This is the flaw with the WAR !! It can be legal but with a clear immoral character, as in Iraq and Afghanistan or may be in Iran, fought by the great SATAN and his friends! It can be completely illegal but with all moral character such as fought by fighters in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq or Afghanistan, because of an absence of a people's government there !!
Salim you are right !! But the other way !!
That is why Muslims insists that religion MUST be the basis of governace. Because it is only religion which can gaurantee the highest moral standards to the governace !! Not the other way round!!
There is a very famous Misra'a (One line of a couplet) of Allama Iqbal, which says :
Juda ho dee'n siyasat say to reh jaati hai changaizee
If you exclude the religion from politics (And there by governace) what remains is only "Changaziyat" or mahem, deception, lies, attrocities, loot and anarchy !!
This is what the world is witnessing !!