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Why America will not leave Afghanistan for many decades or ever!

I get that you are perturbed by American mothers and think they are sluts, but what does that have to do with my topic?

i am not nor i have to perturbed but may be pentagon should be perturbed in this regard.

it is an indirect relation with your topic.

as you confessed the above bloody crimes

then we got a theory right here

in the absence of father
Having a biological father who maintained a close relationship with his son, whether or not he lived in the family home, might be crucial in preventing susceptible boys becoming criminals, research presented yesterday suggested.

But stepfathers appeared to do little to decrease the risk that a boy will turn to crime, the conference of the British Psychological Society's division of forensic psychology heard in Birmingham.

The study by the clinical psychologist Jenny Taylor looked at why a proportion of boys with all the "risk factors" associated with criminal behaviour resisted a life of crime.

An illegitimate kid grown up and then he started to watch the shit on their local media
calling Muslim terrorists

slurring the theory of jihad..

and may other on the behalf of JEWISH illegitimate.

what the hell are you teaching to your people......


go read the confession statement above.
i am not nor i have to perturbed but may be pentagon should be perturbed in this regard.

it is an indirect relation with your topic.

as you confessed the above bloody crimes

then we got a theory right here

in the absence of father
Having a biological father who maintained a close relationship with his son, whether or not he lived in the family home, might be crucial in preventing susceptible boys becoming criminals, research presented yesterday suggested.

But stepfathers appeared to do little to decrease the risk that a boy will turn to crime, the conference of the British Psychological Society's division of forensic psychology heard in Birmingham.

The study by the clinical psychologist Jenny Taylor looked at why a proportion of boys with all the "risk factors" associated with criminal behaviour resisted a life of crime.

An illegitimate kid grown up and then he started to watch the shit on their local media
calling Muslim terrorists

slurring the theory of jihad..

and may other on the behalf of JEWISH illegitimate.

what the hell are you teaching to your people......


go read the confession statement above.

How many of them American sons from the unwed mothers will wear a suicide vest? How many will become that guy in the lower half of your profile pic. A U.N designated terrorist?
Did you read my thread?
We can live in a space with the Taliban still in the outer areas. Read what I have posted and think strategically from an American point of view and it may make sense then.
Then that's stupidity USA can't commit huge army as it did in 2000s that was 130000+ current below 20000 and only few 1000s in reinforcements FYI south China sea is on other SIDS of continent all this spying And contacts can b done without involving in Afghanistan war and lastly remember Vietnam usa said it won't would be victory of Commie but still it did simple logic if u occupy a place but cost of occupation is higher then return u would have to close shop ;) USA can't harness any profit from land locked Afghanistan without pak support u have bases in middle east to tackle Iran if needed so Afghanistan is no brainer central Asian republic have deep relationship with Russian and Chinese so your Afghanistan presence would only irritate em as for bases against Russian and Chinese u already have several in friendlier neghbor countries and your Afghan based forces r too tied up against Taliban so won't do.much against Russian and Chinese if needed :)
Then that's stupidity USA can't commit huge army as it did in 2000s that was 130000+ current below 20000 and only few 1000s in reinforcements FYI south China sea is on other SIDS of continent all this spying And contacts can b done without involving in Afghanistan war and lastly remember Vietnam usa said it won't would be victory of Commie but still it did simple logic if u occupy a place but cost of occupation is higher then return u would have to close shop ;) USA can't harness any profit from land locked Afghanistan without pak support u have bases in middle east to tackle Iran if needed so Afghanistan is no brainer central Asian republic have deep relationship with Russian and Chinese so your Afghanistan presence would only irritate em as for bases against Russian and Chinese u already have several in friendlier neghbor countries and your Afghan based forces r too tied up against Taliban so won't do.much against Russian and Chinese if needed :)
You need to read what I posted, then spend a few minutes pondering about it and then calmly, succinctly reply point by point.

For example, when I talk about spying from way within the Afghan airspace into China- it does mean spying into the S China Sea. It means spying into their mainland from Afghan airspace.
You need to read what I posted, then spend a few minutes pondering about it and then calmly, succinctly reply point by point.

