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WHO recommends Punjab impose strict 2-week lockdown|Yasmin Rashid Reply

Pakistan is pass the peak..no point in having a lockdown..

Pakistan is far from the peak. In fact the exponential burst has begun.
Many weeks ago I warned how India and Pakistan are not taking covid19 seriously nor having a concrete policy to tackle it.
I was informed a) Covid 19 is just another flu
b) Pakistanis posses extraordinary immune system capable of handling covid19 easily.
c) The hot weather of Pakistan does not allow propagation of this contagion.

No amount of reasoning or facts moved Pakistani PDF members to question policy or to treat covid19 as anything that Pakistanis with their natural immunity need worry about

Many many weeks ago I said that the world will not be the same after covid19. This has come to pass.

Your death rates are just beginning to climb, they are far from the peak.
Pakistan is far from the peak. In fact the exponential burst has begun.
Many weeks ago I warned how India and Pakistan are not taking covid19 seriously nor having a concrete policy to tackle it.
I was informed a) Covid 19 is just another flu
b) Pakistanis posses extraordinary immune system capable of handling covid19 easily.
c) The hot weather of Pakistan does not allow propagation of this contagion.

No amount of reasoning or facts moved Pakistani PDF members to question policy or to treat covid19 as anything that Pakistanis with their natural immunity need worry about

Many many weeks ago I said that the world will not be the same after covid19. This has come to pass.

Your death rates are just beginning to climb, they are far from the peak.

you are mistaken, its not just india and pakistan..the behavior is prevalent through out the world..
though our daily number of deaths say otherwise to what you claim...even if Pakistan is far off from peak, we shouldnt have a lockdown. the # of deaths due to lockdown would outweigh any infectious disease deaths

Pakistan is far from the peak. In fact the exponential burst has begun.
Many weeks ago I warned how India and Pakistan are not taking covid19 seriously nor having a concrete policy to tackle it.
I was informed a) Covid 19 is just another flu
b) Pakistanis posses extraordinary immune system capable of handling covid19 easily.
c) The hot weather of Pakistan does not allow propagation of this contagion.

No amount of reasoning or facts moved Pakistani PDF members to question policy or to treat covid19 as anything that Pakistanis with their natural immunity need worry about

Many many weeks ago I said that the world will not be the same after covid19. This has come to pass.

Your death rates are just beginning to climb, they are far from the peak.

a) it IS more or less like flu so far. maybe an extreme flu but the everage death figures around the world show similar deaths from year 2017/2018.

For US



For EU


For rest of the world the covid spikes arr even way small as US and EU were the worst in the world.

b) again wrong, Pakistan has MMR vaccination and thats showing effects however how much immunity it brings we can only conclude by next year.

c) the hot weather thing is again something we dont know much about till summers are gone however the other 4 corona viruses are seasonal so this one would also likely be but this cant be confirmed till end of the year..there are fewer deaths in equotorial and southern hemisphere countries with a few exceptions..

world will be the same soon unless you invoke new crisses out of covid for your politics and global ambitions..
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The level of irony is too high. Yeah PTI didnt bring them so its ok for PTI to use them? Whats the difference between PTI and others then? Didn't PTI claim to be different and change and change status quo? I know u lack any sense of basic human communication and demand facts and figures, as if u can comprehend any of that. Have a good day, its uselss arguing with blind followers.

PTI is responsible for getting them ticket but we r more responsible for voting them decades. Dont we know it for a fact had PTI not included electables they would have remain out of the government ?

The difference between PTI and others is the intemt of the top leadership. The intent of the top leadership is to get system corrected in a democractic method which is a time takibg and painful process but have a long lasting impact.

PTI is far from perfect but even the achievement till to date is far from achievement of any previous political party.

The way corona is beibg handled is thè best example. Government delayed the spread. Prepare hoapitals and infornation systems and is changing strategy based on daily infoemation.

Could u have imagined such a planned response feom any previous government. However we r not following any of the SOPs and common man is not ready to accept that corona even exist. Then how could u put blame of such syupidity of Pakistanis on government ?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended to the Punjab government to implement a 2-week strict lockdown, intermittently, to stem the exponential spike in novel coronavirus cases in the province.

