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Who killed JFK?

It no longer matters,people talk of JFK as if he was a messiah cut short.Well just a few years ago,obama was the new messiah.
I saw an Australian documentary which made the convincing case that it was an accidental gun discharge by one of the secret service men in a following car.

So, no conspiracy, but the secret service did try to obstruct investigations that might reveal their (accidental) culpability.
I saw an Australian documentary which made the convincing case that it was an accidental gun discharge by one of the secret service men in a following car.

So, no conspiracy, but the secret service did try to obstruct investigations that might reveal their (accidental) culpability.

But he was shot twice!. At least second shot was from front.
1st in neck, as he was holding his neck, 2nd shot blew his skull open.


His head was pushed backwards with second shot; @ 0:52 in video. Indicating that bullet hit him from front. As far as entry-exit wound pictures issued later, if it's a conspiracy then all the evidence had to be tilted to support the official story.

There was a BBC documentary on Israel's nuclear program. They alluded that JFK was killed because he was trying to stop Israel from working on nuclear program.

..And is that why Queen has left just 1.5 million in her bank account? :undecided:
Sorry I don't get the point?!
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Chachu Bush is just Awesome.... and i wish i could know what the hell they do so secterly.......... :taz:

But he was shot twice! Both times from front.
1st in neck, as he was holding his neck, 2nd shot blew his skull open.

There was a BBC documentary on Israel's nuclear program. They alluded that JFK was killed because he was trying to stop Israel from working on nuclear program.
And is that why Queen has left just 1.5 million in her bank account? :undecided:
It was the JEWS, he was in favor of the return of the 300 000 palestinians evicted

There is a Zionist Component via that way and JFK pushing for Dimona nuclear plant inspections. Ben Gurion gets fired for agreeing with JFK to allow that.

The PERMINDEX component includes the Zionist factors. Loius BloomField trained Haganah. PERMINDEX included Tabor Rosenbaum---banker for Mossad Zionists. Also, Mason named George Mandel, who worked Jewish Hungarian issues in WWII. When JFK and RFK went after organized crime via Meyer Lansky, it also would shut down drug to weapons programs via Rosenbaum for the Mossad.

Your theme has merit, but left off other significant issues per ZIonism and JFK.

They didn't mention he was killed over Israeli nuclear weapons, he oppose it.

This is what happens when America is a colony of Israel.

There is a Zionist Component via that way and JFK pushing for Dimona nuclear plant inspections. Ben Gurion gets fired for agreeing with JFK to allow that.
Actually Ben Gourion managed to always prevent americans to inspect Demona

He talked lies and lies again to JFK to gain time

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