For example, when I talk about spying from way within the Afghan airspace into China- it does mean spying into the S China Sea. It means spying into their mainland from Afghan airspace.
China has no border with Afghanistan there r central Asian republic in between google and this Is 2017 u can't send a drone into China for spying it would create political and even military conflict if u say stealth drone remember iran hacked USA sentinel drone and brought it down China capabilities r far advance so only spying from above for China Russia is via satellite and u don't need Afghanistan for that :)
U r just a ignorant troll who doesn't even know where China and Afghanistan r at and repercussions your suggestions would hold :)
China has no border with Afghanistan there r central Asian republic in between google and this Is 2017 u can't send a drone into China for spying it would create political and even military conflict if u say stealth drone remember iran hacked USA sentinel drone and brought it down China capabilities r far advance so only spying from above for China Russia is via satellite and u don't need Afghanistan for that :)
U r just a ignorant troll who doesn't even know where China and Afghanistan r at and repercussions your suggestions would hold :)

The border between China and Afghanistan is a 76 kilometres (47 mi) long boundary, beginning at the tripoint of both countries with Pakistan and ending at the tripoint with Tajikistan. This short border is in the far northeast of Afghanistan, distant from much of the country, at the end of the Wakhan Corridor. The Chinese side of the border is located in the Chalachigu Valley. Both sides of the border are nature reserves: Wakhan Corridor Nature Refuge on the Afghan side and Taxkorgan Nature Reserve on the Chinese side. The border is crossed by Wakhjir Pass.


At this point, I'm not even going to attempt to educate you about the nature of a satellite surveillance versus the benefit of drone surveillance. For now, I will let you digest about a border you were utterly clueless it existed.
The border between China and Afghanistan is a 76 kilometres (47 mi) long boundary, beginning at the tripoint of both countries with Pakistan and ending at the tripoint with Tajikistan. This short border is in the far northeast of Afghanistan, distant from much of the country, at the end of the Wakhan Corridor. The Chinese side of the border is located in the Chalachigu Valley. Both sides of the border are nature reserves: Wakhan Corridor Nature Refuge on the Afghan side and Taxkorgan Nature Reserve on the Chinese side. The border is crossed by Wakhjir Pass.


At this point, I'm not even going to attempt to educate you about the nature of a satellite surveillance versus the benefit of drone surveillance. For now, I will let you digest about a border you were utterly clueless it existed.
I know about Tajikistan Pakistan junction but u should understand that crossing it would he violation of both Tajik pak and of course Chinese sovereignty and would be a diplomatic crisis and again for what Ro spy wild life parks :)
U can't use drone against a sovereign nation like China unless u want international crisis so again u r a ignorant troll who doesn't know repercussions of his suggestions which noe one sound mind would follow in Pentagon :)
FYI USA does fly over SCS but issue is that is a disputed territory with several claimant's but what u r talking about is violating international recognized Chinese borders sovereignty which would he asking for trouble ;)
{UPDATED} 1 more point.
I wanted to start a topic based on a post I made in another thread that may help to understand America's goal in Afghanistan and the long game there. I'd imagine many here have wondered what was America's long game in Afghanistan. I have tried to keep my thoughts limited to an earnest strategic view of what I imagine the motivations to be.

I believe the game is to keep ourselves there in some form for decades. Any Superpower or Hyperpower as in our case would do the same. Follow me on this for a moment.

1. We can keep security relatively acceptable in Afganistan and yet benefit from the intelligence we gather to keep the homeland secure. Afterall there is a treasure trove of who's who in the terror world residing in the Afghan-Pak region

2. We are in China's backyard and surrounding them. China is the sole long-term threat we have identified, and their hegemony in S China sea is an economic and military concern for us. Keeping tabs, especially having close access to the restive parts of China, I'd say is of military value. We have drone bases in Afghanistan- imagine how deep we see and listen into China from deep within the Afghan airspace.

3. Afghans saw what happened when Iraq insisted we move out and they will never in the foreseeable future ask us to leave entirely.

4. We get access to central Asia in ways we have not previously. Frankly, we've not cultivated good links to them in the past. This a great opportunity.

5. We are also in Russia's backyard- it has its own set of strategic value to it.

6. Iran- This is an important one too, proximity allows us to peer into Iran and gather intelligence

Now I understand this reasoning may get the some of the characters here heated up and fully expect abusive comments to fly in, but I hope the rest would give it a serious thought and understand America's motivation. @Jlaw @beijingwalker - Your thoughts? @gambit you concur?

I for one, as somebody who wishes well for US, want the US to get the hell out of there. None of the reasons that you mentioned are worth the lives of thousands of slain soldiers and the trillions that the US is spending down the drain to police a bunch of unpoliceable ingrates.