In a letter to the Punjab health minister, the UN health agency said that the virus had spread all over the country, and a large number of cases had been recorded in big cities. The cases had increased sharply after the easing of lockdown. It ranks Pakistan was among top-10 most affected countries.

The letter appreciated the Pakistan’s efforts in fighting Covid-19, but warned that recent statistics suggest its current strategy was not paying off. It recommended the government adopt a 2-week-on, 2-week-off lockdown, as it offerred the most chance of continuing economic activities while ensuring public health.

“After partial relaxation of the [lockdown] measures on May 1, 2020, then followed by complete relaxation on May 22, 2020, the rate of spread of COVID-19 increased,” it said, noting that new infections had climbed from around 1,000 per day during the lockdown to over 4,000 per day right now.

The WHO had earlier recommended that any government seeking to ease movement restrictions needed to fulfill the six conditions: no unchecked disease transmission; a health system that can detect, test, isolate and treat every case and trace every contact; minimised hot-spot risks in vulnerable places, such as nursing homes; implementation of preventative measures in schools, workplaces and other essential places; a “managed” approach to the risk of importing new cases and public awareness among communities to live under a “new normal” of coronavirus.

Coronavirus transmission from asymptomatic patients rare: WHO

In its letter, WHO noted that Pakistan was not meeting “any of the prerequisite conditions for opening the lockdown.” It said that Pakistan continued to exhibit a high positivity rate of 24% — above the required level of 5% — while the surveillance system to trace contacts was “weak.”

It also noted that the public was unwilling to adapt to change its behavior and adopt SOPs. “Pakistan has been ranked among the top 10 countries around the globe in reporting the highest number of new cases,” it warned, adding that the country needed to take strategic decisions to either tighten or implement public health measures that ensure economic prosperity, human rights, and food security.

Urging the government to expand its testing capacity to around 50,000 tests per day, the letter said that with its high positivity rate, Pakistan was potentially missing out on thousands of cases. Cases increasing beyond 100,000 in Pakistan was a cause for concern, WHO added.

IK said the same thing. Hotspots to be will be enforced into lockdown.
I heard him saying that too but I hope they can enforce it if needed, I remember several UCs were sealed in Karachi back in April because of growing cases and they opened it back :

"The Sindh government has backed down from its decision to cordon off several neighbourhoods in Karachi's East Zone, less than six hours after ordering them sealed."
you are mistaken, its not just india and pakistan..the behavior is prevalent through out the world..
though our daily number of deaths say otherwise to what you claim...even if Pakistan is far off from peak, we shouldnt have a lockdown. the # of deaths due to lockdown would outweigh any infectious disease deaths

a) it IS more or less like flu so far. maybe an extreme flu but the everage death figures around the world show similar deaths from year 2017/2018.

For US

View attachment 640312

For EU
View attachment 640313

For rest of the world the covid spikes arr even way small as US and EU were the worst in the world.

b) again wrong, Pakistan has MMR vaccination and thats showing effects however how much immunity it brings we can only conclude by next year.

c) the hot weather thing is again something we dont know much about till summers are gone however the other 4 corona viruses are seasonal so this one would also likely be but this cant be confirmed till end of the year..there are fewer deaths in equotorial and southern hemisphere countries with a few exceptions..

world will be the same soon unless you invoke new crisses out of covid for your politics and global ambitions..
to some extent you are right but i differ with you on weather point. this virus isnt responding to hot weather. we have examples of brazil and russia. russia being one fo the coldest country has seen less deaths as compare to many other countries while brazil being hot and humid has some of the highest death rate in the world. in my opinion there are three factors playing role:
1. genetic makeup of different nations.
2. dietery habits.
3. different strains of virus.
the countries in east asia have controlled the virus to a large extent as compared to the much developed western world. but brazil located at same place on equator with similar climate has vastly diffrent results. the gulf countries where testing is being done extensively have death rate less then 1.
There is no benefit of lockdown in this disease even if one person go out and if people are roaming out even for basic necessities even then Corona will continue to spread. Incompetent govt cannt even make law for mandatory mask wearing but very fast to advocate lockdown.
World health organization bhi toochiya hay. New Zealand bhi pagal hay.

Bus youthyay hi aqalmand hayn.


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