets for your citizens, I guess your government started space program because there is no more room left in you Bharat Mata for your brothern to take a crap but now because of that "DECENT" space program you guys can go to space every morning to take a crap...........and don't forget to take some toilet paper along, you won't find any steroids to rub your ***** with.

Whats ur take on ur cntry not being able to manufacture simple railway locomotive engines, fully indeginous top class automobile company, or even having a decent space program...... those who try to stand on there own feet ..... it is not bad if they fall once or twice.... and u must be knowing urself howmuch ur cntry invests in R&D or developing scientific acumen in the cntry!!!
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