Try and see who actually benefits from the US presence in Afghanistan.

Not many Pakistanis realize that all hell will break lose in their own backyard if US decides to cut their losses, pull out and leave the region to its own fate. Even with US policing it, the place reeked of IS presence, imagine what Pakistanis will have to deal with when US leaves! Not only did the US presence ensured regular reimbursements for the Pakistan Army for the mercenary work that it did for the US, but also, US supply routes handed Pakistan a very valuable leverage against US. When US leaves, Pakistan will lose all that at an instant.

But those in power in China and the Russia know fully well that it is in their best interests if the US stays put in the region doing whatever they are doing to contain the situation. In fact, I think the Chinese are wishing and praying among themselves that US continues to stay in Afghanistan. Because the moment US leaves, China and Russia will be forced to take the role of US since it affects them directly due to proximity of the region with their own restive provinces.

Not only is US doing the dirty work on their behalf, but also burning a hole worth trillions of dollars in its own pocket while also getting bogged down in the process.

@gambit @Solomon2 Why doesn't US call their bluff for once and let the Pakistanis, Chinese & the Russians take the policing roles and see how long they can keep taking unrelenting hits on their own men, material and morale on a daily basis while collectively burning billions, if not trillions, of their own hard-earned dollars?
I for one, as somebody who wishes well for US, want the US to get the hell out of there. None of the reasons that you mentioned are worth the lives of thousands of slain soldiers and the trillions that the US is spending down the drain to police a bunch of unpoliceable ingrates.

Those 'ingrates' were capable of the 9/11 attacks and *many* attacks in the EU and the US, unfortunately.
They clearly need to be policed, and the US arms industry is also one i personally at least, like to see remain in the global leadership role.
Imagine the Chinese (or the Russians) actually trying to gain the upper hand in weapons tech and weapons production produced assets numbers. they'd have, as all humans would, the same chance for serious corruption in their military leadership ranks to start unnecessary wars just for the sake of glory.

What we do need, is a lot better, and more backup-capacity, for soldier's post-war recovery medical and financial aid so they can learn a new career if they want to after say 3 or 4 years of service, and keep their marriage in tact and not be pushed into suicide. And note: if they only make it to 2 years of service, i think they should get the same fairly generous recovery benefits. I humbly yet also assertively think this should be made a priority for all governments and leaderships on Earth, ok. You all seem to want a 100 to 200 year luke-warm war as an objective strategist would say (not a cold war, not a war like WW1 and WW2 either, something in between, preferably as cool as possible (pun is necessary here), then you heed this advice of mine. It's an important geopolitical and socialogical balance of power factor, not treating your soldiers (humans like you!) like 'disposable assets'.

Try and see who actually benefits from the US presence in Afghanistan.

Not many Pakistanis realize that all hell will break lose in their own backyard if US decides to cut their losses, pull out and leave the region to its own fate. Even with US policing it, the place reeked of IS presence, imagine what Pakistanis will have to deal with when US leaves! Not only did the US presence ensured regular reimbursements for the Pakistan Army for the mercenary work that it did for the US, but also, US supply routes handed Pakistan a very valuable leverage against US. When US leaves, Pakistan will lose all that at an instant.

With all respect, you don't know what the 'hidden leadership of Pakistan' (also known as 'the wiser and more patient yet assertive part of any nation's population), is actually thinking. I have some facebook friends living ordinary lives as for instance regular police officers in the moderate major cities of Pakistan, and the signals i'm getting from them and Pakistani people on this forum, is that the Pakistani actually appreciate the US help they're getting.
As i've always said, drones and a clear battle field tech and troop number advantage, tends to prevent casualties, even among seasoned / senior / important / high-level military men and women.

But those in power in China and the Russia know fully well that it is in their best interests if the US stays put in the region doing whatever they are doing to contain the situation.

I fully agree with that opinion of yours.

In fact, I think the Chinese are wishing and praying among themselves that US continues to stay in Afghanistan. Because the moment US leaves, China and Russia will be forced to take the role of US since it affects them directly due to proximity of the region with their own restive provinces.

They'd probably let it fester (rot, deteriorate) for a bit. If the muslims were to be 'smart enough' to stay out of China's hairs *and* Russia's hairs, then both of those countries would have no excuse, nor reason, to bother the US about staying in the Afghan/Pakistan region to do the policing they do.

