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"Why Bhutto and the Elites Hate Musharraf"


Jul 3, 2006
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Wall Street Journal – 14th June 2007

"Why Bhutto and the Elites Hate Musharraf"

1. As prime minister of Pakistan, Ms. Bhutto proved to be one of the most incompetent leaders in the history of South Asia and was dismissed in November 1996 by Pakistan's president for what he called her regime's "nepotism, corruption" and "mismanagement." During her chaotic administration in the mid-1990s scores of people were being murdered in the streets of Karachi every day.

2. Her return to power, or that of her Pakistani People's Party, would almost certainly trigger a return to anarchy and open the door to a Taliban-style fundamentalist coup. Ms. Bhutto dismisses this possibility as "nonsense," asserting that "more than two-thirds of Pakistanis are distinctly moderate" in their religious views.

The same appeared true of Iranians in 1979 as well. But when Iranian liberals and human rights activists convinced the U.S. to withdraw support from the shah, just as today's Pakistani liberals are urging us to do to Gen. Musharraf, the result was Ayatollah Khomeini.

Khomeini's Tehran successors would do anything to bring a similar radical Islamic republic to power across the border in Pakistan -- especially if it meant gaining access to Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

3. The current hatred of Gen. Musharraf has little to do with the nature of his government. His real "crime" is that he is a Muhajir, the son of one of millions of Indian Muslims who fled to Pakistan during partition in 1947. Although it was Muhajirs who agitated for the creation of Pakistan in the first place, many native Pakistanis view them with contempt and treat them as third-class citizens.

Ms. Bhutto herself, as prime minister in the summer of 1995, referred to Pakistan's Muhajirs as "rats" and said they had "bad blood." In an interview with India Today, a Muhajir spokesman responded that "we have bad blood; it was this blood that built this country."

Even for Western-educated Pakistanis like Ms. Bhutto (the scion of an elite Sindhi family), the sight of a common Muhajir like Gen. Musharraf as Pakistan's supreme power holder is intolerable. Pushing for his fall has little to do with "a return to democracy." It is far more a matter of restoring Pakistan's equivalent of Jim Crow.

4. Gen. Musharraf has not only been a good ally for America, he has been good for Pakistan: Per-capita wealth and income have advanced significantly; tensions with India over Kashmir, which at one point in 1999 led Pakistan to the brink of nuclear war, have eased. At considerable risk to himself, Gen. Musharraf has tried to rein in the forces of jihadism and end foreign support for fundamentalist madrassas.

His regime has hardly been perfect. However, compared with the Maliki government in Iraq, its record is impressive, especially in fostering a safe, relatively open and secular Pakistan. Yet it is precisely that Pakistan that the country's liberal elites now want to put at risk, thanks to their hatred of Gen. Musharraf. Ms. Bhutto's column is not only an exercise in hypocrisy, it is a display of short-sightedness on a massive and tragic scale.

Arthur Herman
Charlottesville, Va.

(Mr. Herman is completing a full-length study of Gandhi and Churchill, which will be published by Bantam Dell in 2008.)

president musharaf has never ever demonstrated any thing but his love for his country.

Nawaz gunja a punjabi was taking the country towards civil war.

bibi i dont think she needs any intoduction she is sindhi

i salut president musharaf any day.:pakistan:
adux our prophet muhamed said whenever a women rules a country she will run it to the ground benezir should be sewing and making dinner for her husband
A male chauvinist if there was ever one.

Do Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher ring any bells for you?
A male chauvinist if there was ever one.

Do Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher ring any bells for you?

WHAT ???????
Margaret Thatcher ???????

Magie was the WORST Prime Minister that UK had Had, and thats speech was coming from a woman !

she made poor people poor and rich people more rich tried to introduce a residnce tax which the entire country went on a rampage , education down the toilet cus children never got educated properly.
Sold all the British companies off so britian had nothing to sell !
Do you call that a great leader ? In some people they call that a scary leader
and please don't say that Consevative party says she great leader they would say that as being a former leader of the consevertor party.

bhangra you haven't lived during her era- I HAVE !

suprising you havent mention Turkeys former prime ministers she was good.

adux our prophet muhamed said whenever a women rules a country she will run it to the ground benezir should be sewing and making dinner for her husband

Does your reply applies to Ayesha the Prophets Wife may Allah bless her who ruled an Army and went to war on the bases of Islam and help to spread it ?

and whats your issue on Islamic Women warrories after I have told you that Ayesha
wet to war to defend Islam - should they stay at home and sew and cook for the husband ?

Staying on topic:

YOu give Pakistan the same type of ruler like Musharref, a fair and uncorrupt leader then they'll get him out of Office via fair election ( which I know it will happen on his rule )
Pakistan is not going back to the stomne age with likes of bhotto and NAiws
Bhutto who stole money from Pakistan and Built a 1million pound worth of mansioin in the UK whilst the people of Pakistan was staving
Killed many in Karachi
Sort of reminds of Saddam when he was at power
Naiwz someone can fill me in on that.
adux our prophet muhamed said whenever a women rules a country she will run it to the ground benezir should be sewing and making dinner for her husband

I crossed the line here.......so edited!
I have no problem with women ruling. However I do have a problem with Incompetent and corrupt women. Hence I have a problem with Bhutto....
should be the "corrupt" woman

BB started off well and I used to like her a lot. Imho its the 'Mr 10%' Zardari who ruined her image and made her on of the most corrupt politician in Pakistani history.

Women are fine politicians, Margret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Andrea Merkl...all make women proud!
Neo I think u should come down to London
and really ask English women here , they hate Maggie for what she did in the eighties

this is nothing to do that she is a woman its that she made poorly decisions
I give you a hint Tony Blair tried to base himself on her and look what happen to him ?

Yes there are some good female leaders but Margrette thatcher is very bad example !
You know there are plenty of examples of bad women leaders....then again there are quite a few bad male leaders as well....But it doesn't mean we should exclude them in a backwards manner because of that.
I know Arsenal, Thatcher wasn't always the wise person but she ruled the country with an iron hand and provided strong leadership and she'll be rembemberd for that.
of course Keys theres bad leaders in both in men and Women
the latest is Bush :p

I just have an Issue with Maggie

Yeah that Iron Grip that sort of damage the conservatives LOL

Neo I think u should come down to London
and really ask English women here , they hate Maggie for what she did in the eighties

this is nothing to do that she is a woman its that she made poorly decisions
I give you a hint Tony Blair tried to base himself on her and look what happen to him ?

Yes there are some good female leaders but Margrette thatcher is very bad example !

Arsenal I think you will find that Maggie is hated up north rather than in London. there are plenty of her fans down here.......And whilst I disagreed with her and her policies, at least she was Tory outside and in. Unlike Bliar (spelling made for a point there) who claimed to be Labour but in reality was Tory.
You know there are plenty of examples of bad women leaders....then again there are quite a few bad male leaders as well....But it doesn't mean we should exclude them in a backwards manner because of that.

I second that.

Aussie's comment was degrading and out of context, Blain has already explained why and edited his post. :tup:

Thanks Blain!
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