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Why are former Indian diplomats really unhappy with Russia?

So India screwed up relationship with Russia, Iran, Pakistan, China, for being a US lapdog?

Good business, genius.

US has no friends, no allies, just pawn. India is just one of them.
LoL Chinese IQ in full display
After cold war, India is in panic mode. Trying everything to fix relationship with US and west.
Now India is licking hard, but Trump really doesn't care India at all.
All talk. I think hugging diplomacy goes dead end.
View attachment 702098

lol what about driver diplomacy ? :D
I'm not aware of any. Btw, I prefer USA to my own country Canada. I'm a staunch supporter of the idea of Canada becoming the 51st state of the Union
Things are pretty heated up between USA and Canada in the arctic region..likely Canadian news doesnt give it the coverage it deserves but there are multiple issues at hand but the most important one is at Beaufort sea wherr theres a demarcation dispute between Yukon and alaska.. the other is North west passage which Canada considers its internal waters while USA has declared them international waters.. other disputes can be seen here

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Things are pretty heated up between USA and Canada in the arctic region..likely Canadian news doesnt give it the coverage it deserves but there are multiple issues at hand but the most important one is the one at Beaufort sea wherr theres a demarcation dispute between Yukon and alaska.. the other is North west passage which Canada considers its internal waters while USA has declared them international waters.. other disputes can be seen here

Oh ok, I was vaguely aware of some minor dispute in the Arctic region. I say we in Canada should concede to the Americans as a good will gesture. Give them what they want, it's not a big deal.
Indian establishment need to grow up. Always looking to undermine its neighbours, had some success but at cost of average indian living standards. Despite being a "superpower", average Indian is malnourished. Instead of fixing domestic problems, too focused on weakening Pakistan. Afraid a prosperous Pakistan would make them look bad.
Indian establishment need to grow up. Always looking to undermine its neighbours, had some success but at cost of average indian living standards. Despite being a "superpower", average Indian is malnourished. Instead of fixing domestic problems, too focused on weakening Pakistan. Afraid a prosperous Pakistan would make them look bad.
The thing is they failed on oppressing Pakistan. India lost the war ultimately.
I'm not aware of any. Btw, I prefer USA to my own country Canada. I'm a staunch supporter of the idea of Canada becoming the 51st state of the Union

Why do you dream of the impossible? Why dont you change your passport to USA one instead of holding Canada one as a staunch supporter of USA if you are being this ungrateful? When you and your parents migrate to Canada, they must have mistaken Canada as USA.
So India screwed up relationship with Russia, Iran, Pakistan, China, for being a US lapdog?

Good business, genius.

US has no friends, no allies, just pawn. India is just one of them.
We always have been an American lapdog

Afterall India's founding father Mao made a sacrificial offering of 10 million women to Chinese Folklore deity USA


LoL Chinese IQ in full display
Please spare him
Chap must have got Chinese vaccine when visiting his homeland

And we are getting to see the side-effects now
True, history tell us India always bets on loosing horse

Historically India did bet on USA saving India, guess what happened


Well atleast stamp makers got to make some money
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India doesn't have the luxury to choose Yankees.

Of course India doesn't have the luxury of choosing the Yankees given Painful Indian history with USA

First, Mistreated Indian immigrants in USA

USA was colonial master in India

Then after decolonization, like a typical neo-colonial power interfered in internal Indian affairs

Third Taiwan Strait Crisis

Bombed Indian embassy in Belgrade

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