Do you know (i read this in a US military news item), that the US mainly raid Afghan and Pakistan Taliban villages just to get photos, fingerprints, and eye-scans of all the people in that village? That's preventitive work, that yes, violates a Muslim honorcode. But i see *very* *just* cause for that, given the continuing terror attack campaign running from regions like the one mentioned into *my* EU and my friends' region, the US + Canada + Australia.
(note, i'm a friend to all friendly-or-reasonable-enough nations and peoples and individuals. at least, i try to be.)

Not only is US doing the dirty work on their behalf, but also burning a hole worth trillions of dollars in its own pocket while also getting bogged down in the process.

@gambit @Solomon2 Why doesn't US call their bluff for once and let the Pakistanis, Chinese & the Russians take the policing roles and see how long they can keep taking unrelenting hits on their own men, material and morale on a daily basis while collectively burning billions, if not trillions, of their own hard-earned dollars?

that's just asking for more trouble, and deep down you probably know that.
please try to upgrade your thinking processes with what i've explained in this post, and do get back to use later ok?
that goes for all readers on this forum. you need this thinking-process upgrade i provide in this post.
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 1:42 AM
Subject: Re: news from the frontlines of the war on terror : defence.pk forums : re : Why America will not leave Afghanistan for many decades or ever!
To: NOS <reacties@nos.nl>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, Donna Marrozos <redactie@3fm.nl>, redactie@volkskrant.nl, redactie@telegraaf.nl, redactie@trouw.nl, buitenland@trouw.nl, binnenland@trouw.nl, info@nrc.nl, redactie@nrc.nl, info@parool.nl, redactie@parool.nl, "Team Nieuws.nl" <redactie@nieuws.nl>, redactie@ad.nl, gastbijdrage@sargasso.nl, opinie@trouw.nl

addition to this post of mine ( that'll probably spread like wildfire through the shadowy corrodors of power around Earth, and all of their kids and teenagers(!) ), an important one, expressed with a bit of emotion to indicate my desire to get it assigned a high governmental priority, especially for western-, Israeli-, western-allied Muslim-, Chinese- and Russian-governments.

EDIT : small but needed clarification added to thread post at https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/why-...ny-decades-or-ever.525323/page-3#post-9981568

What we do need, is a lot better, and more backup-capacity, for soldier's post-war recovery medical and financial aid so they can learn a new career if they want to after say 3 or 4 years of service, and keep their marriage in tact and not be pushed into suicide. And note: if they only make it to 2 years of service, i think they should get the same fairly generous recovery benefits. I humbly yet also assertively think this should be made a priority for all governments and leaderships on Earth, ok. You all seem to want a 100 to 200 year luke-warm war as an objective strategist would say (not a cold war, not a war like WW1 and WW2 either, something in between, preferably as cool as possible (pun is necessary here), then you heed this advice of mine. It's an important geopolitical and socialogical balance of power factor, not treating your soldiers (humans like you!) like 'disposable assets'.

Support song for Soldiers' sacrifices - Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven

And that's why pot is considered a powerful drug

And it can also be used usefully :) As i am doing tonight..
And as i've recently finally been convinced by my own experiences (i'm 40 this year), even insomnia can be useful to your own company or work like i'm doing here (quite hapilly too tonight i will add)..
- If you can't sleep at all, even after following every stay-in-bed medical routine you'd follow in a common cold or more serious normal medical problem situation, you might aswell do something useful with your time..
-- Rene Veerman aka peacefan at defence.pk forums, enhanced new international kungfu proverb, taught to me by one of my many kungfu Sifus (teachers). A human one :)

What we do need, is a lot better, and more backup-capacity, for soldier's post-war recovery medical and financial aid so they can learn a new career if they want to after say 3 or 4 years of service, and keep their marriage in tact and not be pushed into suicide. And note: if they only make it to 2 years of service, i think they should get the same fairly generous recovery benefits. I humbly yet also assertively think this should be made a priority for all governments and leaderships on Earth, ok. You all seem to want a 100 to 200 year luke-warm war as an objective strategist would say (not a cold war, not a war like WW1 and WW2 either, something in between, preferably as cool as possible (pun is necessary here), then you heed this advice of mine. It's an important geopolitical and socialogical balance of power factor, not treating your soldiers (humans like you!) like 'disposable assets'.

And of course, why do we want to fight eachother in such a luke-warm war for decades to come? Well, of course, we *all* have our own reasons, which we share in large or small groups.

But *my* main reason for backing such a war, is :
(A) You all want to. Strong Assertive Asshole/Bastard types i mean.
(B) *I*, want to help create a safe transition to the era of humanity hoped for in the 'Star Trek' Hollywood series.
In order to do that, we need to be able to defend our planet *from the ground*. Basically powerful lasers drilled deep into mountains, with very very sturdy mirrors at the exit point atop / halfway atop that mountain.. Things like that. And drone-strikes, getting swarms of spy drones interacting fully autonomously (non-sentient please, we dont want those things to learn about ordinary science by reading our civilian internet), combining with a drone that flies like a cruise-missile towards it's target, and then (as the US has PUBLICLY PROMISED..., quite a few times already in western mass-media, over the past 20 years), and notifies a commander to actually press the button from the other side of the world to make the kill onto another Human.

I'd like to ask the Catholic Pope (i happen to be a Catholic and like it, i'm a big fan of the Catholic art style for instance and i highly respect the Popes in charge of the Catholic Church, ever since i grew up in the 1980s (i was born 27-05-1977),
to weigh in on this very morally and spiritually important discussion topic for whenever the global elite sees useful to bring this to mass media channels ofcourse. and never mess with the Pope telepathically or in any way, let alone try assasination plots on any Christian Pope. i'm far from the only human having their backs in any way i can without exposing myself to too much lethal risk.

now please turn your channel to the Hollywood movies 'Independence Day' (part 1 and 2), see http://imdb.com for details..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: news from the frontlines of the war on terror : defence.pk forums : re : Why America will not leave Afghanistan for many decades or ever!
To: NOS <reacties@nos.nl>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, Donna Marrozos <redactie@3fm.nl>, redactie@volkskrant.nl, redactie@telegraaf.nl, redactie@trouw.nl, buitenland@trouw.nl, binnenland@trouw.nl, info@nrc.nl, redactie@nrc.nl, info@parool.nl, redactie@parool.nl, "Team Nieuws.nl" <redactie@nieuws.nl>, redactie@ad.nl, gastbijdrage@sargasso.nl, opinie@trouw.nl


this one you're *really* gonna like :D

thread contents:
{ NOT INCLUDED (as usual) (because it would create too much redundancy and plainly look very nerdy) }
I for one, as somebody who wishes well for US, want the US to get the hell out of there. None of the reasons that you mentioned are worth the lives of thousands of slain soldiers and the trillions that the US is spending down the drain to police a bunch of unpoliceable ingrates.

Try and see who actually benefits from the US presence in Afghanistan.

Not many Pakistanis realize that all hell will break lose in their own backyard if US decides to cut their losses, pull out and leave the region to its own fate. Even with US policing it, the place reeked of IS presence, imagine what Pakistanis will have to deal with when US leaves! Not only did the US presence ensured regular reimbursements for the Pakistan Army for the mercenary work that it did for the US, but also, US supply routes handed Pakistan a very valuable leverage against US. When US leaves, Pakistan will lose all that at an instant.

But those in power in China and the Russia know fully well that it is in their best interests if the US stays put in the region doing whatever they are doing to contain the situation. In fact, I think the Chinese are wishing and praying among themselves that US continues to stay in Afghanistan. Because the moment US leaves, China and Russia will be forced to take the role of US since it affects them directly due to proximity of the region with their own restive provinces.

Not only is US doing the dirty work on their behalf, but also burning a hole worth trillions of dollars in its own pocket while also getting bogged down in the process.

@gambit @Solomon2 Why doesn't US call their bluff for once and let the Pakistanis, Chinese & the Russians take the policing roles and see how long they can keep taking unrelenting hits on their own men, material and morale on a daily basis while collectively burning billions, if not trillions, of their own hard-earned dollars?
True to a large extent. Even US has its own agenda on why it is in afghanistan but if it leaves the region then it will be chaos all over.

Pakistans thinks it can control these terrorist elements and benefit from chaos but that is not all possible. These terrorist groups have their mind of their own and will simply engulf the region once they have absolute power.
oops, i mentioned telepathy..
well, it so happens i can safely have my
online at the moment.

it contains the telepathy manual i wrote back in 2012, which i might be able to update this month even, with the stuff i've learned since 2012, about staying non-psychotic during the learning / becoming of a full telepath (takes a couple of years sometimes/often), due to sheer mental pressure[0].

Since telepathy can affect up to 5% of any village's or city's population, male, female, children, i felt it *necessary* to post this here.
Sorry if i leak like a half break of a waterdam sometimes, in reality it's simply flushing out the river-system (massmedia editorial desks around the world for instance). And i do try to leak no more than necessary, per 'session', which takes about half a week and happens once or twice since MUSLIMS killed Theo Van Gogh in my city, and our local Maroccan (friendly bad-asses) population became afraid, along with the many whites who peacefully live among (right next to) Muslim families growing up, we in the Netherlands are geographically and ethnically arranged in each city one large Suburb on the outskirts, with plenty of public park space for kids to play in between the buildings, and it's usually both whites (the natives who crafted this land since the stone age, mind you) and some other skincolor. Either black, or Arab-tinted. That works out just fine for us over here, our youths are growing up without killing eachother. Each youthful badass sooner or later learns the "comforts" (meaning : severe unpleasantness) of the local police cell setup. Not even a bucket to pee in, and hardwood benches. Oh, and a live closed circuit TV pointed at the entire 'waiting room' aka police cell. Stuff like that. All for getting into a barfight over a girl or some disrespectful demeanor in pubilc on a weekend night.

[1] (fear / stress / megalomaniac pronouncements / intense fear from not knowing when you'll sleep next[1][2])
[2] { which can completely kill a person, even a *strong* person, (human, Angel, demons, but NOT God or Allah or the Elder Gods as i sometimes call them) }
[3] { see also the movie 'Thirty Dark Zero' via http://imdb.com }

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 3:06 AM
Subject: Re: news from the frontlines of the war on terror : defence.pk forums : re : Why America will not leave Afghanistan for many decades or ever!
To: NOS <reacties@nos.nl>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, Donna Marrozos <redactie@3fm.nl>, redactie@volkskrant.nl, redactie@telegraaf.nl, redactie@trouw.nl, buitenland@trouw.nl, binnenland@trouw.nl, info@nrc.nl, redactie@nrc.nl, info@parool.nl, redactie@parool.nl, "Team Nieuws.nl" <redactie@nieuws.nl>, redactie@ad.nl, gastbijdrage@sargasso.nl, opinie@trouw.nl

{THREAD CONTENT not included coz that is duplication aka overdoing-the-redundancy-thing, and *nerdy*...}

for the record :

i'm not even *able* to change anything i put online, i can only get files, threads i started, and posts made to my accounts, online or offline whenever i'm awake and in my own home, most of the times..
'byte-consistency' (extremely important for many reasons), and 'protocol-consistency' aka being a pro, is the applicably techy proverb here :)
'byte-consistency' is simply to have the same exact bytes (or the equivalent relevant byte-storage-format currently used on any particular cloud / social-media website where you might post things yourself to convince others on that social spot on the web)

and eh, i also dont have remote access installed to either my programming-work computer (win10, 2x 4K screens at about 40" which fits neatly on your average desk (do do your own measurements of course))..,
NOR to that home-server machine for my internet artistry-tech startup company of mine.. I do have a regular job, is what i'm trying to say.
And by not having SSH or FTP installed on the ubuntu.com PC server, nor stuff like google chrome desktop entirely configged for use from my smartphone, there's simply no way for cyberattacks against me. You got guys like me into artistry 'script-coding' (all compiled into assembly code via the just-in-time these days).. And you got guys who read self-written output of security log file analysis. Like kungfu artists and soldier-types, there are many cyber-worker (internet-worker) subgroups that support eachother more than another type of cyber-worker or cyber-soldier groups and who *will* 'step up' against warrior groups getting out of line[1].
That's how i can trust the *entire* infrastructure and delivery and *long-term storage* quality of my online work and software opensourced projects.

The mods unfortunately do not allow me to post my company URL here, i've been warned with exlamation points even, not to "spam". That is pretty much the case on all the social media sites and forum sites that i use to output information into.

[1] see the Hollywood 'Last Resort' TV-series (some might wanna check the content description first on https://imdb.com), first episode.. But morally-reverse the navy seals pointing a gun at a US navy nuclear-missile sub commander for disobeying what the sub-commander and his XO consider "smelly" orders for a nuclear strike against Pakistan.

And folks, dont worry too much.. That water-dam release (of information) that i've turned open since last Friday night, *will close*, probably within 48 hours or so.. And you get about 4 hours of reading time per 24 hours since i now have the proper psychiatric medicines in my home to deal with the insomnia that comes with information-distribution long-weekends like these. Remember : i only have to do this 1 max 2 times per *year*, ok.
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